
Antibody+, Total:355 items.

In the international standard classification, Antibody+ involves: Veterinary medicine, Laboratory medicine, Biology. Botany. Zoology, Microbiology, Terminology (principles and coordination), Farming and forestry, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general, HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY, Quality, Rubber, Medical equipment, Fishing and fish breeding, Standardization. General rules, Construction materials, Materials for aerospace construction, Elements of buildings, Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Mechanical testing, Sterilization and disinfection, Glass, Products of the chemical industry, Seals, glands, Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives, Protective equipment.

Professional Standard - Agriculture, Antibody+

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Standards Agency, Antibody+

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Antibody+

  • GB/T 27535-2011 Detection method of hemagglutination inhibition antibody against swine influenza
  • GB/T 18089-2008 Isolation,identification and serum neutralization antibody test in Bluetongue virus

Professional Standard - Medicine, Antibody+

  • YY/T 1225-2014 Diagnostic kit for detection of anti-mycoplasma pneumoniae
  • YY/T 1235-2014 Rubella IgG/IgM antibody detection kit
  • YY/T 1238-2014 RhD(IgM) blood grouping reagent (monoclonal antibody)
  • YY/T 1184-2010 Monoclonal antibody reagent for flow cytometer
  • YY/T 1236-2014 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG/IgM antibody detection kit
  • YY/T 1483-2016 Anti-herpes-simplex-virus IgM antibody detection reageant(kit)
  • YY/T 1423-2016 Testing kit for helicobacter pylori antibody(colloidal gold)
  • YY/T 1237-2014 Diagnostic kit for IgG antibody to toxophasma (ELISA)
  • YY/T 1215-2013 Hepatitis C antibody diagnostic kit.(Colloid gold method)
  • YY/T 1260-2015 Diagnostic kit for IgM antibody to hepatitis E virus(ELISA)
  • YY/T 1259-2015 Diagnostic kit for IgG antibody to hepatitis E virus (ELISA)
  • YY/T 1458-2016 Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase quantitative test reagent(chemiluminescent immunoassay)
  • YY/T 1248-2014 Hepatitis B virus surface antibody (HBsAb) detection reagent (kit) (Chemiluminescent immunoassay)
  • YY/T 1727-2020 Human immunodeficiency virus antibodies in human oral mucosal transudate detecting kits (Colloidal gold immuno-chromatography)

Chongqing Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, Antibody+

  • GB/T 35906-2018 Indirect ELISA to detect antibody against classical swine fever virus
  • GB/T 34729-2017 Blocking ELISA method to detect antibody against classical swine fever virus
  • GB/T 34739-2017 Detecting technique of neutralization antibody against rabies virus in animals
  • GB/T 35939-2018 Indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detecting the antibody against encephalomyocarditis virus
  • GB/T 35910-2018 Blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting the antibody to porcine circovirus type 2
  • GB/T 32948-2016 Detection of coproantigen of canidae infected Echinococcus granulosus(E.g)by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

国家市场监督管理总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, Antibody+

  • GB/T 40265-2021 General rules for determination of enzyme immunoassay antibodies
  • GB/T 40225-2021 Determination of actin antibody—Western blotting method
  • GB/T 40999-2021 Quality assessment requirements for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) total antibody detection kit
  • GB/T 40983-2021 Quality assessment requirements for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) IgG antibody detection kit
  • GB/T 40984-2021 Quality assessment requirements for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) IgM antibody detection kit

