popular science

popular science, Total:75 items.

In the international standard classification, popular science involves: Equipment for entertainment, Services, Education, Standardization. General rules, Vocabularies, Farming and forestry, Domestic safety, Applications of information technology, Company organization and management, Graphical symbols, Protection against fire, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology, Character sets and information coding, Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers, Special purpose vehicles, Aircraft and space vehicles in general, Protection of and in buildings, Terminology (principles and coordination), Law. Administration, Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment, Dentistry, Cinematography, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general.

工业和信息化部, popular science

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • T/ZJCX 0029-2022 Popular science puzzle wooden toys
  • T/GZBZ 44-2023 Popular science explanation service specification
  • T/PASPSF 001-2023 Guidelines for research topics of science popularization with adolescences
  • T/HYBX 0004-2022 Service Standard of health science popularization
  • T/SXSLA 004-2023 Standards for setting up garden science signs
  • T/CFPA 025-2023 Code for fire safety science popularization and education service
  • T/SZTT 0002-2022 Specifications for network science popularization personnel rating
  • T/CSAA 18-2022 Requirements for the evaluation of aviation characteristic popular science courses
  • T/NJJK 0002-2010 Guidelines for Popularization Service of Health Food Knowledge
  • T/NSSQ 058-2023 Guide to Tag Management of Science Popularization Video Resources
  • T/JSJK 0003-2023 Guidelines for Popularization Service of Health Food Knowledge
  • T/CASTENG 006-2023 Guidelines for building the safety emergency response capacity of elderly care institutions
  • T/CMSA 0028-2022 Guidelines for the Construction of Volunteer Teams for Meteorological Science Popularization
  • T/YAIMH 006-2019 Internet + Medical and Health Science Popularization Management Standards
  • T/ACSEB 001-2022 Management standard of popular science research service in Chengdu-Chongqing area
  • T/CASWSS 019-2021 Community Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Station Science Popularization Education Standards
  • T/WHAS 031-2022 Specifications for the construction and management of science popularization gardens in Wuhan
  • T/ACSEB T/ACSEB001-2023 Management standard of popular science research service in Chengdu-Chongqing area
  • T/CMES 00004-2022 The basic content and format of the instructions for popular science exhibits
  • T/CASME 622-2023 Development and implementation specification for children's animal and plant science popularization curriculum
  • T/CACM 1334.7-2020 Construction Specifications for Medicinal Botanical Gardens Part 7: Popular Science Tourism
  • T/WHAS 032-2022 Construction and management specifications of Wuhan Academician Science Popularization Studio
  • T/GDNB 169-2023 Guidelines for popular science activities of agro-products quality andsafety
  • T/CAS 608-2022 Technical specifications for function configuration and projection of dome theater in science popularization venues
  • T/SHMHZQ 067-2022 Specifications for the operation and service process of the popular science competition platform for primary and middle school students
  • T/ZNZ 028-2020 Construction regulation of the popular science base for agricultural product quality safety and nutritional health
  • T/CHAS 20-2-12-2022 Pharmacy administration and Pharmacy practice in Healthcare institutions—— Part 2-12: Pharmacy practice——Popular science in pharmacy

Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, popular science

Professional Standard - Forestry, popular science

  • LY/T 2251-2014 Selection of specifications of the forestry science and technology popularization base

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB4401/T 129-2021 Operating Specifications for Public Science Popularization Venues
  • DB4401/T 209-2023 Specifications for construction of identification signs for science popularization bases
  • DB44/T 2373.1-2022 Design Specifications for Popular Science Exhibition Part 1 Content Design
  • DB44/T 2373.2-2022 Design Specifications for Popular Science Exhibitions Part 2 Form Design
  • DB44/T 1422.1-2014 General Specifications for Popular Science Exhibition Items and Exhibition Arrangement Part 1: Exhibition Item Design
  • DB44/T 1422.2-2014 General Specifications for Popular Science Exhibition Items and Exhibition Arrangement Part 2: Manufacturing of Exhibit Items
  • DB44/T 1422.5-2014 General Specifications for Popular Science Exhibition Items and Exhibition Arrangement Part 5: Exhibition Arrangement Design
  • DB44/T 1422.4-2014 General Specifications for Popular Science Exhibition Items and Exhibition Arrangement Part 4: Exhibit Item Acceptance
  • DB44/T 1422.3-2014 General Specifications for Popular Science Exhibition Items and Exhibition Arrangement Part 3: Installation and Commissioning of Exhibition Items
  • DB44/T 1422.6-2014 General Specifications for Popular Science Exhibition Items and Exhibition Arrangement Part 6: Exhibition Arrangement Construction and Acceptance

Jiangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB36/T 1293-2020 Construction Specifications for Popular Science Weather Stations on Campus

国家市场监督管理总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, popular science

  • GB/T 41132-2021 Unique identifier for science popularization information resources

CN-DB 4, popular science

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB37/T 3485-2019 Construction standards for fire science education bases
  • DB37/T 4185-2020 Exhibits (exhibits) and exhibition guide for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction (earthquake) science popularization venues

Shanxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB14/T 1967-2019 Code for the Construction of Science Popularization Bases for Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction
  • DB1410/T 111-2020 Management Requirements for Popular Science Education Bases for Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction

Henan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB41/T 2304-2022 Guidance for exhibition arrangement of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science popularization venues

Beijing Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB11/T 1615-2019 Specifications for the setting of landscaping science popularization signs

中国气象局, popular science

  • QX/T 578-2020 Standards for the creation of meteorological science popularization education bases

Zhejiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB3301/T 0200-2018 Management and service specifications for popular science education bases

Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB13/T 5716-2023 Specifications for the construction of popular science education bases for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction

Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB3502/T 112-2023 Campus science weather station construction and management specifications

Shanghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

廊坊市市场监督管理局, popular science

  • DB1310/T 226-2020 Tropical Botanical Museum Popular Science R&D Base Service Specifications

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

U.S. Military Regulations and Norms, popular science

Liaoning Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB21/T 2692-2016 Guidelines for the Evaluation of Demonstration Schools for Popular Science of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Mitigation in Primary and Secondary Schools

CN-STDBOOK, popular science

  • 图书 A-4969 The Life of Paddy (Adult Edition)
  • 图书 A-4178 The second series of food safety popular science series food safety knowledge must read
  • 图书 A-4248 Basic knowledge of food-related products and food additives science handbook

US-FCR, popular science

Hubei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, popular science

  • DB42/T 1665-2021 Specifications for the Construction of Science Popularization and Education System in National Wetland Parks of Hubei Province

Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards, popular science

  • GA/T 974.52-2011 Codes for the fire information.Part 52:Type codes for educational base of fire science popularization

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