group pictures

group pictures, Total:497 items.

In the international standard classification, group pictures involves: Photography, Fruits. Vegetables, Vocabularies, Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography, Cinematography, Document imaging applications, Information sciences. Publishing, Graphic technology, Products of the textile industry, Medical equipment, Technical drawings, Character sets and information coding, Buildings, Protection against crime, Computer graphics, Applications of information technology, Machine tool systems, Paper products, Information technology (IT) in general, Adhesives, Testing of metals, Non-destructive testing, Fishing and fish breeding, Analytical chemistry, Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Pumps, Production of metals, TESTING, Graphical symbols, Resistors, Aircraft and space vehicles in general, Equipment for entertainment, Interface and interconnection equipment, Farming and forestry, On-board equipment and instruments.

International Federation of Trucks and Engines, group pictures

SE-SIS, group pictures

  • SIS SS 3165-1988 Drafting film - Polyester based drafting film with mat surface - Testing
  • SIS SS 3164-1988 Drafting film - Polyester based drafting film with mat surface - Requirements
  • SIS SEN R 41 03 01 Bilaga 4-1959
  • SIS 74 32 11-1956-1
  • SIS 74 32 11-1956
  • SIS SMS 1561-1952
  • SIS SMS 2536-1968 Engineering drawing Simplified representation of screw threads inserts
  • SIS SS-ISO 8632-2:1989 Information processing systems — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information — Part 2: Character encoding
  • SIS SS-ISO 8632-1:1989 Information processing systems — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information — Part 1: Functional specification
  • SIS SMS 1560-1952
  • SIS SS-ISO 8632-3:1989 Information processing systems — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information — Part 3: Binary encoding
  • SIS SS-ISO 8632-4:1989 Information processing systems — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information — Part 4: Clear text encoding
  • SIS SS 2661-1988 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts for milling cutters — Inserts with wiper edges, without fixing hole — Square inserts — General plan
  • SIS SS 2664-1988 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts for milling cutters — Inserts with wiper edges, without fixing hole — Triangular inserts — General plan
  • SIS SS 03 51 22-1983 Micrographics - Density of silver-gelatin type films
  • SIS SS 2654-1988 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with rounded corners, with cylindrical fixing hole — General plan
  • SIS SS 2665-1988 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with rounded corners, with partly cylindrical fixing hole - General plan
  • SIS SS-ISO 9282-1:1990 Information processing — Coded repre- sentation of pictures — Part 1: Encoding principlesfor picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment
  • SIS SS 2651-1988 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with rounded corners, without fixing hole — General plan

German Institute for Standardization, group pictures

  • DIN 19045-7:1996 Projection of still and motion-pictures - Measuring methods for the determination of imaging properties of slide projectors
  • DIN 4510-3:1985 Picture sizes and printing masks for sheet films
  • DIN 19045-2:1998-12 Projection of still pictures and motion pictures - Part 2: Screens
  • DIN ISO 9923:1999-09 Micrographics - Transparent A6 microfiche - Image arrangements (ISO 9923:1994)
  • DIN ISO 1008:2000 Photography - Paper dimensions - Pictorial sheets (ISO 1008:1992)
  • DIN 6774-5:1985 Technical drawings; principles of execution; principles for the preparation of drawings for working transparencies
  • DIN EN 61610:1996 Prints and transparencies produced from electronic sources - Assessment of image quality (IEC 61610:1995); German version EN 61610:1996
  • DIN 4510-2:1992 Picture sizes and printing masks for roll films No 120, No 220 and film 70 mm
  • DIN 4510-2:1992-09 Picture sizes and printing masks for roll films No 120, No 220 and film 70 mm
  • DIN 4510-3:1985-10 Picture sizes and printing masks for sheet films
  • DIN 15545:1972 Film 35 mm; projected image area, aspect ratio 1,66 : 1
  • DIN 4510-1:1983-06 Picture sizes and printing masks for film No. 110, film No. 126 and film No. 135 for still photography
  • DIN 19045-6:1985 Projection of still pictures and motion-pictures in educational and amateur use; graphical symbols
  • DIN 4531:1982 Stereoscopie (3D) photography; sizes of mounted pictures
  • DIN 4510-1:1983 Picture sizes and printing masks for film No. 110, film No. 126 and film No. 135 for still photography
  • DIN 19045-3:1998-12 Projection of still pictures and motion-pictures - Part 3: Minimum dimensions for elements, width of lines, dimensions of lettering and graphical symbols in originals for projection
  • DIN EN 10247:2007 Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard pictures; English version of DIN EN 10247:2007-07
  • DIN EN ISO 19232-3:2014-02 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 3: Image quality classes (ISO 19232-3:2013); German version EN ISO 19232-3:2013
  • DIN 15502-3:1972 Film 35 mm; image produced by camera aperture for general printing possibilities, aspect ratio 1,37 : 1
  • DIN ISO 12231:2018 Photography - Electronic still picture imaging - Vocabulary (ISO 12231:2012); Text in German and English
  • DIN 4000-41:1983 Tabular layouts of article characteristics for solder lugs, solder pins, soldering terminals
  • DIN EN ISO 19232-4:2013-12 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables (ISO 19232-4:2013); German version EN ISO 19232-4:2013
  • DIN ISO 9923:1999 Micrographics - Transparent A6 microfiche - Image arrangements (ISO 9923:1994)
  • DIN 15545:1972-03 Film 35 mm; projected image area, aspect ratio 1,66 : 1
  • DIN 15602-1:1996 Film 16 mm - Part 1: Image area produced by camera aperture and projectable image area; aspect ratio 1,37 : 1
  • DIN 19052-4:1979-10 Microfilming of engineering drawings; division system of drawings for recording on film 35 mm
  • DIN 19051-20:1991-03 Test patterns for micrography; test exposures made to establish the conditions for microfilming of drawings
  • DIN EN ISO 19232-1:2013-12 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators (ISO 19232-1:2013); German version EN ISO 19232-1:2013
  • DIN 19045-3:1998 Projection of still pictures and motion-pictures - Part 3: Minimum dimensions for elements, width of lines, dimensions of lettering and graphical symbols in originals for projection
  • DIN 19052-4:1979 Microfilming of engineering drawings; division system of drawings for recording on film 35 mm
  • DIN 15502-6:1982-05 Film 35 mm; image produced by camera aperture and projected image area, aspect ratio 1,33 : 1
  • DIN 19059-2 Bb.1:1985 Microfilms; graphical symbols for microfilming; originals for practical application
  • DIN 15576-6:1977-12 Designation of motion-picture films; position of emulsion for picture and sound
  • DIN EN ISO 19232-2:2013-12 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 2: Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators (ISO 19232-2:2013); German version EN ISO 19232-2:2013
  • DIN EN 2484:1989 Aerospace series; microfilming of drawings; aperture card for 35 mm microfilm; german version EN 2484:1988
  • DIN ISO 18928:2004 Imaging materials - Unprocessed photographic films and papers - Storage practices (ISO 18928:2002)
  • DIN 19045-9:1993-12 Projection of still pictures and motion-pictures; light measurements of projection units
  • DIN 16527-1:1993 Printing technology; control patch, control image, control mark; terms
  • DIN 19046-3:1981 Stage and theatre projection for still picture (slides), slow running picture and motion-picture; stage lighting and projection in scenery
  • DIN 15502-1:1989-06 Film 35 mm; image area produced by camera aperture and projectable image area; aspect ratio 1,37 : 1
  • DIN 15708-1:2010-02 Electronic still picture - Quality check of digital RGB image data - Part 1: Output on printing devices
  • DIN 108-1:1988-05 Slide projectors and slides; projector slides for general use and for theatre projection, nominal sizes, dimensions of masks, picture position and marking
  • DIN 15940:1982 Distance between sound and image on motion-picture films and sound equipment

