How to detect acrylamide

How to detect acrylamide, Total:4 items.

In the international standard classification, How to detect acrylamide involves: .

Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, How to detect acrylamide

国家质量监督检验检疫总局, How to detect acrylamide

  • SN/T 4945-2017 Testing methods for food contact materials - Determination of N-methylol acrylamide in polymeric material food simulants by liquid chromatography

YU-JUS, How to detect acrylamide

  • JUS F.S3.140/1-1992 Testing (Quantitative analysis) of fibres mixtures. Binary mixtures of acryllic, certain modocrylic or certain chlorofibres and certain other fibres. Dimethylformamide method. Amendments

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