Association Francaise de Normalisation, Antibody+

  • NF U47-210:2009 Isolation of hemagglutinating avian myxoviruses by ovoculture and detection of their hemagglutinating activity.
  • NF U47-306:2004 Animal health analysis methods - Reagent control protocol for the detection of total antibodies (or gB-antibodies) against the Aujeszky desease by the ELISA method in serums (individual or mixed).
  • NF U47-016:2021 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against equine influenza by the complement fixation test
  • NF U47-010:2010 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Aujesky's disease by Virus Neutralisation Test
  • NF U47-009:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Leptospirosis by the Microagglutination Test.
  • NF U47-004:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Brucellosis by the Complement Fixation Test.
  • NF U47-008:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Ovine epididymitis by the Complement Fixation Test.
  • NF U47-009:2010 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Leptospirosis by the Microagglutination test
  • NF U47-008:2012 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Ovine epididymitis by the Complement Fixation Test
  • NF U47-007:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Avian Chlamydiosis by the Complement Fixation Test.
  • NF U47-026:2002 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against mucosal disease by virus neutralisation test.
  • NF U47-026:2010 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against mucosal disease by virus neutralisation test
  • NF U47-028:2001 Animal health analysis method - Detection of antibodies against border disease by virus neutralisation test.
  • NF U47-010:2001 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Aujeszky's disease by the Virus Neutralisation Test.
  • NF U47-003:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Brucellosis by the Rose-Bengal Plate Test.
  • NF U47-004:2009 Animal health analysis method - Detection of antibodies against Brucellosis by the Complement Fixation Test
  • NF U47-007:2009 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Avian Chlamydiosis by the Complement Fixation Test.
  • NF U47-028:2010 Animal health analysis method - Detection of antibodies against border disease by virus neutralisation test.
  • NF U47-004:2023 Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale - Recherche d'anticorps contre la brucellose par la microméthode de fixation du complément
  • NF U47-016:2010 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against equine influenza by the complement fixation test.
  • NF U47-021:2002 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Brucellosis by the Serum Agglutination Test.
  • NF U47-006:2009 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Chlamydiosis and/or Q Fever in mammals by the Complement Fixation Test.
  • NF U47-006:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Chlamydiosis and/or Q Fever in mammals by the Complement Fixation Test.
  • NF U47-030:2002 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against bovine infectious rhinotracheitis by the virus neutralisation method.
  • NF EN 950:2000 Vantaux de portes - Détermination de la résistance au choc de corps dur
  • NF U47-001:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Contagious Agalactia by the Complement Fixation Test.
  • NF U47-005:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against bovine Brucellosis by the Milk Ring-Test.
  • NF U47-017:2010 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against equine Rhinopneumonia by the Complement Fixation Test
  • NF U47-003:2009 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Brucellosis by the Rose-Bengal Plate Test
  • NF U47-008:2023 Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale - Recherche d'anticorps contre l'épididymite contagieuse du bélier par la technique de fixation du complément
  • NF U47-017:2002 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against equine Rhinopneumonia by the Complement Fixation Test.
  • NF U47-016:2002 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against equine influenza by the complement fixation test.
  • NF U47-035:2011 Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale - Recherche d'anticorps contre l'artérite virale équine par la technique de neutralisation virale
  • NF U47-018:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against contagious bovine pleuropneumonia by the complement fixation test.
  • NF U47-023:2001 Animal health analysis method - Detection of antibodies against viral haemorrhagic septicemia of Salmonidae by virus neutralisation test.
  • NF U47-030:2010 Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale - Recherche d'anticorps contre la rhinotrachéite infectieuse bovine par la technique de neutralisation virale
  • NF U47-022:2001 Animal health analysis method - Detection of antibodies against infectious haematopoietic necrosis of Salmonidae by virus neutralisation test.
  • NF U47-002:2000 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Equine Infectious Anaemia by the Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test.
  • NF U47-002:2010 Méthodes d'analyse en santé animale - Recherche d'anticorps contre l'anémie infectieuse des équidés par la technique d'immunodiffusion en gélose
  • NF U47-029:2010 Animal health analysis method - Detection of antibodies against border disease by virus neutralisation test and immunofluorescent revelation.
  • NF U47-029:2001 Animal health analysis method - Detection of antibodies against border disease by virus neutralisation test and immunofluorescent revelation.
  • NF U47-032:2002 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Caprine arthritis/encephalitis virus by the Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test.
  • NF U47-025:2001 Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against classical swine fever by virus neutralisation test and immunochemistry on cell cultures (IF or IP).
  • NF U47-308:2004 Animal health analysis methods - Control protocol for reagents for detection of antibodies directed against brucellosis bovine by the ELISA method in bulk tank samplessamples.
  • NF U47-304:2004 Animal health analysis methods - Control protocol of reagents Control protocol of reagents for the detection of antibodies directed against brucellosis by the Rose Bengal test, the complement fixation test or the seroagglutination test in serum samples or

Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Antibody+

  • SN/T 1177-2003 Protocol of test for B virus related antibodies in monkey
  • SN/T 1174-2003 Antibody detection methods for simian retrovirus type D
  • SN/T 3951-2014 Codes of making and using for quality control serum of HIV antibody
  • SN/T 1379.1-2004 Protocol of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using monoclonal antibody for the detection of antibodies against classical swine fever virus
  • SN/T 2987-2011 Colloidal gold immunofiltration dot detection for cysticercosis cellulosae antibody
  • SN/T 4298-2015 Quarantine protocol for nonstructural protein antibody aganist foot-and-mouth disease virus
  • SN/T 1222-2003 Detection of antibodies against(pullorum disease)-Protocol of whole blood plate agglutination test
  • SN/T 1226-2003 Detetction antibodies against fowl pox virus-Protocol of hemagglutination inhibition test
  • SN/T 1182.1-2003 Agar Immunodiffusion Assay
  • SN/T 1181.2-2003 Detection antibodies against foot and mouth disease virus-Protocol of micro-serum neutralization test
  • SN/T 1224-2003 Rapid Serum Agglutination Test for Antibody Detection of Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Infection
  • SN/T 3949-2014 Plastic package.Determination of harmful material bisphenol A.Conjuction of antigen and antibody method
  • SN/T 1223-2003 The detection of antibodies against ovine progressive pneumonia virus-Protocol of agar gel immuno-diffusion test
  • SN/T 1171.1-2003 Detection of antibodies against caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus-Protocol of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
  • SN/T 1171.2-2003 Detection of antibodies against caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus(CAEV)-Agar gel immunodiffusion(AGID)
  • SN/T 1173-2003 Protocol of detection antibodies against avian viral arthritis virus-Enzyme-linked immunosobert assay(ELISA)
  • SN/T 1181.1-2003 Detection antibodies against foot and mouth disease virus infection-associated antigen-Protocol agar gel immuno-difusion test
  • SN/T 1221-2003 Detection of antibodies against avian infectious bronchitis virus-Protocol of agar gel immunodiffusion test
  • SN 0171-1992 Fluorescent antibody screening method of Salmonellae (including Arizona)in food for export
  • SN/T 1697-2006 Protocol of blocking ELISA for differentiating antibodies of swine transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine respiratory coronavirus

