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德国徕卡 法医学比对显微镜 Leica FS4000 LED



参考报价: 面议 型号: Leica FS4000 LED
品牌: 徕卡 产地: 德国
关注度: 1069 信息完整度:
样本: 典型用户: 暂无
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可以做哪些实验,检测什么? 可以用哪些耗材和试剂?

Forensic Comparison Microscope with LED Illumination Leica FS4000 LED

The Leica FS4000 LED forensic comparison microscope combines the latest light microscopy technology with unequalled user friendliness and ergonomy in an integrated solution.

The Leica FS4000 LED enables high precision comparison of  two objects at magnifications up to 1500x and supplies reliable  evidence of the tiniest differences between the microstructure, texture,  and color of samples. Contrast techniques such as brightfield, fluorescence, and polarization are provided, and the user can select a contrast mode in a fraction of a second. Various imaging modes (split, superimposed, and combined image) can be set with the press of a button.

Forensic Comparison LED Microscope Leica FS4000 LED  


Automated comparison bridgeVariable Function Keys

Automated comparison bridge

The automated comparison bridge provides  convenient, one-button control of all functions: full left and right  image, split image with variable dividing line, and superimposed image  modes.

Variable Function Keys

Variable Function Keys: the user can assign any  desired function to the six function keys of each microscope to position  frequently-used functions within easy reach.

Variolux system

Together with the Variolux system, the new,  color neutral beam splitter prism in the bridge provides the highest  optical fidelity.

德国徕卡 法医学比对显微镜 Leica FS4000 LED信息由徕卡显微系统(上海)贸易有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于德国徕卡 法医学比对显微镜 Leica FS4000 LED报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


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