
hj/t, Total:399 items.

In the international standard classification, hj/t involves: Air quality, Vocabularies, Wastes, ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH PROTECTION. SAFETY, Internal combustion engines for road vehicles, Quality, Products of the textile industry, Environmental protection, Pesticides and other agrochemicals, Graphic technology, Furniture, Semi-manufactures of timber, Water quality, Food products in general, Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment, Construction materials, Power stations in general, Paints and varnishes, Kitchen equipment, Sports equipment and facilities, PAPER TECHNOLOGY, Elements of buildings, Protection against fire, Freight distribution of goods, Beverages, Horology, Products of the chemical industry, Adhesives, Domestic electrical appliances in general, Transformers. Reactors, Rubber and plastics products, Installations in buildings, Lamps and related equipment, Plastics, Welding, brazing and soldering, Shop fittings, Galvanic cells and batteries, Fluid power systems, Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries, Energy and heat transfer engineering in general, Analytical chemistry, Soil quality. Pedology, Construction industry, Hydraulic energy engineering, Protection of and in buildings, Road vehicles in general, Wood-based panels, Iron and steel products, Fruits. Vegetables, Burners. Boilers, Ceramics, IT terminal and other peripheral equipment, Footwear, Audio, video and audiovisual engineering, Laundry appliances, Miscellaneous domestic and commercial equipment, Pumps, Buildings, Solar energy engineering, Inks. Printing inks, TESTING, Measurement of fluid flow, Springs, Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners, Physical planning. Town planning, Paper and board, Transport, Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas, Packaging materials and accessories.

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, hj/t

  • HJ/T 396-2007 Equipment Specifications and Quality Control Requirements for In-use Vehicles with Ignition Engine Exhaust Emission Test in Transient Loaded Mode
  • HJ/T 65-2001 Stationary source emission.Determination of tin.Graphitic furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 212-2005 Standard for data communication of pollution emission auto monitoring system
  • HJ/T 275-2006 Standard for venous industry based eco-industrial parks (on trial)
  • HJ/T 254-2006 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in electrolyzing aluminum capital construction project for check and accept of completed project
  • HJ/T 77-2001 Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans by isotope dilution HRGC/HRMS
  • HJ/T 261-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Pressure dissolved air floatation equipment
  • HJ/T 319-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product.Granite wet flue-gas desulphurization & precipitator device
  • HJ/T 1-1992 Fixing lustallation for gas meosuring and sampling
  • HJ/T 267-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product Electric coagulating equipment
  • HJ/T 395-2007 Equipment specifications and quality control requirements for In-use vehicles equipped with compression ignition engine in free accelerating smoke test
  • HJ/T 425-2008 Cleaner production standard.Directive for standardization
  • HJ/T 426-2008 Cleaner production standard.Sintering industry
  • HJ/T 427-2008 Cleaner production standard.Blast furnace
  • HJ/T 428-2008 Cleaner production standard.Steel-making industry
  • HJ/T 429-2008 Cleaner production standard.Chemical fibre industry (Polyester fibre)
  • HJ/T 430-2008 Cleaner production standard.Calcium carbide industry
  • HJ/T 423-2008 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products.Aerosol insecticide
  • HJ/T 424-2008 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products.Digital multi-function copier device
  • HJ/T 432-2008 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products.Kitchen furniture
  • HJ/T 414-2007 Technical requirement for enviromnental labeing products Solvent-based wood coatings for indoor decoration and refurbishing
  • HJ/T 433-2008 Technical requirement for source water protection area signs
  • HJ/T 291-2006 Equipment Specifications and Quality Control Requirements for Gasoline Vehicles Exhaust Emission Test in Steady-state Loaded Mode
  • HJ/T 386-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Adsorption gas cleaner for industrial emission
  • HJ/T 80-2001 Technical norm on organic food
  • HJ/T 401-2007 Cleaner production standard Tobacco industry
  • HJ/T 228-2006 Technical specifications for chemical disinfection centralized treatment engineering on medical waste (on trial)
  • HJ/T 192-2006 Technical criterion for eco-environmental status evaluation
  • HJ/T 256-2006 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in cement production industry capital construction project for check and accept of completed project
  • HJ/T 178-2005 Flue gas circulation fluidized bed desulfurization project technical specification of thermal power plant
  • HJ/T 180-2005 Method for estimation of air pollution from vehicular emission in urban area
  • HJ/T 181-2005 Environmental protection technical specifications for centralized district of disassembly, utilization and disposition of waste mechanical and electronical equipment
  • HJ/T 193-2005 Automated methods for ambient air quality monitoring
