timekeeping piece

timekeeping piece, Total:4 items.

In the international standard classification, timekeeping piece involves: Protection against crime.

国家市场监督管理总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, timekeeping piece

  • GB/T 37233-2018 Specification for forensic examination of document formation time

PL-PKN, timekeeping piece

  • PN O79155-1991 Complete filed transport packages. Identification of parts when testing

AT-ON, timekeeping piece

  • ONORM ISO 2206:1987 Packaging; complete, filled transport packages; Identification of parts when testing

CZ-CSN, timekeeping piece

  • CSN 77 0602-1978 Transport packages and complete, filled transport packages. Identification of parts when testing

  timekeeping piece.


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