district planning

district planning, Total:55 items.

In the international standard classification, district planning involves: Terminology (principles and coordination), Physical planning. Town planning, Buildings, Quality, Company organization and management, Services, Leisure. Tourism, Applications of information technology, Road engineering, Civil engineering in general, Farming and forestry, Production in the chemical industry, Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography, Radiation protection, Sports equipment and facilities, Energy and heat transfer engineering in general, Vocabularies, Protection against crime, Patents. Intellectual property, Soil quality. Pedology, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology.

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, district planning

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • T/SCSS 018-2017 Smart Park Planning Guidelines
  • T/SCSS 020-2017 Smart City Smart Community Planning Guidelines
  • T/QZAS 23-2022 General requirements for planning and construction of industrial parks
  • T/SCSS 041-2017 Planning guidelines for smart green energy parks in smart cities
  • T/FCEAS 001-2023 Fujian Province Industrial (Industrial) Park Planning and Construction Standards
  • T/SDSES 012-2023 Preparation guidelines for Agricultural science and technology park planning in Shandong
  • T/CPCIF 0054.3-2021 Guidelines for the development and construction of chemical industry park—Part 3:Chemical industry park planning
  • T/GDDL 8-2022 Technical specification for provincial major function-oriented zoning based on "double evaluation"
  • T/BSRS 022-2020 Technical specification of identification of exclusion area and planning restricted area for small modular reactors
  • T/BSRS 088-2022 Technical specification of identification of exclusion area and planning restricted area for pool type low temperature heating reactor

Yunnan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

AT-ON, district planning

  • ONORM B 1011 Teil.1-1981 Dimensional co-ordination in building; Modular co-ordination; Planning-rules for material zones ot buildings
  • ONORM B 4955-1992 Planning of retail sales areas - General directions, Symbols for equipment

US-FCR, district planning

Professional Standard - Electron, district planning

Jiangsu Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

Professional Standard - Water Conservancy, district planning

RO-ASRO, district planning

  • STAS 3196-1986 Planning of territory and localities ZONING OF TERRITORY Colours and conven?ional signs

国家市场监督管理总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, district planning

US-HUD, district planning

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • DB44/T 2145-2018 General requirements for the planning of modern agricultural parks

Shanghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • DB31/T 1032-2016 Guidance on Planning and Management of Urban Tourism and Leisure Areas

Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • DB3501/T 010-2022 General specification for smart park planning, construction and management
  • DB35/T 1041-2010 Fujian Tulou Tourism Service Tourist Scenic Spot Planning General Rules

Beijing Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • DB11/T 1552-2018 Evaluation Standards for Planning and Design of Green Ecological Demonstration Areas
  • DB11/T 1947-2021 Computer-aided cartographic standards for land and space zoning planning
  • DB11/T 1412-2017 Technical Specifications for Regional Planning Energy Conservation Assessment

Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • DB34/T 2913-2017 Standards for Planning and Construction of Expressway Maintenance Work Area

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • DB37/T 3386-2018 Technical Guidelines for Water Resources Demonstration in Industrial Park Planning

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, district planning

  • STANAG 1323-1988 NATO Minefield Planning Guidance (NMFPG) - ATP-6 Supplement 1 (ED 1 AMD 1; To obtain please contact your national Defense Standardization Office or the NATO Standardization Office website: http:/ so.nato.int so@ Phone: +32 (0)2 – 707 5556@ email: nso@nso.

German Institute for Standardization, district planning

  • DIN 18035-1:2003 Sports grounds - Part 1: Outdoor play and athletics areas, planning and dimensions

IX-ICAO, district planning

  • ICAO 9673-2006 Air Navigation Plan - Asia and Pacific Regions Plan De Navegacion Aerea - Regiones Del Asia Y Del Pacifico Plan De Navigation Aerienne - Regions Asie Et Pacifique First Edition; Includes Vol 1 Basic, Vol 2 FASID

VN-TCVN, district planning

Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • DB13/T 2551-2017 General Rules for Compilation of Regional Planning for Geothermal Development

ITU-R - International Telecommunication Union/ITU Radiocommunication Sector, district planning

  • RRC.9-1986 FINAL ACTS of the Regional Administrative Conference for the Planning of the MF Maritime Mobile and Aeronautical Radionavigation Services (Region 1) Geneva@ 1985

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), district planning

  • EN 14383-1:2006 Prevention of crime - Urban planning and building design - Part 1: Definition of specific terms

US-CFR-file, district planning

  • CFR 24-91.220-2013 Housing and Urban Development. Part91:Consolidated submissions for community planning and development programs. Section91.220:Action plan.
  • CFR 24-91.320-2013 Housing and Urban Development. Part91:Consolidated submissions for community planning and development programs. Section91.320:Action plan.

Guizhou Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

Inner Mongolia Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, district planning

  • DB15/T 1333-2018 Regional planning regulations for protective development of arable sandy land

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, district planning

  • GJB 8978-2017 Surface-to-surface missile test area planning and survey requirements

Professional Standard - Ocean, district planning

  • HY/T 146-2011 Technical regulation for division of marine major function oriented zone

US-DOT, district planning

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