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • T/SAIA 004-2021 Antibody detection method of swine fever virus PPA-ELISA
  • T/CVMA 86-2021 Competitive ELISA detection method of antibodies against pocine Seneca virus A infection
  • T/CSBX 0005-2020 General technical code of practice for preparation of mouse monoclonal antibody
  • T/CVDA 1-2022 Detecting technique of neutralization antibody against West Nile virus in animals
  • T/CVDA 3-2022 Detecting technique of neutralization antibody against Ebola virus in animals
  • T/SDCA 026-2021 Taishan Quality-Diagnostic kit detection of mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM antibody
  • T/CVMA 114-2023 Method of iELISA for detection of antibodies against Rabies virus in dogs and cats
  • T/CVMA 14-2020 Hemagglutination inhibition detection method for duck Tembusu virus antibody
  • T/ZPP 005-2022 Technical requirements for procalcitonin antibody for detection kits
  • T/CVDA 2-2022 Detecting technique of neutralization antibody against SARS-CoV-2 in animals
  • T/CVMA 17-2020 Newcastle disease virus V protein antibody indirect ELISA detection method
  • T/CVMA 23-2020 Fluorescent Immunochromatographic Detection Method for Porcine Pseudorabies Virus Antibody
  • T/CVMA 22-2020 Animal Brucella Antibody Fluorescent Immunochromatographic Detection Method
  • T/QGCML 1874-2023
  • T/CVMA 24-2020 Fluorescent Immunochromatographic Detection Method of Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Antibody
  • T/CVMA 35-2020 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Detection Method for Antibody of CSFV
  • T/SHPPA 005-2019 General Technical Requirements for Production of Recombinant Monoclonal Antibody Products for Human Use
  • T/CVMA 92-2022 TRFIA for detection of antibodies against Swine Fever Virus
  • T/CVMA 15-2020 Detection method of double-antigen sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for novel coronavirus animal serum antibody
  • T/CVMA 33-2020 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Detection Method for Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Antibody
  • T/CVMA 34-2020 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Detection Method for Porcine Pseudorabies Virus gB Antibody
  • T/CVMA 30-2020 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Detection Method for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type A Antibody
  • T/CVMA 31-2020 Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Detection Method for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type O Antibody
  • T/NAIA 0194-2023 Determination of Single-chain Antibody Eukaryotic Expression Plasmids by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
  • T/CVDA 4-2022 Detecting technique of neutralization antibody against MERS-CoV in animals
  • T/GDID 1076-2023 Tubular chemiluminescence immunoassay for detecting antibodies of foot and mouth disease viruses serotype O
  • T/CVMA 95-2022 TRFIA for detection of antibodies against Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus
  • T/CVMA 91-2022 Inert carrier based indirect agglutination test of antibodies against Group D Salmonella infection
  • T/GDID 1077-2023 Tubular chemiluminescence immunoassay for detecting antibodies of african swine fever virus P30
  • T/GDID 1075-2023 Tubular chemiluminescence immunoassay for detecting antibodies of pseudorabies virus gB glycoprotein
  • T/NAASS 057-2023 Technical specification for detection of indirect ELISA antibodies to bovine herpesvirus type 4
  • T/CVMA 94-2022 TRFIA for detection of antibodies against Brucella
  • T/CVMA 26-2020 Tube Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Detection Method for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type O and Type A Antibodies
  • T/CVMA 29-2020 Chemiluminescence immunoassay detection method for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus antibody
  • T/NAIA 0193-2023 Determination of Concentration and Purity of Single-chain Antibody Eukaryotic Expression Plasmid DNA by UV Spectrophotometry
  • T/NAASS 059-2023 Technical specification for detection of competitive ELISA antibodies against bovine respiratory syncytial virus
  • T/CVMA 93-2022 TRFIA for detection of antibodies Porcin Reproductive and Respriratory Syndrome Virus of American Type

Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB35/T 916-2009 Detection method of swine fever antibody gold standard test paper
  • DB35/T 1929-2020 Technical specification for detection of duck plague antibody indirect ELISA kit
  • DB35/T 1335-2013 Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Antibody Detection Method Immunogold Test Strip Method
  • DB35/T 2026-2021 High-sensitivity fluorescent immunoassay operating procedures for foot-and-mouth disease virus (type O) antibody
  • DB35/T 1334-2013 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of non-structural protein antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease
  • DB35/T 2015-2021 Preparation of high-sensitivity fluorescence detection reagent card for classical swine fever virus antibody and operating procedures for high-sensitivity fluorescence immunoassay

Liaoning Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB21/T 2468-2015 Newcastle disease immune antibody monitoring technical specification
  • DB21/T 2250-2014 Technical specification for animal disease immune antibody monitoring
  • DB21/T 3257-2020 ELISA detection method for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus antibody
  • DB21/T 3052-2018 Lanthanide Fluorescence Immunochromatography Method for Rapid Detection of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type A Antibody
  • DB21/T 3053-2018 Lanthanide Fluorescence Immunochromatography Method for Rapid Detection of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Type O Antibody
  • DB21/T 2827.7-2017 Technical Specifications for Prevention and Purification of Livestock and Poultry Diseases Part 7: Technical Specifications for HA-HI Antibody Detection in Goose Serum