  • HJ/T 194-2005 Manual methods for ambient air quality monitoring
  • HJ/T 195-2005 Water quality - Determination of ammonia-nitrogen Gas-phase molecular absorption spectrometry
  • HJ/T 196-2005 Water quality - Determination of Kjeldahl-nitrogen Gas-phase molecular absorption spectrcmetry
  • HJ/T 197-2005 Water quality - Determination of nitrite-nitrogen Gas-phase molecular absorption spectrometry
  • HJ/T 198-2005 Water quality - Determination of nitrate-nitrogen Gas-phase molecular absorption spectrometry
  • HJ/T 199-2005 Water quality Determination of tota-nitrogen Gas-phase molecular absorption spectrometry
  • HJ/T 273-2006 Standard for sector-specific eco-industrial parks (on trial)
  • HJ/T 274-2006 Standard for sector-integrate eco-industrial parks (on trial)
  • HJ/T 276-2006 Technical specifications for steam-based centralized treatment engineering on medical waste (on trial)
  • HJ/T 185-2006 Cleaner production standard.Textile industry (Dyeing and finishing of cotton)
  • HJ/T 187-2006 Cleaner production standard.Aluminum electrolytic industry
  • HJ/T 188-2006 Cleaner production standard.Nitrogenous Fertilizer industry
  • HJ/T 189-2006 Cleaner production standard.Iron and Steel industry
  • HJ/T 190-2006 Cleaner production standard.Basic chemical raw material industry (Ethylene oxide & ethylene glycol)
  • HJ/T 200-2005 Water quality - Determination of sulfide Gas-phase molecular absorption spectrometry
  • HJ/T 229-2006 Technical specifications for microwave disinfection centralized treatment engineering on medical waste (on trial)
  • HJ/T 240-2005 The principle and method of confirm limits for exhaust pollutants from in-use vehicle equipped ignition engine under simple driving mode conditions
  • HJ/T 241-2005 The principle and method of confirm limits for exhaust smoke from lug-down mode for in-use motor vehicles with C.I.E. (compression ignition engine)
  • HJ/T 201-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Water based coatings
  • HJ/T 202-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Once-used lunch container and drinking sets
  • HJ/T 203-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Clay pigeons
  • HJ/T 205-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Products made from recycled paper
  • HJ/T 206-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Asbestos free building materials
  • HJ/T 207-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Blocks for architecture
  • HJ/T 208-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Fire-extinguishers
  • HJ/T 209-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Packaging products
  • HJ/T 210-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Soft drinks
  • HJ/T 211-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Chemical gypsum products
  • HJ/T 216-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Solar-powered watch
  • HJ/T 217-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Products mothproof agent
  • HJ/T 218-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Pressure cooker
  • HJ/T 219-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Sanitizing incenses
  • HJ/T 220-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Adhesives
  • HJ/T 221-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Household microwave ovens
  • HJ/T 222-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Aerosol products
  • HJ/T 223-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Lightweight wall boards
  • HJ/T 224-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Dry-type power transformers
  • HJ/T 225-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products ODS substitute
  • HJ/T 226-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Plastic pipes for construction
  • HJ/T 227-2005 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Mabnetic electric antiscale hydrotreater
  • HJ/T 230-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Energy-saving lamps
  • HJ/T 231-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Products made from recycled plastics
  • HJ/T 232-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps
  • HJ/T 233-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Foamed plastics
  • HJ/T 234-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Metal welding gas
  • HJ/T 235-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Refrigerating equipment for industry and commerce
  • HJ/T 236-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Household refrigerators
  • HJ/T 237-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Plastic doors and windows
  • HJ/T 238-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Rechargeable batteries
  • HJ/T 239-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Hg - free dry cells and batteries
  • HJ/T 242-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Filter belt press
  • HJ/T 243-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Oil and water separator
  • HJ/T 244-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Oil trap with sloping tube (plank)
  • HJ/T 245-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Underslung type filler
  • HJ/T 246-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Suspended filler
  • HJ/T 247-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Vertical shaft mechanical surface aerator
  • HJ/T 248-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Multi-layer filter