Professional Standard - Agriculture, group pictures

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), group pictures

  • SMPTE RP 152-1994 Edge Identification of Leader and Picture for 35-mm Release Prints
  • SMPTE RP 167-1995 Alignment of NTSC Color Picture Monitors
  • SMPTE 148-2002 Motion-Picture Film - 35- and 16-mm Prints for Television Transmission - Film Image Area for Review Room Viewing
  • SMPTE 2019-1-2008 VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • SMPTE 152-2003 Motion-Picture Film (70-mm) - Projectable Image Area
  • SMPTE ST 2019-1-2014 VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • SMPTE ST 2019-1-2016 VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • SMPTE ST 215-1995 Motion-Picture Film (65-mm) - Camera Aperture Image
  • SMPTE RDD 22-2012 Film Transfer - 2048x1556 Image Container and Signal Interface
  • SMPTE ST 152-2003 Motion-Picture Film (70-mm) - Projectable Image Area
  • SMPTE 111-2001 Motion-Picture Film (35-mm) - Prints Made on Continuous Contact Printers - Exposed Areas for Picture and Audio
  • SMPTE ST 367M-2002 Television - Type D-11 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • SMPTE ST 201M-1996 Motion-Picture Film (16-mm) - Type W Camera Aperture Image
  • SMPTE 262M-1995 Television, Audio and Film - Binary Groups of Time and Control Codes - Storage and Transmission of Data
  • SMPTE RP 155-2004 Pictures and Television Reference Level for Digital Audio Systems
  • SMPTE 419M-2005 for Motion-Picture Film (70-mm) - Projectable Image Area, 15/70 Format
  • SMPTE 420M-2005 for Motion-Picture Film 70-mm - Projectable Image Area, 8/70 Format
  • SMPTE 195-2000 Motion-Picture Film (35-mm) - Motion-Picture Prints - Projectable Image Area
  • SMPTE 7-1999 Motion-Picture Film (16-mm) - Camera Aperture Image and Usage
  • SMPTE ST 7-2004 Motion-Picture Film (16-mm) - Camera Aperture Image and Usage
  • SMPTE ST 59-1998 Motion-Picture Film (35-mm) - Camera Aperture Images and Usage
  • SMPTE 425-2008 3 GB/s Signal/Data Serial Interface ?Source Image Format Mapping
  • SMPTE ST 148-2002 Motion-Picture Film - 35- and 16-mm Prints for Television Transmission - Film Image Area for Review Room Viewing
  • SMPTE 372M-2002 Television - Dual Link 292M Interface for 1920 x 1080 Picture Raster
  • SMPTE 231-1999 Motion-Picture Film (8-mm Type R) - Camera Aperture Image and Usage
  • SMPTE ST 157-1999 Motion-Picture Film (8-mm Type S) - Camera Aperture Image and Usage
  • SMPTE ST 195-2000 Motion-Picture Film (35-mm) - Motion-Picture Prints - Projectable Image Area
  • SMPTE ST 231-2004 Motion-Picture Film (8-mm Type R) - Camera Aperture Image and Usage
  • SMPTE ST 420M-2005 for Motion-Picture Film 70-mm - Projectable Image Area, 8/70 Format
  • SMPTE RP 82-2004 Specifications for 16-mm Projector Alignment and Screen Image Quality Test Film
  • SMPTE RP 40-2003 Specifications for 35-mm Projector Alignment and Screen Image Quality Test Film
  • SMPTE RP 91-2002 Specifications for 70-mm Projector Alignment and Screen Image Quality Test Film
  • SMPTE ST 372-2011 Dual Link 1.5 Gb/s Digital Interface for 1920 × 1080 and 2048 × 1080 Picture Formats
  • SMPTE 96M-1999 Television - 35- and 16-mm Motion-Picture Film - Scanned Image Area
  • SMPTE ST 96M-2004 Television - 35- and 16-mm Motion-Picture Film - Scanned Image Area
  • SMPTE ST 418M-2005 for Motion-Picture Film (65-mm) - Camera Aperture Image and Usage, 8/70 Format
  • SMPTE ST 372-2017 Dual Link 1.5 Gb/s Digital Interface for 1920 × 1080 and 2048 × 1080 Picture Formats
  • SMPTE 274M-2008 Television - 1920 x 1080 Image Sample Structure, Digital Representation and Digital Timing Reference Sequences for Multiple Picture Rates
  • SMPTE ST 419M-2005 for Motion-Picture Film (70-mm) - Projectable Image Area, 15/70 Format

