Organic Program Monitoring

Organic Program Monitoring, Total:142 items.

In the international standard classification, Organic Program Monitoring involves: Farming and forestry, Services, Hydraulic construction, Quality, Environmental protection, Air quality, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general, AIRCRAFT AND SPACE VEHICLE ENGINEERING, Medical equipment, Radiation protection, Optics and optical measurements, Mechanical testing, Water quality, Applications of information technology, Energy and heat transfer engineering in general, Acoustics and acoustic measurements, Wastes, Metrology and measurement in general, Biology. Botany. Zoology, Radiocommunications, Aerospace engines and propulsion systems, Microbiology, Vocabularies, Analytical chemistry, Linear and angular measurements, Soil quality. Pedology, Software development and system documentation.

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • T/GDFS 9-2022 Pricing Guidelines for Forestry Pest Monitoring Projects
  • T/HAEC 006-2023 Standardized Construction Assessment Guide for Project Supervision Agencies
  • T/ACEF 003-2020 Guidelines for the audit and evaluation of volatile organic compounds Leak Detection and Repair projects
  • T/BSRS 034-2020 Standard review plans for environmental reviews for uranium mining and metallurgical construction project Environmental quality and monitoring
  • T/BSRS 044-2020 Standard review plans for environmental reviews for decommissioning uranium mining and metallurgical construction project Environmental quality and monitoring
  • T/SHDSGY 060-2023 VOCs volatile organic compounds on-line monitoring system
  • T/ZGCERIS 00012-2018 Guideline of carbon emission reductions accounting for project on agricultural organic wastes(livestock munure) recycling
  • T/CSES 104-2023 Technical specifications for exposure monitoring of organic pollutants in hair
  • T/ZGCERIS 0002-2019 Technical specification for assessment of greenhouse gas emission reductions- Returning to the field of Organic fertilizers generated from garden wastes
  • T/LNEMA 004-2023 The technical specification for monitoring of volatile organic compounds emitted from stationary source
  • T/ZGCERIS 0005-2019 The Technical Specification of Carbon Emission Reduction Calculation for Planting and Breeding Joint Project of Pig Farm Management for Manure and Organic Wheat Field

National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), Organic Program Monitoring

  • NACE RP0189-2002 On-Line Monitoring of Cooling Waters Item No:21041
  • NACE 1C184-2008 Hydrogen Permeation Measurement and Monitoring Technology (Item No. 24002)
  • NACE 11206-2006 Biocide Monitoring and Control in Cooling Towers
  • NACE EFC PUBLICATION-2009 Monitoring and Adjustment of Cooling Water Treatment Operating Parameters (Item No. 24238)
  • NACE 11106-2006 Monitoring and Adjustment of Cooling Water Treatment Operating Parameters (Item No. 24229)
  • NACE RP0104-2004 The Use of Coupons for Cathodic Protection Monitoring Applications Item No:21105
  • NACE 1D199-1999 Internal Corrosion Monitoring of Subsea Production and Injection Systems
  • NACE TM0105-2005 Test Procedures for Organic-Based Conductive Coating Anodes for Use on Concrete Structures Item No:21247
  • NACE RP0192-1998 Monitoring Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production with Iron Counts Item No. 21053
  • NACE TM0194-2004 Field Monitoring of Bacterial Growth in Oil and Gas Systems Item No:21224
  • NACE SP0499-2007 Corrosion Control and Monitoring in Seawater Injection Systems (Item No. 21237)
  • NACE NO. 11-2003 Thin-Film Organic Linings Applied in New Carbon Steel Process Vessels SSPC-PA 8; Item No. 21099
  • NACE TM0397-1997 Screening Tests for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gypsum Scale Removers (Item No. 21230)
  • NACE 1D177-2009 Monitoring Techniques and Corrosion Control for Drill Pipe, Casing, and Other Steel Components in Contact with Drilling Fluids

Professional Standard - Agriculture, Organic Program Monitoring

Professional Standard - Forestry, Organic Program Monitoring

  • LY/T 2253-2014 Guidelines on carbon accounting and monitoring for afforestation project

Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB34/T 3455-2019 Water and soil conservation monitoring regulations for production and construction projects

Henan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB41/T 1303-2016 Technical regulations for afforestation monitoring of forestry foreign investment projects
  • DB41/T 2198-2021 Technical Specifications for Monitoring Volatile Organic Compounds in Exhaust Gases from Stationary Pollution Sources

国家林业局, Organic Program Monitoring

  • LY/T 2744-2016 Guidelines for Preparing Monitoring Reports of Carbon Sequestration and Afforestation Projects

Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB13/T 5372-2021 Standards for Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Work Service Projects