  • HJ/T 249-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Hydraulic cyclone
  • HJ/T 250-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Rotating fine screen
  • HJ/T 251-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Roots blower
  • HJ/T 252-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Middle and fine bubble diffusers
  • HJ/T 253-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Microporous filter
  • HJ/T 257-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Electrolytic chlorine dioxide synergetic disinfectant generator
  • HJ/T 258-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Electrolytic sodium hypochlorite generator
  • HJ/T 259-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Rotary brush aerator
  • HJ/T 260-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Blast submerged aerator
  • HJ/T 264-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Ozone generator
  • HJ/T 262-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Screen machine
  • HJ/T 263-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling product Jet aerator
  • HJ/T 61-2001 Technical criteria for radiation environmental monitoring
  • HJ/T 352-2007 Technical specifications for data exchange of environmental pollution emission auto monitoring information (on trial)
  • HJ/T 349-2007 Technical guideline for environmental impact assessment Constructional project of petroleum and natural gas development on land
  • HJ/T 408-2007 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in paper industry project for check and accept of completed project
  • HJ/T 419-2007 Specification for environmental database design,operation and management
  • HJ/T 167-2004 Technical specifications for monitoring of indoor air quality
  • HJ/T 179-2005 Flue gas limestone/limegypsum desulfurization project technical specification of thermal power plant
  • HJ/T 175-2005 Specifications and test procedures for automatic rainfall monitor
  • HJ/T 228-2005 Technical specifications for chemical disinfection centralized treatment engineering on medical waste (on trial)
  • HJ/T 229-2005 Technical specifications for microwave disinfection centralized treatment engineering on medical waste (on trial)
  • HJ/T 29-2003 Technical regulations on construction of management and protection infrastructures in nature reserves
  • HJ/T 5.1-1993 Environmental protection regulation guidelines for nuclear facilities.Standard format and contat of environmental impact reports for research reactors
  • HJ/T 64.2-2001 Stationary source emission.Determination of cadmium.Graphitic furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 155-2004 The guidelines of chemical testing good laboratory practices
  • HJ/T 164-2004 Technical specifications for environmental monitoring of groundwater
  • HJ/T 165-2004 Technical specifications for acid deposition monitoring
  • HJ/T 166-2004 Technical specification for soil environmental monitoring
  • HJ/T 168-2004 Technical guideline on drawing environmental monitoring analytical method standards
  • HJ/T 169-2004 Technical guideline for environmental risk assessment on projects
  • HJ/T 174-2005 Specifications and test procedures for automatic rainfall sampler
  • HJ/T 176-2005 Technical specifications for centralized lncineration facility construction on hazardous waste
  • HJ/T 177-2005 Technical specifications for centralized lncineration facility construction on medical waste
  • HJ/T 154-2004 The guidelines for the hazard evaluation of new chemical substances
  • HJ/T 5.2-1993 Environmental protection regulation guidelines for nuclear facilities.Standard format and content of environmental impact reports for shallow ground disposal of solid radioactive waste
  • HJ/T 6-1994 Index system for evaluating environmental effect of mountainous type scenic resource development
  • HJ/T 8.3-1994 Specifications for management of environmental protection archives Management of environmental protection for construction projects
  • HJ/T 8.4-1994 Specifications for management of environmental protection archives Pollution source
  • HJ/T 8.5-1994 Specifications for management of environmental protection archives Instrument and equipment for environmental protection
  • HJ/T 10.1-1995 Radiation environmental protection reguation guidelines for standard content and format of environmental impact reporta (tables) for nuclear technology appoication facilities
  • HJ/T 10.2-1996 Guideline on Management of Radioactive Enviromental ProtectionElectromagnetic Radiation Monitoring Instruments and Methods
  • HJ/T 10.3-1996 Guideline on Management of Radioactive Enviromental ProtectionEnviromental Impact Assessment Methods and standards on Electromagnetic Radiatio
  • HJ/T 48-1999 Technical conditions of sampler for stack dust
  • HJ/T 64.3-2001 stationary source emission.Determination of cadmium.p-Azobenzenediazoaminazobenzene sulfonic acid spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 66-2001 Stationary source emission.Determination of chlorobenzenes.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 67-2001 Stationary source emission.Determination of fluoride.Ion selective electrode method
  • HJ/T 68-2001 Stationary source emission.Determination of exhauster anilines.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 70-2001 High-chlorine wastewater.Determination of chemical oxygen demand.Chlorine emendation method
  • HJ/T 71-2001 Water quality-Determination of total organic carbon-Nondispersive infrared absorption method