Hubei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB42/T 1593-2020 ELISA detection protocol for type 4 poultry adenovirus antibody
  • DB42/T 789-2012 Streptococcus suis type 2 ELISA antibody detection method
  • DB42/T 792-2012 Detection method of latex agglutination antibody against porcine Japanese encephalitis
  • DB42/T 790-2012 Influenza A H1N1 Influenza Virus Double Antibody ELISA Detection Method
  • DB42/T 734-2011 Colloidal Gold Strips to Detect the Antibody against Mycobacterium bovis
  • DB42/T 1589-2020 H7 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus Competitive ELSIA Antibody Detection Method
  • DB42/T 894-2013 Antibody detection method of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae ApxIV-ELISA
  • DB42/T 788-2012 Swine influenza virus (H1 subtype) ELISA antibody detection method
  • DB42/T 793-2012 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method for nonstructural protein antibody of foot-and-mouth disease virus

国家食品药品监督管理局, Antibody+

  • YY/T 1594-2018 Human anti-thyroglobulin antibody assay kit
  • YY/T 1517-2017 Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (VCA) IgA antibody detection kit
  • YY/T 1482-2016 Herpes simplex virus IgG antibody detection reagent (box)
  • YY/T 1526-2017 Human immunodeficiency virus antigen and antibody combined detection kit (luminescent type)
  • YY/T 1514-2017 Human immunodeficiency virus (type 1+2) antibody detection kit (immunoblotting)

Professional Standard - Hygiene , Antibody+

  • WS/T 491-2016 Guidelines for the detection of syphilis non-specific antibodies;
  • WS/T 491-2015 Guidelines for the detection of non-specific antibodies against syphilis
  • WS/T 792-2021 Detection standard of antibody against Schistosoma japonicum—Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

Sichuan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB51/T 2306-2016 Indirect ELISA Antibody Detection Method of Duck Hepatitis A Virus
  • DB51/T 2304-2016 Detection method of Haemophilus parasuis indirect ELISA antibody
  • DB51/T 2303-2016 Antibody Detection Method of Genotype C Duck Hepatitis A Virus Competitive ELISA

Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB34/T 2410-2015 Technical regulations for detection of duck Tembusu virus antibody
  • DB34/T 3407-2019 Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus IgA antibody indirect ELISA detection method
  • DB34/T 4044-2021 Fluorescence Immunochromatography Method for Rapid Detection of Brucellosis Antibody
  • DB34/T 3489-2019 Lanthanide Fluorescence Immunochromatography Method for Rapid Detection of Antibody of Classical Swine Fever Virus

农业农村部, Antibody+

  • NY/T 3468-2019 Porcine rotavirus indirect ELISA antibody detection method
  • NY/T 3237-2018 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome indirect ELISA antibody detection method

Xinjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB65/T 4493-2022 Indirect ELISA detection method for PPR antibodies
  • DB65/T 4668-2023 Fluorescent chromatographic detection method for equine infectious anemia virus antibodies

国家药监局, Antibody+

  • YY/T 1645-2019 Human parvovirus B19 IgG antibody detection kit
  • YY/T 1831-2021 Treponema pallidum antibody detection kit (immunochromatographic method)
  • YY/T 1820-2021 Specific antinuclear antibody IgG detection kit (immunoblotting)
  • YY/T 1882-2023 Treponema pallidum antibody detection kit (luminescence immunoassay)
  • YY/T 1667-2020 Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG antibody detection kit (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)
  • YY/T 1611-2018 Human immunodeficiency virus antibody detection kit (immunochromatography)
  • YY/T 1791-2021 Hepatitis B virus e antibody detection kit (luminescence immunoassay)
  • YY/T 1735-2021 Hepatitis C virus antibody detection reagent (box) (chemiluminescence immunoassay)
  • YY/T 1868-2023 Hepatitis B virus core antibody detection kit (luminescence immunoassay)
  • YY 1727-2020 Oral mucosal exudate human immunodeficiency virus antibody detection kit (colloidal gold immunochromatography)

