ASTM E2150-13
生命周期环境工作元素的标准分类; 环境成本要素结构

Standard Classification for Life-Cycle Environmental Work Elementsmdash;Environmental Cost Element Structure



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ASTM E2150-13
ASTM E2150-17
ASTM E2150-17

4.1 This classification identifies and hierarchically arranges the work elements, activities, and tasks required for environmental projects. This classification increases the level of communication and allows for more effective exchange of cost and performance data between environmental projects.

Level 1 Life-Cycle Phases
FIG. 1 Level 1 Life-Cycle Phases

4.2 This classification defines environmental work elements as major components of environmental projects. It is the common thread linking activities and participants in an environmental project from initial planning through operations and maintenance, Damp;D, and SLTM.

4.3 The users of ECES include program and project managers, cost estimators, and cost analysts in both the public and private sector.

4.4 This classification uses an increased level of standardization, uniformity, and consistency that provides a common basis for comparing, analyzing, and calibrating cost data. This classification can also be used as a checklist of project activities to be completed.

4.5 Use this classification when:

4.5.1 Developing a company-specific Code of Accounts (COAs) for capturing and reporting cost early in the project development for more effective project controls and management. COA is a logical breakdown of a project into controllable elements for the purpose of cost collection, control, and reporting. COA is organized at lower detailed levels that summarize to higher levels and is company or site, or both, and project-specific.

4.5.2 Developing a work breakdown structure (WBS) early in the project development for proper management of the project. The WBS provides a framework for managing the cost, schedule, and performance objectives of a project. This framework allows the project to be separated into logical components and makes the relationship of the components clear. The WBS defines the project in terms of hierarchically related action and product-oriented elements. Each element provides logical summary points for assessing technical accomplishments and for measuring cost and schedule performance.

4.5.3 Supporting programs and project functions. Use ECES for bid solicitation, collection, and evaluation; communicating project data between installations or agencies and industry; cost and schedule estimating; historical cost and schedule data collection; historical project data collection for technology deployments and project conditions; validating and calibrating cost estimates and software tools; and establishing and disseminating best practices and lessons learned.

4.6 The hierarchical nature of the classification allows for collecting data using more detailed lower level elements or for summarizing data at higher levels.

4.7 ECES, as described in this classification, is being included in the Remedial Action Cost Estimating Requirement (RACER)6 system and the Environmental Cost Analysis System (ECAS).7 RACER is used for estimating cost and ECAS is used to collect, maintain, and analyze the cost of completed projects. Federal agencies performing envir......

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