NS-EN 14894:2021
液化石油气设备和配件 气瓶和桶标记

LPG equipment and accessories - Cylinder and drum marking

NS-EN 14894:2021
NS-EN 14894:2021
  Full Description ADOPTED_FROM:EN 14894:2021 This document specifies stamp marking requirements for transportable refillable LPG cylinders and metallic drums including: - Steel LPG cylinders designed and manufactured in accordance with EN 1442, EN 14140, EN 12807 or an equivalent standard or technical code recognized by the Competent Authority. - LPG metallic drums designed and manufactured in accordance with EN 14893 or an equivalent standard or technical code recognized by the Competent Authority. - Welded aluminium LPG cylinders designed and manufactured in accordance with EN 13110 or an equivalent standard or technical code recognized by the Competent Authority. - LPG composite cylinders designed and manufactured in accordance with EN 14427 or an equivalent standard or technical code recognized by the Competent Authority. NOTE 1 All these types of receptacles are referred to throughout this document as “cylinders”. This document does not specify any requirements for product, hazard or safety-phrase labelling of packaging which can be required to meet ADR or other legislative requirements. NOTE 2 The marking of cylinders is regulated by RID/ADR which take precedence over any clause in this document. The European Directive on Transportable Pressure Equipment 2010/35/EU [8] includes additional marking requirements (π-marking). For countries that are not members of the European Union, the π marking is replaced by their relevant conformity mark.

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