cb/t 3328.1

cb/t 3328.1, Total:4 items.

In the international standard classification, cb/t 3328.1 involves: Shipbuilding and marine structures in general, Water quality.

Professional Standard-Ships, cb/t 3328.1

  • CB/T 3328.1-2013 Test method for waste water quality of ship sewage treatment.Part1:Thermotolerant coliform counts
  • CB* 3328.1-1988 Method for inspecting quality of water discharged from treatment of vessel sewage. Method of test for number of coliform groups
  • CB 3328.1-1988 Inspection methods for the quality of discharged water from ship sewage treatment Escherichia coli counts

工业和信息化部, cb/t 3328.1

  • SJ/T 3328.1-2016 High purity quartz sand for electronic products Part 1 Technical conditions

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