RU-GOST R, Organic Program Monitoring

  • GOST 4.487-1988 Product-quality index system. Coordinate-measuring machines. Index nomenclature
  • GOST 4.160-1985 Product-quality index system. Muscle force measuring apparatus (mechanical). Nominclature of indices
  • GOST 4.448-1986 Product-quality index system. Optical instruments for angular measurements. Nomenclature of indices
  • GOST 4.403-1985 Product-quality index system. Machines and instruments for determining mechanical properties of materials. Index nomenclature
  • GOST 4.179-1985 System of product-quality indices. Machines and instruments for measuring forces and strains. Nomenclature of indices
  • GOST 4.447-1986 Product-quality index system. Optical instruments for linear measurements. Nomenclature of indices
  • GOST 24812-1981 Testing of items from the point of view of influence on mechanical factors. General
  • GOST 4.446-1986 System of product-quality indices. Measuring means for linear and angular measurements in mechanical engineering. Nomenclature of indices

Liaoning Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB21/T 2771-2017 Technical Regulations for Tracking and Monitoring of Island Rehabilitation and Restoration Projects

Shaanxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB61/T 496-2010 Technical Regulations for Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring of Development and Construction Projects
  • DB61/T 1658-2023 Technical Specifications for Monitoring Volatile Organic Compounds in Exhaust Gases from Stationary Pollution Sources

Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, Organic Program Monitoring

  • HG/T 20501-2013 Code for design of environmental protection monitoring station in chemical industry projects

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • GB/T 51240-2018 Soil and water conservation monitoring and evaluation standards for production and construction projects
  • GB/T 26763-2011 Flight operational quality assurance events and deviation limits for Boeing and Airbus aircraft
  • GB/T 31347-2014 Technical requirements of measurement and verification of energy savings.Communication room project
  • GB/T 7532-2008 Determination of heavy metals in organic chemical products,.Visual colorimetry

Qinghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB63/T 2167-2023 Technical regulations for monitoring and measurement of forestry carbon sequestration and afforestation projects

Association Francaise de Normalisation, Organic Program Monitoring

  • NF EN 16602-70-05:2017 Assurance produit des projets spatiaux - Détection des surfaces de contamination organique par spectroscopie infrarouge
  • NF P15-601-4*NF ISO 16075-4:2022 Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects - Part 4 : monitoring
  • NF EN 16602-70-50:2016 Assurance produit des projets spatiaux - Surveillance de la contamination aux particules des systèmes orbitaux et des salles blanches
  • NF EN 16602-70-04:2015 Assurance produit des projets spatiaux - Essais thermiques pour l'évaluation des matériaux, des processus, des composants et assemblages mécaniques d'un projet spatial

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Organic Program Monitoring

  • KS I ISO 16075-4:2019 Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects — Part 4: Monitoring
  • KS I ISO 14064-2:2020 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements

KR-KS, Organic Program Monitoring

  • KS I ISO 16075-4-2019 Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects — Part 4: Monitoring
  • KS I ISO 14064-2-2020 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements

Guangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB45/T 1108-2014 Carbon sequestration and monitoring technical regulations for afforestation and reforestation projects

Professional Standard - Civil Aviation, Organic Program Monitoring

  • MH/T 2005.1-2007 Flight operational quality assurance events and deviation limits Part 1: Airbus series
  • MH/T 2005.2-2007 Flight operational quality assurance events and deviation limits Part 2: Boeing series

Guizhou Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB52/T 1086-2016 Technical Specifications for Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring of Production and Construction Projects in Guizhou Province

API - American Petroleum Institute, Organic Program Monitoring

  • API PUBL 755-1982 Interpretive Guide for the API Test Validity Generalization Project (SECOND EDITION)
  • API PUBL 755-1980 Interpretive Guide for the API Test Validity Generalization Project (FIRST EDITION)
  • API PUBL 4607-1994 User's Guide and Technical Resource Document: Evaluation of Sediment Toxicity Tests for Biomonitoring Programs