  • HJ/T 72-2001 Water quality-Determination of phthalate(dimethyl dibutyl dioctyl)-Liquid chromatography
  • HJ/T 73-2001 Water quality-Determination of Acrylonitrile-Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 11-1996 Classification and Nomenclature forEnviromental Protection Equipments
  • HJ/T 12-1996 Classification and Nomenclature forEnviromental Protection Instruments
  • HJ/T 13-1996 Specification for Formulating Enviromental Impact Statementof Thermal Power Plant Construction Project
  • HJ/T 15-1996 Supersonic flowmeter of wastewater
  • HJ/T 16-1996 Silencers for ventilation
  • HJ/T 17-1996 Windows for sound insulation
  • HJ/T 19-1997 Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment.Ecological environment of nature resource development
  • HJ/T 20-1998 Technical specifications on sampling and sample preparation from industry solid waste
  • HJ/T 21-1998 Sampling requirments for waterquality monitoring in nuclear facilities
  • HJ/T 22-1998 General rules for sampling airborne radioactive materials
  • HJ/T 23-1998 Siting of near surface disposal facilities of low-and intermediate-level radioactive wastes
  • HJ/T 24-1998 Technical regulations on environmental impact assessment of electromagnetic radiation produced by 500KV ultrahigh voltage transmission and transfer power engineering
  • HJ/T 74-2001 Water quality-Determination of Chlorobenzene-Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 75-2001 Technical norm for continuous emissions monitoring of flue gas emitted from thermal power plants
  • HJ/T 76-2001 Specifications and test procedures for continuous emission monitoring systems of flue gas emitted from stationary sources
  • HJ/T 78-2001 Data collection specification for environmental protection archives
  • HJ/T 79-2001 Format of bibliographic data interchanges for environmental protection archives
  • HJ/T 81-2001 Technical standard of preventing pollution for livestock and poultry breeding
  • HJ/T 83-2001 Water quality-Determination of adsorbable organic halogen-Ion chromatography method
  • HJ/T 84-2001 Water quality.Determination of inorganic anions.Ion chromatography method
  • HJ/T 86-2002 Water quality.Determination of biochemical oxygen demand(BOD).Speedy testing method of microorganism sensor
  • HJ/T 87-2002 Technical guidelines for enviornmental impact assessment Constructional project of civil airport
  • HJ/T 25-1999 Environmental quality risk assessment criteria for soil at manufacturing facilities
  • HJ/T 88-2003 Code for environmental impact assessment of water conservancy and hydropower project
  • HJ/T 27-1999 Stationary source emission-determination of hydrogen chloride.Mercuric thiocyanate spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 28-1999 Stationary source emission-Determination of hydrogen cyanide.Iso-nicotinic-acid-3-methyl-phenyl-5-pyrazolone spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 29-1999 Stationary source emission-Determination of chromate fog.Diphenyl carbazide spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 30-1999 Stationary source emission-Determination of chlorine.Methyl orange spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 31-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of phosgene.Aniline ultraviolet spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 32-1999 Stationary source emission-Determination of phenols.4-Amino-antipyrine spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 33-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of methanol.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 34-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of vinyl chloride.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 35-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of acetaldehyde.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 36-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of acrolein.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 37-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of acrylonitrile.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 38-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of nonmethane hydrocarbons.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 92-2002 Technical requirements for monitoring of total amount of pollutants in waste water
  • HJ/T 96-2003 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of pH
  • HJ/T 97-2003 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of electroconductivity
  • HJ/T 99-2003 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of dissolved oxygen(DO)
  • HJ/T 100-2003 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of permanganate index
  • HJ/T 101-2003 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of ammonia
  • HJ/T 102-2003 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of total nitrogen
  • HJ/T 103-2003 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of total phosphorous
  • HJ/T 64.1-2001 Stationary Source Emission.Determination of cadmium.Flame absorption spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 104-2003 The technical requirement for water quality automatic analyzer of total organic carbon
  • HJ/T 39-1999 Stationary source emissio.Determination of chlorobenzenes.Gas chromatography
  • HJ/T 40-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of benzo(a)pyrene.High performance liquid chromatography