Indonesia Standards, group pictures

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, group pictures

  • HJ 755-2015 Water quality Determination of total coliforms and fecal coliforms Paper strip method

HU-MSZT, group pictures

PL-PKN, group pictures

RO-ASRO, group pictures

  • STAS 11200/67-1979 Graphical symbols Graphical symbol for picture size adjustment
  • STAS 12412-1986 KNITTING MACHINF.S Classification and graphic explanation
  • STAS 4260-1969
  • STAS SR ISO 9282-1:1995 Information processing - Coded representation of pictures - Part 1: Encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment
  • STAS 10414-1984 Cinematography FILMS AND FLAME-PROOF MOVING PICTURES Checking methods
  • STAS SR EN 462-1-1996 Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Part 1: image quality indicators (wire type). Determination of image quality value
  • STAS SR EN 462-2-1996 Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Part 2: Image quality indicators (step/hole type). Determination of image quality value

中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, group pictures

Association Francaise de Normalisation, group pictures

  • NF ISO 21511:2018 Organigramme des tâches en management de projet et de programme
  • NF EN 2499:1987 Composition en sortie d'ordinateur sur microforme (COM) - Microfiche A6
  • FD ISO/TR 12845:2010 Illustrations choisies de plans d'expériences factoriels fractionnaires
  • NF E04-751-2*NF ISO 9958-2:1993 Draughting media for technical drawings. Draughting film with polyester. Part 2 : determination of properties.
  • NF C97-501*NF EN 61610:1996 Prints and transparencies produced from electronic sources. Assessment of image quality.
  • NF E04-751-1*NF ISO 9958-1:1993 Draughting media for technical drawing. Draughting film with polyester base. Part 1 : requirements and marking.
  • NF EN 2484:1989 Série aérospatiale - Microfilmage des dessins - Carte à fenêtre pour microfilm 35 mm.
  • NF A04-116:2007 Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard pictures.
  • NF EN 61610:1996 Images imprimées et transparents obtenus à partir des sources électroniques - Évaluation de la qualité de l'image.
  • NF EN ISO 19232-3:2013 Essais non destructifs - Qualité d'image des radiogrammes - Partie 3 : classes de qualité d'image
  • NF A09-205-1:1994 Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiogaphs. Part 1 : image quality indicators (wire type), determination of image quality value.
  • NF EN ISO 19232-4:2013 Essais non destructifs - Qualité d'image des radiogrammes - Partie 4 : évaluation expérimentale des indices de qualité d'image et des tables de qualité d'image
  • NF A09-205-2:1994 Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs. Part 2 : image quality indicators (step/hole type). Determination of image quality value.
  • NF A09-205-1*NF EN ISO 19232-1:2013 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1 : Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators
  • NF L07-202*NF EN 2484:1989 Aerospace series. Microfilming of drawings. Aperture card for 35 mm microfilm.
  • NF EN ISO 19232-1:2013 Essais non destructifs - Qualité d'image des radiogrammes - Partie 1 : détermination de l'indice de qualité d'image à l'aide d'indicateurs à fils