GM Europe, Organic Program Monitoring

  • GME 60407-2012 Test Method for Determining the Impact Resistance of Organic Coatings (Issue 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME TM 589200-2014 Insulation Air Conditioning Unit (Issue 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME TM 947500-2013 Airbag Woven Fabric (Issue 2; English/German ;This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME TM 946300-2013 Airbag - Woven Fabric (Issue 4; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME TM 947900-2013 Airbag Woven Fabric (Revision 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME TM 948000-2013 Airbag Woven Fabric (Issue 3; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME TM 948200-2013 Airbag Woven Fabric (Issue 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME TM 948400-2013 Airbag - Woven Fabric (Issue 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME R-10B-1-2012 Tire Function Test (Revision 4; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement.)
  • GME L-13A-1-2013 Radiator Durability Test (Revision 4; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW14193)
  • GME L-0-21-2013 Friction Test for McPherson Struts (Revision 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW14804)
  • GME 60467-2012 Water and Oil Resistance Test for Toothed Belts of all Lengths (Water / Oil - Spray Test) (Revision 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME 14052-2012 Testing Rebound Springs for Suspension Struts (Issue 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW16595)
  • GME OPEL 411-2012 Test of the Outside Diameter of Radial Shaft Seal Rings (Revision 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement.)
  • GME L-6N2-1-2012 Accelerator Pedal Durability Test (Revision 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW14551 and GMW15335.)
  • GME GMI L-14A-1-2012 Bumper Barrier Test Investigation of the Front and Rear Protection Equipment of Motor Vehicles (English/German; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW15047)
  • GME L-7B01B-25-2014 Long-term Testing of Hydraulic Clutch Actuator (HCA) (Issue 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW17045.)
  • GME OPEL 413-2012 Testing of Sealing Edge of Radial Shaft Seal Rings (Revision 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement.)
  • GME 08213-2007 Stress Measurement on the Exhaust System (English/German; This specification may be applied only for current projects incl. Global Epsilon e (37##). It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW14566.)
  • GME 60471-2002 Determination of Tearing Force and Residual Tearing Force of Toothed Belts (Revision 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current programs. It is inactive for all future projects and without replacement)
  • GME14018-2007 Rohrsteckstellenfestsitzpr眉fung von Abgasanlagenrohren Testing the Force Fit of Pipe Connections of Exhaust System Pipes English/German; Note: This specification may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and repl
  • GME 60295 PART 6-2007 Methods of Test for Sound Deadener Pads Part 6: Test for Low Temperature Resistance (English/German; Note: This standard may be applied only for current projects incl. Global Epsilon e (37##). It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW14
  • GME GMI 60283 PART 5-2007 Procedures of Test for Cellular and Related Materials Part 5: Determination of Resistance to Humidity Ageing (English/German; This standard may be applied only for current projects incl. Global Epsilon e (37##). It is Superceded for all future projects an
  • GME14052-2012 Pr黤ung der Zuganschlagfeder f黵 Federbeine Testing Rebound Springs for Suspension Struts Issue 2; English/German; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW16595

GM Daewoo, Organic Program Monitoring

  • GMKOREA EDS-T-7766-2011 Determination of Scab Corrosion Resistance of Organic Coatings on Metal Substrates (Version 4; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW15288.)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-3405-2011 Environmental Test of Mirror (Version 4; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW3172)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-3101-2011 Test Procedure of Sunroof (VERSION 5; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW16412)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-3249-2012 Test Standard of Door Window Regulator (Version 5; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW15080)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-5252-2012 Power Window Motor Performance, Atmosphere and Durability Test Method (Version 4; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW15080)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-7145-2011 Method of Head Soundness Test for Bolt (VERSION 3; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by ISO898-1)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-7150-2011 Method of Decarburized Depth Measurement for Bolt (VERSION 4; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by ISO 898-1)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-7406-2011 Determination of Volume and Density of Elastomers (Version 5; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by ISO2781)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-7717-2011 Test Method for Determining Pour Point of Petroleum Products (Version 4; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by ISO3016.)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-3407-2011 Test Method for Determining the Distortion Rate of Mirrors (VERSION 4; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GMW16157)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-3406-2011 Method of Measuring Resistance to Abrasion of Mirror (VERSION 3; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by CG1741 (OSRVM CTS; Part 3))
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-7684-2011 Test Method for Determining the Flex Cracking Resistance of Coated Fabrics (Version 3; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by GME60377)
  • GMKOREA EDS-T-7725-2011 The Measuring Method for Water Contents Used by Karl-Fischer Method (VERSION: 5; English/Korean; This standard may be applied only for current projects. It is Superceded for all future projects and replaced by ASTM D1123)

GM North America, Organic Program Monitoring

  • GM7111M-2010 Corrosion Protective Coatings Phoshate/Zinc/Organic Type Do Not Use on New Programs; Replaced by GMW14100
  • GM7113M-2010 Corrosion Protective Coatings Zinc/Organic Type Do Not Use on New Programs; Replaced by GMW4707
  • GM GM6047M-2013 Corrosion Protective Coatings Phoshate/Electro-Organic (Issue 5; Do Not Use on New Programs; No Replacement)

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Organic Program Monitoring

  • ASHRAE SA-96-6-4-1996 Condensation Resistance Validation Project - Detailed Computer Simulations Using Finite-Element Methods

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB37/T 2335-2013 Technical regulations for tracking and monitoring of construction project sea area use dynamics and marine environmental impact

Acoustical Society of America (ASA), Organic Program Monitoring

  • ASA S12.13 TR-2002 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Hearing Conservation Programs through Audiometric Data Base Analysis

Beijing Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB11/T 1561-2018 Guidelines for Carbon Emission Reduction Accounting for Agricultural Organic Waste (Livestock Manure) Recycling Projects
  • DB11/T 1484-2017 Technical Specifications for Monitoring Volatile Organic Compounds in Exhaust Gases from Stationary Pollution Sources