  • HJ/T 41-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of asbestos dust.Microscopic count
  • HJ/T 42-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of nitrogen oxide.Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 44-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of carbon monoxide.Non-dispersive infrared absorption method
  • HJ/T 45-1999 Stationary source emission.Determination of asphaltic smoke.Gravimetric method
  • HJ/T 47-1999 Technical conditions of sampler for stack gas
  • HJ/T 49-1999 Water quality.Determination of boron curcumin.spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 50-1999 Water quality.Determination of trichloro-aldehyde.3-methyl-1-phenyl-5-pyrazolone spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 51-1999 Water quality.Determination of total salt.Gravimetric method
  • HJ/T 52-1999 Water quality.Guidance on sampling techniques of rivers
  • HJ/T 55-2000 Technical guidelines for fugitive emission monitoring of air pollutants
  • HJ/T 125-2003 Cleaner production standard Petroleum refinery industry
  • HJ/T 126-2003 Cleaner production standard Coking industry
  • HJ/T 127-2003 Cleaner production standard Tanning industry (Pig leather)
  • HJ/T 129-2003 Technical guideline for the construction of management and conservation infrastructure of nature reserves
  • HJ/T 130-2003 Technical guidelines for plan environmental impact assessment (on trial)
  • HJ/T 131-2003 Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment of development area
  • HJ/T 132-2003 High-chlorine wastewater-Determination of chemical oxygen demand-Potassium iodide alkaline Permanganate method
  • HJ/T 153-2004 The guidelines for the testing of chemicals
  • HJ/T 57-2000 Determination of sulphur dioxide from exhausted gas of stationary source.Fixed-potential electrolysis method
  • HJ/T 58-2000 Water quality.Determination of beryllium.Spectrophotometric method with erichrome cyanine R
  • HJ/T 59-2000 Water quality.Determination of beryllium.Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry
  • HJ/T 60-2000 Water quality.Determination of sulfides.Iodometric method
  • HJ/T 62-2001 Test regulation for cooking fume control equipment
  • HJ/T 63.1-2001 Stationary source emission.Determination of nickel.Flame absorption spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 63.2-2001 Stationary source emission.Determination of nickel.Graphitic furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 63.3-2001 Stationary source emission.Determination of nickel.Dimethylglyoxime with n-Butanol by spectrophotometry
  • HJ/T 2.1-1993 Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment.General principles
  • HJ/T 2.2-1993 Technica; guidelines for environmentel impact assessment.Atmospheric environment
  • HJ/T 2.4-1995 Technical Guidelines for Noise Impact Assessment
  • HJ/T 3-1993 Gasoline-fueled motor vehicles--Exhaust emission analyzer--Technical specifications
  • HJ/T 183-2006 Cleaner production standard.Brewing industry
  • HJ/T 89-2003 Technical guideline for environmental impact assessment Constructional project of petrochemical
  • HJ/T 90-2004 Norm on acoustical design and measurement of noise barriers
  • HJ/T 290-2006 Equipment specifications and quality control requirements for gasoline vehicles exhaust emission test in short transient loaded mode
  • HJ/T 292-2006 Equipment specifications and quality control requirements for diesel vehicles in lug down smoke test
  • HJ/T 295-2006 Management specification for environment supervision archives
  • HJ/T 289-2006 Equipment specifications and quality control requirements for gasoline vehicles in two-speed idle exhaust emission test
  • HJ/T 293-2006 Cleaner production standard.Automobile manufacturing(Painting)
  • HJ/T 294-2006 Cleaner production standard Iron ore mining and mineral processing industry
  • HJ/T 314-2006 Cleaner production standard Plating & surface finishing industry
  • HJ/T 315-2006 Cleaner production standard Wood based panel industry (Medium density fiberboard)
  • HJ/T 317-2006 Cleaner production standard Process of bleached alkali bagasse pulp in paper industry
  • HJ/T 318-2006 Cleaner production standsrd Steel rolling (plate) industry
  • HJ/T 332-2006 Environmental quality evaluation standards for farmland of edible agricultural products
  • HJ/T 333-2006 Environmental quality evaluation standards for farmland of greenhouse vegetables production
  • HJ/T 338-2007 Technical guideline for delineating source water protection areas
  • HJ/T 265-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product Sludge scraper
  • HJ/T 266-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product Suction dredge
  • HJ/T 268-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product Neutralization equipment
  • HJ/T 269-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product Screen filter with automatic cleaning
  • HJ/T 270-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product Reverse osmosis water treatment equipment
  • HJ/T 271-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product Ultrafiltration equipment
  • HJ/T 272-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product Chlorine dioxide disinfectabt generator by chemical method
  • HJ/T 277-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Rotary decanter
  • HJ/T 278-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Single stage & high speed aeration centrifugal blower