British Standards Institution (BSI), group pictures

  • BS ISO 17266:2002 Cinematography - Multichannel analogue and digital photographic sound and control records on 35 mm motion-picture prints and negatives, and digital sound-control records on 70 mm motion-picture prints and negatives - Position and width dimensions
  • PD ISO/TR 23846:2022 Biomimetics. Image search engine
  • BS ISO 6196-3:1997 Micrographics. Vocabulary. Film processing
  • BS ISO 9282-1:1988 Information processing. Coded representation of pictures. - Encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment
  • BS ISO 12636:1998 Graphic technology - Blankets for offset printing
  • BS ISO 12636:2018 Graphic technology. Blankets for offset printing
  • BS ISO 3272-3:2001 Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents - Aperture card for 35 mm microfilm
  • BS 5550-2.2.3:1980 Cinematography. 16 mm film. Image areas.. Specification for positions and dimensions of picture image area and photographic sound record on 16 mm motion-picture release prints
  • BS 5536:1988 Recommendations for preparation of technical drawings for microfilming
  • BS ISO/IEC 9281-2:1990 Information technology. Picture coding methods.. Procedure for registration
  • BS EN 10247:2007 Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard pictures
  • PD ISO/TR 20791-1:2020 Photography. Photographic reflection prints. Evaluation methods of image quality
  • 22/30431331 DC BS ISO 15739. Photography. Electronic still-picture imaging. Noise measurements
  • 19/30391754 DC BS ISO 12231. Photography. Electronic still picture imaging. Supplemental vocabulary
  • BS 5550-1.2.1:1978 Cinematography. 8 mm film. Image areas.. Specification for positions and dimensions of the image area produced by camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 8 mm Type R motion-picture film
  • BS ISO 3272-3:2002 Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents - Aperture card for 35 mm microfilm
  • BS EN 2484:1989 Specification for microfilming of drawings. Aperture card for 35 mm microfilm
  • BS ISO 15739:2023 Tracked Changes. Photography. Electronic still-picture imaging. Noise measurements
  • PD ISO/TS 4971:2023 Nanotechnologies. Performance evaluation of nanosuspensions containing clay nanoplates for quorum quenching

IT-UNI, group pictures

ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute, group pictures

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), group pictures

  • ISO 1012:1991 Photography; film dimensions; pictorial sheets
  • ISO 10938:2016 Ophthalmic optics - Chart displays for visual acuity measurement - Printed, projected and electronic
  • ISO 10938:1998 Ophthalmic instruments - Chart projectors
  • ISO/IEC 23008-2:2017/Amd 2:2018 Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments — Part 2: High efficiency video coding — Amendment 2: Main 10 still picture profile
  • ISO 416:1974 Picture postcards; Area reserved for the address
  • ISO/IEC 7942-4:1998 Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Graphical Kernel System (GKS) - Part 4: Picture part archive
  • ISO 9282-1:1988 Information processing; coded representation of pictures; part 1: encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment
  • ISO/IEC 9282-1:1988 Information processing — Coded representation of pictures — Part 1: Encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment
  • ISO 3272-3:1975 Microcopying of technical drawings and other drawing office documents; Part 3: Unitized 35 mm microfilm carriers
  • ISO 1754:1998/Cor 1:2002 Photography - Cameras using 35 mm film and roll film - Picture sizes; Technical Corrigendum 1
  • ISO 15739 Photography — Electronic still-picture imaging — Noise measurements
  • ISO/IEC 11544:1993 Information technology; coded representation of picture and audio information; progressive bi-level image compression
  • ISO 2907:1972 Cinematography — 35 mm motion-picture film — Projectable image area
  • ISO/IEC 9281-1:1990 Information technology; picture coding methods; part 1: identification
  • ISO 3272-1:1983 Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents; Part 1: Operating procedures
  • ISO 3897:1976 Photography — Silver image photographic plates for record purposes — Storage conditions
  • ISO 21550:2004 Photography - Electronic scanners for photographic images - Dynamic range measurements
  • ISO/IEC 9281-2:1990 Information technology; picture coding methods; part 2: procedure for registration
  • ISO 16067-2:2004 Photography - Electronic scanners for photographic images - Spatial resolution measurements - Part 2: Film scanners
  • ISO 3272-2:1978 Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 2: Quality criteria and control
  • ISO 12650:1999 Document imaging applications - Microfilming of achromatic maps on 35 mm microfilm

NO-SN, group pictures

  • NS 4826-1982 Picture postcards - Area reserved for the address
  • NS 7009-1977 Description pattern for plates, sheets, foils and other parallel plane shapes

AENOR, group pictures

  • UNE-EN ISO 19232-3:2014 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 3: Image quality classes (ISO 19232-3:2013)
  • UNE-EN ISO 19232-4:2014 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables (ISO 19232-4:2013)
  • UNE-EN ISO 19232-1:2014 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators (ISO 19232-1:2013)
  • UNE-EN ISO 19232-2:2014 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 2: Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators (ISO 19232-2:2013)

CZ-CSN, group pictures

Institute of Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (IPC), group pictures