国家药品监督管理局, Antibody+

Shanxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB14/T 1804-2019 Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus antibody ELISA detection method
  • DB14/T 1789-2019 Competitive ELISA detection method for H7 subtype antibody of avian influenza virus

RU-GOST R, Antibody+

  • GOST 29312-1992 Antibodies and antigens for laboratory diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease. Specifications
  • GOST R ISO 1817-2009 Rubber. Determination of resistance to liquids effect
  • GOST 33559-2015 Glass and glass products. Test method for resistance to soft body

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB37/T 2843-2016 Duck Tembusu virus double antibody sandwich ELISA detection method
  • DB37/T 3113-2018 Colloidal gold rapid detection technical specification for porcine circovirus type 2 antibody
  • DB37/T 3127-2018 Technical specifications for Bordetella avium agglutination test and indirect ELISA antibody detection
  • DB37/T 2842-2016 Duck Tembusu virus antibody indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method

Qinghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB63/T 1051-2011 Technical specifications for the monitoring of immune antibodies against major animal diseases

Guangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB45/T 1008-2014 Canine Rabies Antibody Detection Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

CN-DB 5, Antibody+

  • DB5304/T 060-2023 Technical specifications for the monitoring of immune antibodies against major animal diseases

Jilin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB22/T 3035-2019 ELISA method for the detection of feline calicivirus antibody for ordinary experiments

Inner Mongolia Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB15/T 1238-2017 Double-antibody sandwich ELISA detection technique for sheep lung adenoma virus
  • DB15/T 2741-2022 Indirect ELISA method for detecting the antibody of Mansonella ovis hemolyticus

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB44/T 2339-2021 Qualitative Analysis of Laboratory Animal Pathogen Antibody by Liquid Chip

Gansu Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB62/T 2528.5-2014 Animal Disease Surveillance Specification Part 5: Immunity Antibody Surveillance
  • DB62/T 2528.5-2021 Animal Disease Surveillance Specification Part 5: Immunity Antibody Surveillance

卫生健康委员会, Antibody+

  • WS/T 630-2018 Schistosoma japonicum antibody detection indirect red blood cell agglutination test

CZ-CSN, Antibody+

  • CSN 63 5210-1985 Determination of resistanCe of ho?e core to liquids
  • CSN 67 3099-1987 Paints and varnishes Testing of resistance to liquids
  • CSN 62 1510-1978 Testing of vulcanized rubber. Determinatiou of the resistaace to liquids
  • CSN 62 1501-1973 Testing of vulcanized rubber. Determinatiou of the resistaace to liquids
  • CSN 01 5088-1973 Material resistante determination against erosive wear by liquids with particles

SE-SIS, Antibody+

  • SIS 16 18 21-1969 Plastics. Determination of resistance to Liquids
  • SIS 18 41 61-1964 Paints. Comparison of short-time resistance to liquids. Petri dish method
  • SIS 83 91 18-1973 Furniture and fittings for housing. Estimation of surface resistance to liquids
  • SIS 18 41 61-1973 Paints. Comparison of short-time resistance to liquids. Petri dish method

United States Navy, Antibody+

CU-NC, Antibody+

  • NC 57-90-1985 Clinical Methods and Aids Guinea Pig Complement and Guinea Pig Complement Free of Toxoplasma Anti Bodies Quality Specifications

国家质量监督检验检疫总局, Antibody+

  • SN/T 4828-2017 Wessels-Brown disease antibody hemagglutination inhibition test detection method