  • HJ/T 279-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Pusher submersible agitator
  • HJ/T 280-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Rotary disc aerator
  • HJ/T 281-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Dispersed aerator
  • HJ/T 282-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Air floatation device with shallow tank
  • HJ/T 283-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Recessed plate filter presses and plate and frame filter presses
  • HJ/T 284-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Solenoid diaphragm valves for bag house
  • HJ/T 285-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Wet dust collector for industrial dust
  • HJ/T 286-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Multiple cyclones of industrial boilers
  • HJ/T 287-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Middle little style oil-burning gas-buring boiler
  • HJ/T 288-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Wet flue-gas desulphurization & precipitator device
  • HJ/T 296-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Sanitary wares
  • HJ/T 297-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Ceramics tiles
  • HJ/T 302-2006 Specifications of environmental protection product Printers,fax machines and printer/fax combinations
  • HJ/T 303-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products furnitures
  • HJ/T 304-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Room air conditioners
  • HJ/T 305-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Footwears
  • HJ/T 306-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Color television broadcasting receivers
  • HJ/T 307-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Ecotypic textile
  • HJ/T 308-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Household electric washing machines
  • HJ/T 309-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Woolens
  • HJ/T 310-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Mosquuto-repellent incense coil
  • HJ/T 311-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Gas ranges
  • HJ/T 312-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Ceramic ware,glass-ceramic ware and glass dinnerware
  • HJ/T 313-2006 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Microcomputers and displays
  • HJ/T 341-2007 Water quality.Determination of mercury. cold atomic fluorescent spectrophotometry
  • HJ/T 342-2007 Water quality. Determination of sulfate. barium chromate spectrophotometry
  • HJ/T 343-2007 Water quality. Determination of chloride. mercury nitrate titration
  • HJ/T 345-2007 Water quality. Determination of iron. phenanthroline spectrophotometry
  • HJ/T 346-2007 Water quality. Determination of nitrate-nitrogen. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry
  • HJ/T 347-2007 Water quality. Determination of fecal coliform. manifold zymotechnics and filter membrane
  • HJ/T 339-2007 Cleaner production standard. Production of bleached soda straw pulp, paper industry
  • HJ/T 340-2007 Cleaner production standard. Production of kraft chemical wood-pulp, paper industry
  • HJ/T 299-2007 Solid waste. Extraction procedure for leaching toxicity. Sulphuric acid & nitric acid method
  • HJ/T 300-2007 Solid waste. Extraction procedure for leaching toxicity. Acetic acid buffer solution method
  • HJ/T 301-2007 Environmental protection technical specifications for pollution treatment of the Chromium residue (on trial)
  • HJ/T 320-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product.Rectifying power for high-voltage electrostatic precipitator
  • HJ/T 321-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product.Low-voltage control power supply for electrostatic precipitator
  • HJ/T 322-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electrical dust precipitator
  • HJ/T 323-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electrostatic mist eliminator
  • HJ/T 324-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Fabric for bag house
  • HJ/T 325-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Bag frame for bag house
  • HJ/T 326-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Membrane complex fabric for bag house
  • HJ/T 327-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Bag house bag
  • HJ/T 328-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Pulse blow bag house
  • HJ/T 329-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Rotary reverse bag house
  • HJ/T 331-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Catalytic converters for petrol vehicles
  • HJ/T 334-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electrodialysis equipment
  • HJ/T 335-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Integrative sludge thickening and belt-dewatering machine
  • HJ/T 336-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Submersible sewage pump
  • HJ/T 298-2007 Technical specifications on identification for hazardous waste
  • HJ/T 350-2007 Standard of Soil Quality Assessment for Exhibition Sites (on trial)
  • HJ/T 75-2007 Specifications for continuous emissions monitoring of flue gas emitted from stationary sources (on trial)
  • HJ/T 76-2007 Specifications and test procedures for continuous emission monitoring systems of flue gas emitted from stationary sources (on trial)
  • HJ/T 353-2007 Technical guidelines of wastewater on-line monitoring equipments and installaaon(on trial)