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), group pictures

  • KS K 0504-2007 Standard photographs for pilling grade
  • KS X ISO/TR 10593-2007(2017) Micrographics — Use of microfilm jackets
  • KS A ISO 1754-2002(2022) Photography-Cameras using 35mm film and roll film-Picture sizes
  • KS X ISO 3272-5:2007 Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 5:Test procedures for diazo duplicating of microfilm images in aperture cards
  • KS C 5666-1994 Coded representation of pictures(Part 1:Encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment)
  • KS X ISO 3272-5-2007(2022) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 5:Test procedures for diazo duplicating of microfilm images in aperture cards
  • KS C 5664-1994 Picture coding methods(Part 1:Identification)
  • KS X ISO 3272-4:2007 Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 4:Microfilming of drawings of special and exceptional elongated sizes
  • KS X ISO 3272-5-2007(2017) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 5:Test procedures for diazo duplicating of microfilm images in aperture cards
  • KS X ISO 3272-4-2007(2022) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 4:Microfilming of drawings of special and exceptional elongated sizes
  • KS X ISO/IEC 7942-4:2010 Information technology-Computer graphics and image processing-Graphical Kernel System(GKS)-Part 4:Picture part archive
  • KS A ISO 6036-2003(2018) Cinematography -- Colour motion-picture prints and slides for television -- Density specifications
  • KS C 5665-1994 Picture coding methods(Part 2:Procedure for registration)
  • KS D 1683-2004 Method for emission spectrochemical analysis of silver ingot
  • KS X ISO/IEC 11544-2003(2018)
  • KS X 5908-2009 Resolution test chart for microfilming-description and use in photographic documentary reproduction
  • KS X ISO 9923-2007(2017) Micrographics-Transparent A6 microfiche-Image arrangements
  • KS X ISO 9878-2007(2017) Micrographics-Graphical symbols for use in microfilming
  • KS X ISO 9923-2007(2022) Micrographics-Transparent A6 microfiche-Image arrangements
  • KS B ISO 9244-2017(2022) Earth-moving machinery-Safety signs and hazard pictorials-General principles
  • KS X ISO 3272-2-2007(2017) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 2:Quality criteria and control of 35 mm silver gelatin microfilms
  • KS X 5910-2009(2020) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 1:Operating procedures
  • KS X ISO 3272-6-2007(2017) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 6:Quality criteria and control of systems for enlargements from 35 mm microfilm
  • KS B ISO 13200:2022 Cranes — Safety signs and hazard pictorials — General principles
  • KS X 5912-2009(2020) Density of silver-gelatin type microfilms for micrographics
  • KS X ISO 3272-2-2007(2022) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 2:Quality criteria and control of 35 mm silver gelatin microfilms
  • KS B ISO 19232-1:2021 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs —Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators
  • KS X 5908-2009(2020) Resolution test chart for microfilming-description and use in photographic documentary reproduction
  • KS X ISO 3272-6:2007 Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 6:Quality criteria and control of systems for enlargements from 35 mm microfilm
  • KS X ISO 3272-2:2007 Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 2:Quality criteria and control of 35 mm silver gelatin microfilms
  • KS X ISO 3272-6-2007(2022) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 6:Quality criteria and control of systems for enlargements from 35 mm microfilm
  • KS K 0750-2006 Test method for the detection and assessment of photochromism
  • KS A ISO 21550:2005 Photography-Electronic scanners for photographic images-Dynamic range measurements
  • KS X ISO 9878:2007 Micrographics-Graphical symbols for use in microfilming
  • KS X ISO 9923:2007 Micrographics-Transparent A6 microfiche-Image arrangements
  • KS A ISO 1754-2002(2017) Photography-Cameras using 35mm film and roll film-Picture sizes
  • KS B ISO 19232-2:2021 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs —Part 2: Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators
  • KS X 5905-3-2009(2020) Microcopying of technical drawings and other drawing office documents-Part 3:Unitized 35 mm Microfilm carriers
  • KS A ISO 897-2002(2022) Photography-Roll films, 126, 110 and 135-size films-Identification of the image-bearing side

IN-BIS, group pictures

Professional Standard - Electron, group pictures

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), group pictures

  • JIS Z 6001:1999 Micrographics -- Transparent A6 microfiche -- Image arrangements
  • JIS Z 6001:2007 Micrographics -- Transparent A6 microfiche -- Image arrangements
  • JIS Z 6006:1995 Aperture card for 35 mm microfilm of technical drawings
  • JIS Z 4905:2005 Photography -- Medical radiographic cassettes/screens/films and hard-copy imaging films -- Dimensions and specifications
  • JIS Z 6001 ERRATUM 1:2000 Micrographics -- Transparent A6 microfiche -- Image arrangements (Erratum 1)

未注明发布机构, group pictures

  • BS ISO 9923:1994(1999) Micrographics — Transparent A6 microfiche — Image arrangements
  • BS ISO 3272-4:1994(2000) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 4 : Microfilming ofdrawings of special and exceptional elongated sizes
  • BS 7555:1992(1999) Guide to Miniaturization of medical diagnostic images on film
  • BS ISO 6196-3:1997(1999) Micrographics — Vocabulary — Part 3 : Film processing
  • BS EN 462-4:1995(1998) Non - destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 4 : Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables
  • BS EN 462-1:1994(2008) Non - destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 1 : Image quality indicators (wire type) — Determination of image quality value
  • DIN EN 462-5:1996 Non-destructive testing – Image quality of radiographs DI Part 5: Image test body (double wire bar) Determination of image blur
  • BS ISO 3272-2:1994(1999) Microfilming of technical drawings and other drawing office documents — Part 2 : Quality criteria and control of35 mm silver gelatin microfilms
  • BS EN 462-2:1994(2008) Non - destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs — Part 2 : Image quality indicators (step / hole type) — Determination of image quality value
  • BS EN 462-5:1996 Non - destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs Part 5. Image quality indicators ( duplex wire type ), determination of image unsharpness value

BE-NBN, group pictures

  • NBN-EN 462-1-1994 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1 : Image quality indicators (wire type) - Determination of image quality value
  • NBN-EN 2484-1993 Aerospace series. Microfilming of drawings. Aperture card for 35 mm microfilm

