位置:首页 >化学 >化学(综合) >ACS Nano >Restoring the Co Magnetic Moments at Interfacial Co-Porphyrin Arrays by Site-Selective Uptake of Iron


Restoring the Co Magnetic Moments at Interfacial Co-Porphyrin Arrays by Site-Selective Uptake of Iron

作者:Saranyan Vijayaraghavan;Willi Auwärter;David Ecija;Knud Seufert;Stefano Rusponi;Torsten Houwaart;Philippe Sautet;Marie-Laure Bocquet;Pardeep Thakur;Sebastian Stepanow;Uta Schlickum;Markus Etzkorn;Hara

关键词:magnetochemistry,magnetic moment,metalloporphyrin,template,scanning tunneling microscopy (STM),X-ray magneticShow More



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Magnetochemistry recently emerged as a promising approach to control addressable spin arrays on surfaces. Here we report on the binding, spatial ordering, and magnetic properties of Fe on a highly regular Co-tetraphenylporphyrin (Co-TPP) template and highlight how the Fe controls the magnetism of the Co centers. As evidenced by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) single Fe atoms attach to the saddle-shape conformers site-selectively in a unique coordination environment offered through a heptamer defined by the Co–N–C–C–C–N cyclic subunit. While the magnetic moment of Co is quenched for bare Co-TPP/Ag(111), the Fe presence revives it. Our X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) experiments, complemented by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, evidence a ferromagnetic coupling between the Fe and the Co center concomitant with a complex charge redistribution involving the porphyrin ligand. Thus, we demonstrate an unusual metalloporphyrin coordination geometry that opens pathways to spatially order and engineer magnetic moments in surface-based nanostructures.