  • HJ/T 354-2007 Technical specifications for check and acceptance of wastewater on-line monitoring system (on trial)
  • HJ/T 355-2007 Technical specifications for the operation and assessment of wastewater on-line monitoring system (on trial)
  • HJ/T 356-2007 Technical specifications for validity of wastewater on-line monitoring data (on trial)
  • HJ/T 351-2007 Technical Requirement for Environmental Labeling Products Eco- Housing
  • HJ/T 357-2007 Cleaner production standard -Manganese electrolytic industry
  • HJ/T 358-2007 Cleaner production standard -Nickel ore processing
  • HJ/T 359-2007 Cleaner production standard -Chemical fibre industry (spandex)
  • HJ/T 360-2007 Cleaner production standard -Color picture (display) tube industry
  • HJ/T 361-2007 Cleaner production standard Flat glass industry
  • HJ/T 362-2007 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Solar Collector
  • HJ/T 364-2007 Technical specifications for pollution control during collection and recycle of waste plastics (on trial)
  • HJ/T 370-2007 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Offset printing ink
  • HJ/T 365-2007 Technical guideline of monitoring on dioxins emission from hazardous waste (including medical waste) incinerators
  • HJ/T 372-2007 The technical requirement and test procedures for water quality automatic sampler
  • HJ/T 373-2007 Technical specifications of quality assurance and quality control for monitoring of stationary pollution source (on trial)
  • HJ/T 393-2007 Technical specifications for urban fugitive dust pollution prevention and control
  • HJ/T 15-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Supersonic flowmeters of wastewater
  • HJ/T 366-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection products. Ultrasonic pipe flowmeters
  • HJ/T 367-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection products. Electromagnetic pipe flowmeters
  • HJ/T 368-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection products. Special orifice flowmeters for total suspended particulate sampler calibration
  • HJ/T 369-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection products. Chemical feed equipment for water treatment
  • HJ/T 374-2007 Technical requirement and test procedures for total suspended particulates sampler
  • HJ/T 375-2007 Technical requirement and test procedures for ambient air sampler
  • HJ/T 376-2007 Technical requirement and test procedures for 24 hour thermostatic automatic continuous ambient air sampler
  • HJ/T 377-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product Water quality on-line automatic monitor of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
  • HJ/T 378-2007 Technical requirement and test procedures for operation recorder of pollution treatment facility
  • HJ/T 379-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Sound-proof door
  • HJ/T 380-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Rubber vibration isolator
  • HJ/T 381-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Spring vibration isolator with damping
  • HJ/T 382-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Micropore muffler of high pressure gas blow-off
  • HJ/T 383-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Exhaust muffler of automobile engines
  • HJ/T 384-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. General low noise axle. Flow flower
  • HJ/T 385-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product Low noise type cooling tower
  • HJ/T 387-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Adsorption gas cleaner for industrial emission
  • HJ/T 388-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Wet paint-mist filtrating equipment
  • HJ/T 389-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product Catalytic gas cleaner for industrial organic emission
  • HJ/T 390-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product Control system of fuel evaporative pollutants from vehicle with petrol engine
  • HJ/T 391-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product. Flexible rubber pipe joint
  • HJ/T 392-2007 Technical requirement for environmental protection product Catalytic converter for motorcycles
  • HJ/T 394-2007 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in ecological constmction projects for check & accept completed project
  • HJ/T 363-2007 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Domestic solar water heating system
  • HJ/T 397-2007 Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary source
  • HJ/T 398-2007 Stationary source emission - Determination of blackness of smoke plumes - RingeImann smoke chart
  • HJ/T 399-2007 Water quality- Determination of the chemical oxygen demand - Fast digestion-spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 400-2007 Determination of volatile organic compounds and carbonyl compounds in cabin of vehicles
  • HJ/T 409-2007 Guide for established of eco-industrial parks planning
  • HJ/T 402-2007 Cleaner production standard liquor industry
  • HJ/T 410-2007 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Copy paper
  • HJ/T 411-2007 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Faucets
  • HJ/T 412-2007 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Ready-mixed concrete
  • HJ/T 413-2007 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Remanufactured toner cartridge
  • HJ/T 403-2007 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in urban rail transit for check and accept of completed constmction project