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), group pictures

  • EN ISO 10938:2016 Ophthalmic optics - Chart displays for visual acuity measurement - Printed@ projected and electronic
  • EN 2484:1989 Microfilming of Drawings Aperture Card for 35 mm Microfilm
  • EN 10247:2007 Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard pictures
  • EN 10247:2017 Micrographic examination of the non-metallic inclusion content of steels using standard pictures
  • EN ISO 19232-3:2013 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 3: Image quality classes
  • prEN 462-1-1992 Non-destructive testing; image quality of radiographs; part 1: image quality indicators (wire type); determination of image quality value
  • prEN 462-3-1992 Non-destructive testing; image quality of radiographs; part 3: image quality classes for ferreous metals
  • EN 462-1:1994 Non-Destructive Testing - Image Quality of Radiographs - Part 1: Image Quality Indicators (Wire Type) - Determination of Image Quality Value
  • EN 462-4:1994 Non-Destructive Testing - Image Quality of Radiographs - Part 4: Experimental Evaluation of Image Quality Values and Image Quality Tables
  • EN 462-5:1996 Non-Destructive Testing - Image Quality of Radiographs - Part 5: Image Quality Indicators (Duplex Wire Type), Determination of Image Unsharpness Value
  • EN ISO 19232-1:2013 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators
  • EN 462-3:1996 Non-Destructive Testing - Image Quality of Radiographs - Part 3: Image Quality Classes for Ferrous Metals
  • EN 462-2:1994 Non-Destructive Testing - Image Quality of Radiographs Part 2: Image Quality Indicators (Step/Hole Type) - Determination of Image Quality Value

RU-GOST R, group pictures

  • GOST 7.65-1992 System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Film documents, photographic documents and microform documents. General requirements on archive storage
  • GOST R 34.701.1-1992 Information technology. Computer graphics. Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information
  • GOST 14707-1982 Rotary vane and valve vacuum pumps. Tupes and basic parametrs
  • GOST 25536-1982 Metals scales of images on photographs at metallographec examination
  • GOST 11079-1976 Projection image test films. Types, basic parameters and dimensions

U.S. Military Regulations and Norms, group pictures

BELST, group pictures

  • STB 2293-2012 Lenses. Methods of image quality assessment
  • STB 307-2006 Personnel services. Still pictures. General specifications

CU-NC, group pictures

  • NC 61-24-1985 Television. Picture Areas for Motion-Picture Films and Slides for Televisión. Position and Dimensions
  • NC 13-28-1989 Geodesy and Cartography. Color Air and Cosmic Photodocuments. General Quality Specifications

Danish Standards Foundation, group pictures

  • DS/EN 2484:1989 Aerospace series. Microfilming of drawings. Aperture card for 35 mm microfilm
  • DS/ISO/IEC 7942-4:1999 Information technology - Computer graphics and image processing - Graphical Kernel System (GKS) - Part 4: Picture part archive
  • DS/ISO 9282-1:1998 Information processing - Coded representation of pictures - Part 1: Encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment
  • DS/ISO 15739:2013 Photography - Electronic still-picture imaging - Noise measurements
  • DS/EN ISO 19232-3:2013 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 3: Image quality classes
  • DS/EN ISO 19232-4:2013 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables
  • DS/ISO/IEC 8632-1/Corr. 2:2008 Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 1: Functional specification
  • DS/ISO/IEC 8632-1/Corr. 1:2008 Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 1: Functional specification
  • DS/ISO/IEC 8632-1:2000 Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 1: Functional specification
  • DS/ISO/IEC 8632-4:2000 Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 4: Clear text encoding
  • DS/ISO/IEC 8632-3:2000 Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 3: Binary encoding
  • DS/EN ISO 19232-1:2013 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators
  • DS/EN ISO 19232-2:2013 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 2: Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators
  • DS/ISO/IEC 9281-2:1998 Information technology - Picture coding methods - Part 2: Procedure for registration
  • DS/EN ISO 19232-5:2013 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 5: Determination of the image unsharpness value using duplex wire-type image quality indicators
  • DS/ISO 18947:2013 Imaging materials - Photographic reflection prints - Determination of abrasion resistance of photographic images

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, group pictures

  • STANAG 3676-1987 Marginal Information on Land Maps@ Aeronautical Charts and Photomaps (ED 2 AMD 3; To obtain please contact your national Defense Standardization Office or the NATO Standardization Office website: http:/ so.nato.int so@ Phone: +32 (0)2 – 707 5556@ email: n

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Standards Agency, group pictures


International Telecommunication Union (ITU), group pictures

Professional Standard - Post and Telecommunication, group pictures

  • YD 5082-1999 Drawings set for engineering design and working of generic cabling system for building and campus

UY-UNIT, group pictures

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), group pictures

ITU-R - International Telecommunication Union/ITU Radiocommunication Sector, group pictures

Professional Standard - Judicatory, group pictures

CH-SNV, group pictures

  • SN 505 461-1991 Coupons of textile fabrics - Determination of length and width

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization(CENELEC), group pictures

  • EN 61610:1996 Prints and Transparencies Produced from Electronic Sources Assessment of Image Quality