国家文物局, Organic Program Monitoring

  • WW/T 0095-2020 Environmental monitoring of collections of cultural relics Preservation monitoring terminal volatile organic compounds (VOC)

German Institute for Standardization, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DIN EN 12468:1998 Biotechnology - Modified organisms for application in the environment - Guidance for the monitoring strategies for deliberate releases of genetically modified plants; German version EN 12468:1997
  • DIN EN 12685:1998 Biotechnology - Modified organisms for application in the environment - Guidance for the monitoring strategies for deliberate releases of genetically modified microorganisms, including viruses; German version EN 12685:1998

SSPC - The Society for Protective Coatings, Organic Program Monitoring

  • GUIDE 18-2008 Specifier's Guide for Determining Containment Class and Environmental Monitoring Strategies for Lead-Paint Removal Projects

GB-REG, Organic Program Monitoring

  • REG NASA-LLIS-1394--2004 Lessons Learned ?Project Management Lessons Learned on a Fast Track Engine Test

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Organic Program Monitoring

  • SAE AIR1873-2012 Guide to Limited Engine Monitoring Systems for Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines
  • SAE AIR6892-2020 Structural Health Monitoring Considerations and Guidance Specific to Rotorcraft
  • SAE AIR5120-2006 Engine Monitoring System Reliability and Validity

SAE - SAE International, Organic Program Monitoring

  • SAE AIR1873A-2016 Guide to Limited Engine Monitoring Systems for Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines

US-CFR-file, Organic Program Monitoring

  • CFR 7-205.2-2014 Agriculture. Part 205:National organic program. Subpart A:Definitions. Section205.2:Terms defined.
  • CFR 7-205.3-2014 Agriculture. Part 205:National organic program. Subpart A:Definitions. Section205.3:Incorporation by reference.
  • CFR 7-205.601-2014 Agriculture. Part 205:National organic program. Subpart G:Administrative. 205.606 Nonorganically produced agricultural products allowed as ingredients in or on processed products labeled as ‘‘organic.’’.
  • CFR 7-205.606-2014 Agriculture. Part 205:National organic program. Subpart G:Administrative. Section205.606:Nonorganically produced agricultural products allowed as ingredients in or on processed products labeled as"organic".

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Organic Program Monitoring

  • ITU-R SM.1792-2007 Measuring sideband emissions of T-DAB and DVB-T transmitters for monitoring purposes

Shanghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB31/T 1089-2018 Technical specifications for online monitoring of organic sulfur in ambient air

Heilongjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB23/T 2538-2019 Technical Regulations for Monitoring Soil Organic Carbon in Marsh Wetlands

Professional Standard - Machinery, Organic Program Monitoring

  • JB/T 7150-1993 Main inspection items and detection methods of high-strength bolts for construction machinery

GM Holden Ltd, Organic Program Monitoring

  • HOLDEN HN 2351-2013 Zinc/ Organic Coated Single Wall Steel Tubing for Automotive Applications Do Not Use on New Programs, No Replacement.

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Organic Program Monitoring

  • EN 12468:1997 Biotechnology - Modified organisms for application in the environment - Guidance for the monitoring strategies for deliberate releases of genetically modified plants

BELST, Organic Program Monitoring

  • STB 2579-2020 Dependability in technics. Vibration monitoring of the state of spur gears of drives of technically complicated items. Assessment of residual life

US-FCR, Organic Program Monitoring

CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Organic Program Monitoring

  • EN ISO 14064-2:2012 Greenhouse gases - Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification@ monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements
  • EN ISO 14064-2:2019 Greenhouse gases - Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification@ monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Organic Program Monitoring

  • ISO 14064-2:2019 Greenhouse gases — Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, Organic Program Monitoring

  • HJ 1148-2020 The format and content of the radiation environmental protection acceptance monitoring report for the completion of associated radioactive mine development and utilization projects

(U.S.) Telecommunications Industries Association , Organic Program Monitoring

  • TIA TSB-102.CBBA-2009 Project 25 Recommended Compliance Assessment Tests ?Transceiver Performance ?C onventional Mode Subscriber

Zhejiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Organic Program Monitoring

  • DB33/ 974-2015 Energy efficiency limit and monitoring technical requirements for organic heat carrier furnace operation
  • DB33/T 974-2015 Energy efficiency limit and monitoring technical requirements for organic heat carrier furnace operation

British Standards Institution (BSI), Organic Program Monitoring

  • BS PD ISO/IEC TR 29119-6:2021 Software and systems engineering. Software testing. Guidelines for the use of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 (all parts) in agile projects
  • PD ISO/IEC TR 29119-6:2021 Software and systems engineering. Software testing. Guidelines for the use of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 (all parts) in agile projects

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