  • HJ/T 404-2007 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in black metal smelting and expansion for check and accept of completed construction project
  • HJ/T 405-2007 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in petroleum refinery industry project for check and accept of completed construction project
  • HJ/T 406-2007 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in ethylene project for check and accept of completed construction project
  • HJ/T 407-2007 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in automobile manufacturing capital construction project for check and accept of completed project
  • HJ/T 416-2007 Environmental information terminology
  • HJ/T 417-2007 Environmental information classification and code
  • HJ/T 418-2007 Specification for environmental information system integration
  • HJ/T 415-2008 Guide of safety-assessment on application of microbial blends in the environmental protection
  • HJ/T 420-2008 The guidelines for the generic name of new chemical substances
  • HJ/T 371-2007 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products Gravure and flexible printing ink
  • HJ/T 186-2006 Cleaner production standard.Cane sugar industry
  • HJ/T 91-2002 Technical Specifications Requirements for Monitoring of Surface Water and Waste Water
  • HJ/T 330-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Section reverse blow type bag house
  • HJ/T 14-1996 Principle and technical methods for regionalizing ambient air quality function
  • HJ/T 82-2001 Specifications on environmental function zoning in near coastal seawaters
  • HJ/T 4-1993 Specification of filter type smokemeter for vehicle with diesel engine
  • HJ/T 69-2001 Technical method for checking and ratifying the emission gross of soot and SO2 for coal-burning boiler-Method of balanced calculation between materials and products
  • HJ/T 184-2006 Cleaner production standard.Edible vegetable oil industry (Soya-bean oil and Soya-bean cake)
  • HJ/T 56-2000 Determination of sulphur dioxide from exhausted gas of stationary source Iodine titration method
  • HJ/T 255-2006 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in power plant capital construction project for check and accept of completed project
  • HJ/T 337-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Biological contact aeration complete of equipment
  • HJ/T 204-2005 Technical Requirement for Environmental Labeling Products–Fibrous Desiccant for Packaging
  • HJ/T 316-2006 Cleaner production standard Dairy products manufacture (Pure milk and whole milk powder)
  • HJ/T 2.3-1993 Technical gnidelines for environmental impact assessment Surfacewater environment
  • HJ/T 54-2000 Measuring method for exhaust pollutants from diesel engines of vehicles
  • HJ/T 85-2002 Technical specifications for solid waste cleaning at the bottom of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Reservoir
  • HJ/T 18-1996 Small-sized incinerators
  • HJ/T 26.1-1999 Measuring method for pollutants from light-duty vehicle.Measuring method for exhaust pollutants
  • HJ/T 26.2-1999 Measuring method for pollutants from light-duty vehicle.Measuring method for emissions of crankcase gases
  • HJ/T 26.3-1999 Measuring method for pollutants from light-duty vehicle.Measuring method of fuel evaporative emissions method of the enclosure
  • HJ/T 26.4-1999 Measuring method for pollutants from light-duty vehicle.Ageing test method for verifying the durability of pollution control devices
  • HJ/T 26.5-1999 Measuring method for pollutants from light-duty vehicle.Specification of reference fuels for emissions test
  • HJ/T 46-1999 Technical conditions of detector of sulphur dioxide concentration for constant potential electrolysis method
  • HJ/T 344-2007 Water quality—Determination of manganese—formaldehyde oxime spectrophotometry
  • HJ/T 431-2008 Measurement technology guidelines for check and accept of air pollution control project for bulk gasoline terminal and gasoline filling station
  • HJ/T 182-2005 Environmental Labeling Products standard–Light-duty Vehicles
  • HJ/T 43-1999 Stationary source emission-Determination of nitrogen oxide-N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride spectrophotometric method
  • HJ/T 173-2005 Technical specifications for development of environmental reference materials
  • HJ/T 8.2-1994 Environmental Protection Archives Management Standardizes Environmental Monitoring
  • HJ/T 9-1995 Detailed rules for the description of environmental protection archives
  • HJ/T 8.1-1994 Scientific research on environmental protection archives management norms
  • HJ/T 7-1994 China Archives Classification Law Environmental Protection Archives Classification Table
  • HJ/T 53-2000 Regulations on Acceptable Levels of Residual Radioactivity in Soil of Proposed Opening Sites (Provisional)
  • HJ/T 426~428-2008 Cleaner production standards for the iron and steel industry (sintering, blast furnace ironmaking, steelmaking)
  • HJ/T 26.1~26.5-1999 Test method of pollutants emitted by light-duty vehicles

生态环境部, hj/t

  • HJ/T 191-2005 Technical requirements for ultraviolet (UV) absorption water quality automatic online monitor
  • HJ/T 98-2003 Technical requirements for automatic turbidity water quality analyzers
  • HJ/T 93-2003 PM10 sampler technical requirements and detection methods

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