Professional Standard - Aerospace, group pictures

  • QJ/Z 131.62-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Axis Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.31-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Cover Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.40-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Ring Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.58-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Crank Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.66-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Bushing Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.13-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Tail Handle Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.22-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas flower plate process card
  • QJ/Z 131.42-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Washer Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.33-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Coat Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.44-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Guide Column Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.43-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Card Ring Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.70-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Jaw Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.75-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Press Plate Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.68-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Screw Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.41-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Needle Roller Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.30-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Inner Set of Process Cards
  • QJ/Z 131.45-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Guide Plate Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.63-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Nut Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.67-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Gear Set Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.34-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Washer Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.61-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Bushing Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.71-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Screw Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.37-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Coat Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.73-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Support Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.35-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Card Ring Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.77-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Press Plate Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.32-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Support Ring Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.14-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Cards Atlas Disc Process Cards
  • QJ/Z 131.20-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas flower plate process card
  • QJ/Z 131.5-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Screw Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.9-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Nut Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.38-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Inner Set of Process Cards
  • QJ/Z 131.79-1984 Technology card album of machine tool fixture parts and components: technology cards for clips
  • QJ/Z 131.57-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Bushing Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.46-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Guide Plate Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.60-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas positioning pin process card
  • QJ/Z 131.39-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Isolation Ring Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.65-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas positioning pin process card
  • QJ/Z 131.49-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas V-block process card
  • QJ/Z 131.56-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas positioning pin process card
  • QJ/Z 131.17-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Insurance Hook Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.48-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas V-block process card
  • QJ/Z 131.72-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Brake Block Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.23-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas positioning pin process card
  • QJ/Z 131.6-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas reversing handle process card
  • QJ/Z 131.8-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas single handle nut process card
  • QJ/Z 131.11-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Conical Tail Handle Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.15-1984 Process card of machine tool fixture parts Atlas flower plate (rough) process card
  • QJ/Z 131.2-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Axis Screw Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.21-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas lathe faceplate process card
  • QJ/Z 131.80-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Cone Washer Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.10-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Increased Washer Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.3-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas knurled screw process card
  • QJ/Z 131.7-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas reversing handle process card
  • QJ/Z 131.18-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Hexagonal Screw Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.50-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Plane Locator Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.51-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Plane Positioning Block Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.52-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Plane Positioning Block Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.1-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas rectangular head screw process card
  • QJ/Z 131.47-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas V-shaped locator process card
  • QJ/Z 131.78-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Axial Clamping Device Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.59-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas rack type locator process card
  • QJ/Z 131.28-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card atlas glue note installation bushing process card
  • QJ/Z 131.25-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card atlas lengthened quick-change drill sleeve process card
  • QJ/Z 131.26-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card atlas glue note installation drill sleeve process card
  • QJ/Z 131.55-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card atlas with crank locator process card
  • QJ/Z 131.27-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card atlas glue note installation drill sleeve process card
  • QJ/Z 131.74-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Sliding Flat Head Press Plate Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.76-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Sliding Elbow Press Plate Process Card
  • QJ/Z 131.24-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card atlas lengthened quick-change drill sleeve process card
  • QJ/Z 131.69-1984 Machine tool fixture parts process card Atlas vise clamping device process card
  • QJ/Z 131.53-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Inner Diameter Centering Disc Spring Sheet Process
  • QJ/Z 131.54-1984 Machine Tool Fixture Parts Process Card Atlas Outer Diameter Centering Disc Spring Sheet Process

PT-IPQ, group pictures

TR-TSE, group pictures


Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, group pictures

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), group pictures

  • ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 9282-1:1988 Information Processing - Coded Representation of Pictures - Part 1: Encoding Principles for Picture Representation in a 7-Bit or 8-Bit Environment
  • ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 11544:1993 Information Technology - Coded Representation of Picture and Audio Information - Progressive Bi-Level Image Compression
  • ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 9281-1:1990 Information Technology - Picture Coding Methods - Part 1: Identification
  • ANSI/ISO/IEC 9282-1:1988 Information processing - Coded representation of pictures - Part 1: Encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment Adopted by INCITS
  • ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 23000-3/AMD 1:2011 Information technology - Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) - Part 3: MPEG photo player application format; AMENDMENT 1: Reference software for photo player MAF
  • ANSI PH3.11-1953 Dimensions for Stereo Still Pictures on 35-Millimeter Film 5-Perforation Format
  • ANSI/INCITS/ISO/IEC 9281-2:1990 Information Technology - Picture Coding Methods - Part 2: Procedure for Registration
  • ANSI/ISO/IEC 11544:1993 Information technology - Coded representation of picture and audio information - Progressive bi-level image compression Adopted by INCITS
  • ANSI/ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999 Information technology Computer graphics Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information Part 1: Functional specification Adopted by INCITS
  • ANSI/ISO/IEC 8632-3:1999 Information Technology - Computer Graphics - Metafile for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information - Part 3: Binary Encoding Adopted by INCITS
  • ANSI PH3.100-1992 Photography - Roll Film Cameras - Back Window Location and Picture Sizes

ANSI - American National Standards Institute, group pictures

  • INCITS/ISO 9282-1:1988 Information processing - Coded representation of pictures - Part 1: Encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC 8632-2:1992 Information Technology - Computer Graphics - Metafile for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information - Part 2: Character Encoding
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC 9281-2:1990 Information technology - Picture coding methods - Part 2: Procedure for registration
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC 8632-1 CORR 1:2006 Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 1: Functional specification - Corrigendum 1
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC 8632-1 CORR 2:2007 Information technology - Computer graphics - Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information - Part 1: Functional specification - Corrigendum 2
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999 Information technology Computer graphics Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information Part 1: Functional specification (Adopted by INCITS)
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC 8632-4:1999 Information technology Computer graphics Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information Part 4: Clear text encoding (Adopted by INCITS)
  • INCITS/ISO/IEC 8632-3:1999 Information technology Computer graphics Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information Part 3: Binary encoding (Adopted by INCITS)