Hunan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB43/T 1076-2015 Determination of Rabies Antibody in Serum of Dogs and Cats by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay

Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB13/T 946-2008 Technical regulations for egg yolk detection of H5 subtype avian influenza immune antibody in laying poultry

廊坊市市场监督管理局, Antibody+

  • DB1310/T 272-2022 Technical regulations for yolk detection of H7 subtype avian influenza immune antibodies in laying poultry

Indonesia Standards, Antibody+

Ningxia Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB64/T 1725-2020 Operating procedures for bovine rotavirus antibody competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

PL-PKN, Antibody+

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Antibody+

  • ASTM C1306-00 Standard Test Method for Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance of a Liquid-Applied Waterproofing Membrane
  • ASTM C1306-08 Standard Test Method for Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance of a Liquid-Applied Waterproofing Membrane
  • ASTM F146-04 Standard Test Methods for Fluid Resistance of Gasket Materials
  • ASTM F146-12 Standard Test Methods for Fluid Resistance of Gasket Materials
  • ASTM C1306-05 Standard Test Method for Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance of a Liquid-Applied Waterproofing Membrane
  • ASTM C1306-05a Standard Test Method for Hydrostatic Pressure Resistance of a Liquid-Applied Waterproofing Membrane

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Antibody+

  • JIS A 1509-5:2014 Test methods for ceramic tiles -- Part 5: Determination of resistance to body abrasion for floor tiles

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Antibody+

Danish Standards Foundation, Antibody+

  • DS/EN 950:2000 Door leaves - Determination of the resistance to hard body impact
  • DS 438.3:1981 Test methods for block walls. Determination of flexural strength for masonry of blocks

Lithuanian Standards Office , Antibody+

  • LST EN 950-2002 Door leaves - Determination of the resistance to hard body impact

ES-UNE, Antibody+

German Institute for Standardization, Antibody+

  • DIN EN 950:1999-11 Door leaves - Determination of the resistance to hard body impact; German version EN 950:1999
  • DIN 58968-20:1990 Immunology; serodiagnosis of immune diseases; indirect immunofluorescence test, special requirements for the detection of autoantibodies

BE-NBN, Antibody+

  • NBN T 22-111-1984 Faints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids
  • NBN-EN 368-1993 Protective clothing. Protection against liquid chemicals. Test method: Resistance of materials to penetration by liquids

Tianjin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB12/T 534-2014 Standards for reexamination and treatment of employees who are positive for serum hepatitis A and hepatitis E IgM antibodies in health examination

US-CFR-file, Antibody+

  • CFR 9-113.450-2014 Animals and animal products. Part113:Standard requirements. Section113.450:General requirements for antibody products.
  • CFR 9-113.47-2014 Animals and animal products. Part113:Standard requirements. Section113.47:Detection of extraneous viruses by the fluorescent antibody technique.

RO-ASRO, Antibody+

  • STAS 5788-1974 VULCANIZED RUBBERS Metbods of test for resistance to liquids

SAE - SAE International, Antibody+

ZA-SANS, Antibody+

  • SANS 288:2000 Anti-bacterial liquid toilet soap for medical use
  • SANS 5261:2009 Bactericidal efficacy of anti-bacterial liquid toilet soap

British Standards Institution (BSI), Antibody+

  • BS ISO 8270:2023 Windows and doors. Determination of the resistance to soft and heavy body impact for doors

Jiangsu Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Antibody+

  • DB32/T 3762.6-2020 Novel Coronavirus Detection Technical Specifications Part 6: Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Detection Procedures for Serum IgM and IgG Antibodies

Professional Standard - Construction Industry, Antibody+

  • JGJ 248-2012 Technical specification for earthquake-resistant of masonry buildings with frame and seismic-wall in the lower stories

KR-KS, Antibody+

  • KS K ISO 6530-2016 Protective clothing-Protection against liquid chemicals-Test method for resistance of materials to penetration by liquids

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