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, group pictures

  • GB/T 14815.1-1993 Information processing.Coded representation of pictures.Part 1:Encoding principles for picture representation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment
  • GB/T 13920-1992 35mm cinematography.Subjective test film(colour chart)
  • GB/T 41745-2022 The evaluation of sealant aging cracking and crazing—Picture method
  • GB/T 13920-2015 35 mm cinematography.Subjective test film (colour chart)
  • GB/T 10022.1-1998 Information technology--Picture coding--Part 1: Identification
  • GB/T 10022.2-1996 Information technology--Picture coding methods--Part 2: Procedure for registration

US-FCR, group pictures

United States Navy, group pictures

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, group pictures

  • CNS 13722-1996 Documentation-Headers for Microfiche of Monographs and Serials

Professional Standard - Military and Civilian Products, group pictures

  • WJ 2073-1992 Thermal composite extrusion large elastic body sliding cone picture

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), group pictures

  • AS ISO 15739:2022 Photography — Electronic still-picture imaging — Noise measurements

Professional Standard - Tobacco, group pictures

Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), group pictures

  • AIIM MS50-1994 Recommended Practice - Monitoring Image Quality of Aperture Card Film Image Scanners
  • AIIM MS29-1992 Micrographics - Cores and Spools for Microfilm Recording Equipment - Dimensions
  • AIIM MS18-1992 Micrographics - Splices for Imaged Microfilm - Dimensions and Operational Constraints

U.S. Air Force, group pictures

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, group pictures

(U.S.) Ford Automotive Standards, group pictures

Lithuanian Standards Office , group pictures

  • LST EN 462-4-2001 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables
  • LST EN 462-1-2001 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Image quality indicators (wire type) - Determination of image quality value
  • LST EN 462-2-2001 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 2: Image quality indicators (step/hole type) - Determination of image quality value
  • LST EN 462-3-2001 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 3: Image quality classes for ferrous metals
  • LST EN 462-5-2001 Non-destructive testing - Image quality of radiographs - Part 5: Image quality indicators (duplex wire type), determination of image unsharpness value

Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, group pictures

  • SN/T 1896-2007 Rapid enumeration of coliforms and Escherichia coli in foods.petrifilm coliform count plate and Petrifilm E.coli/coliform count plate method

Military Standards (MIL-STD), group pictures

KR-KS, group pictures

  • KS B ISO 13200-2022 Cranes — Safety signs and hazard pictorials — General principles
  • KS B ISO 19232-1-2021 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs —Part 1: Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators
  • KS B ISO 19232-2-2021 Non-destructive testing — Image quality of radiographs —Part 2: Determination of the image quality value using step/hole-type image quality indicators

Canadian Standards Association (CSA), group pictures

  • CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 8632-4:2001 Information Technology - Computer Graphics - Metafile for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information - Part 4: Clear Text Encoding
  • CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 8632-3:2001 Information Technology - Computer Graphics - Metafile for the Storage and Transfer of Picture Description Information - Part 3: Binary Encoding
  • CSA ISO/IEC 8632-1-01-CAN/CSA CORR 2:2008 Information technology ?Computer graphics ?Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information ?Part 1: Functional specification TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 2
  • CSA ISO/IEC 8632-1-01-CAN/CSA CORR 1:2008 Information technology ?Computer graphics ?Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information ?Part 1: Functional specification TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1

Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD), group pictures

API - American Petroleum Institute, group pictures

Defense Logistics Agency, group pictures

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), group pictures

  • RP 65:2000 RP 65:2000 - SMPTE Recommended Practice - Motion-Picture Enlargement/Reduction Ratios
  • SMPTE RP 167:1995 RP 167:1995 - SMPTE Recommended Practice - Alignment of NTSC Color Picture Monitors
  • SMPTE ST 2019-1:2014 ST 2019-1:2014 - SMPTE Standard - VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • SMPTE ST 2019-1:2008 ST 2019-1:2008 - SMPTE Standard - VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • SMPTE ST 2019-1:2016 ST 2019-1:2016 - SMPTE Standard - VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • ST 2019-1:2016 ST 2019-1:2016 - SMPTE Standard - VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • ST 2019-1:2014 ST 2019-1:2014 - SMPTE Standard - VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format
  • ST 2019-1:2008 ST 2019-1:2008 - SMPTE Standard - VC-3 Picture Compression and Data Stream Format

IX-ISO/IEC, group pictures

  • ISO/IEC 11544:1993/Cor 1:1995 Information technology — Coded representation of picture and audio information — Progressive bi-level image compression — Technical Corrigendum 1
  • ISO/IEC 11544:1993/Cor 2:2001 Information technology — Coded representation of picture and audio information — Progressive bi-level image compression — Technical Corrigendum 2

Guangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, group pictures

  • DB45/T 868-2012 Identification of Pangolin Armor Tablets by High Performance Liquid Chromatography Fingerprint

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), group pictures

  • SAE AS13471-1999 Navigation, Display Multicolor Microchart/Map Transparencies FSC 6605; Should Be Used Instead of MIL-STD-1347, Which Was Cancelled on 30 August 1999
  • SAE AE-7-1991 Universal Joint and Driveshaft Design Manual IMAGES NOT INCLUDED; PLEASE REFER TO GLOBAL

Underwriters Laboratories (UL), group pictures

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