National Secondary Enterprise

National Secondary Enterprise, Total:70 items.

In the international standard classification, National Secondary Enterprise involves: Character sets and information coding, Services, Open systems interconnection (OSI), Information technology (IT) in general, Company organization and management, Diagnostic, maintenance and test equipment, Quality, Furniture, Products of the textile industry, Thermodynamics and temperature measurements, Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene, Vocabularies, Metrology and measurement in general, Environmental protection, Measurement of force, weight and pressure.

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • T/GDMIA 004-2020 Industrial Internet National Secondary Node Identification Code for the Household Appliance Industry
  • T/GDMIA 005-2020 Industrial Internet National Secondary Node Platform Technical Specifications Interface Specifications for the Household Appliance Industry
  • T/CFDCC 0213-2021 Home Furnishing Enterprise Credit Rating Evaluation Criteria
  • T/SIA 025-2021 Evaluation Standards Of Software Enterprises Encouraged By The State
  • T/JSPFSIA 011-2018 Classification and assessment of domestic service enterprises
  • T/CAQP 022-2020 China Association for Quality Promotion Top Runner Entrepreneur
  • T/FZJTFW 001-2023 Credit rating evaluation requirements for domestic service companies
  • T/HBSEA 001-2021 Hubei Evaluation Standards Of Software Enterprises Encouraged By The State
  • T/SZFA 1001.2-2019 Criteria for quality stars assessment of furniture industrial chains - Part 2: Furniture manufacturer
  • T/SZFA 1001.3-2019 Criteria for quality stars assessment of furniture industrial chains - Part 3: Raw material manufacturer of furniture
  • T/DUCDA 002-2020 Rating standard for operation and management of used car distribution companies in Dongguan
  • T/SDQCPZLCJH 45-2021 Standards for Quality and Credit Rating Evaluation of Household Gas Cooker Enterprises (Complete Appliances)
  • T/HTWQX 004-2022 National Intangible Cultural Heritage Huatuo Wuqinxi Occupational Grade Management Regulations
  • T/JSPFSIA 12-2-2019 Regulations on the Grades of Domestic Service Practitioners Part II: Grade Specifications for Maternal and Infant Nursing Workers

Professional Standard - Aerospace, National Secondary Enterprise

  • QJ 1974-1990 Formulate general regulations on product quality indicators of national-level enterprises in the aerospace industry

Professional Standard - Business, National Secondary Enterprise

Tianjin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB12/T 668-2016 Rating Standards for Family Service Enterprises
  • DB12/T 673-2016 Technical conditions for secondary maintenance enterprises of operating vehicles
  • DB12/T 724.11-2021 Part 11 of Technical Specifications for Safety Production Rating Evaluation: Furniture Manufacturing Enterprises

US-FCR, National Secondary Enterprise

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), National Secondary Enterprise

GB-REG, National Secondary Enterprise

Xinjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB65/T 2096-2004 The grade of enterprise of service trade of Good Housekeeping is divided and evaluate

CU-NC, National Secondary Enterprise

  • NC 62-21-1984 National Electroenergetic System. Secondary Circuits General Requirements
  • NC 62-30-1986 National Electroenergetic System. Thermoelectrlc Plants. Secondary and Auxiliary Clrcults. General Requlrements for the Technological Projection
  • INC 29-1984

Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB3502/T 079-2022 Housekeeping service enterprise credit rating and evaluation standards

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., National Secondary Enterprise

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), National Secondary Enterprise

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • GB/T 22155-2008 Qualifications and evaluation indicators for international freight forwarding enterprise

CN-QIYE, National Secondary Enterprise

  • Q/GDW 11536-2016 Safety Evaluation Standards for Electric Power Construction Enterprises of State Grid Corporation of China
  • Q/GDW 2247.8-2013 Part 8 of the labor quota standard for power supply enterprises of the State Grid Corporation of China: Materials
  • Q/GDW 2247.7-2013 State Grid Corporation's labor quota standard for power supply enterprises Part 7: Information and communication
  • Q/GDW 2247.4-2013 State Grid Corporation's power supply enterprise labor quota standard part 4: operation and maintenance

CN-STDBOOK, National Secondary Enterprise

  • 图书 3-9514 GB/T 31950 "Enterprise Integrity Management System" National Standard Application Guide

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB4401/T 110.1-2021 Domestic Service Credit Rating Evaluation Specification Part 1: Service Enterprises

Hunan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB43/T 649.2-2011 Household Appliance Repair Service Part 2: Enterprise Rating Criteria

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB37/T 3184-2018 Guidelines for the implementation of the safety production risk classification management and control system for enterprises in the home textile industry
  • DB37/T 3287-2018 Guidelines for the Implementation of Occupational Hazard Risk Classification Management and Control System for Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Enterprises

RU-GOST R, National Secondary Enterprise

  • GOST R 66.0.01-2017 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards.General principles, requirements and guidelines
  • GOST R 66.0.01-2015 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards. General principles, requirements and guidelines
  • GOST R 51233-1998 State system for the uniformity of measurements. Standard platinum resistance thermometers of the first and second grades. General requirements
  • GOST R 66.9.04-2017 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards. Evaluation of experience and business reputation of security organizations
  • GOST R 8.571-1998 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standard platinum resistance thermometers of the first and second grades. Methods of calibration
  • GOST R 66.1.01-2015 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards. Evaluation of experience and business reputation of entities, conducting architectural design
  • GOST R 66.1.03-2016 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards. Evaluation of experience and business reputation of construction organizations
  • GOST 22.2.04-2012 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Management and procedure of internal metrological surveillance of the interprises with hazardous industial objects
  • GOST R 66.1.02-2015 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards. Evaluation of experience and business reputation of entities, conducting geotechnical investigation
  • GOST R 66.9.03-2016 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards. Evaluation of experience and business reputation of companies performing oversized heavy cargo transportations
  • GOST 8.612-2012 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Management and procedure of internal metrological surveillance of the interprises with hazardous industial objects
  • GOST 14017-1968 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Force-measuring standard machines of 2 grade. Methods and means of verification
  • GOST R 66.9.01-2015 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards. Evaluation of experience and business reputation of entities - producers and sellers of fire-fighting products
  • GOST R 8.611-2005 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standard thermoelectric platinumrhodium/platinum converters of the first, the second and the third grades. Verification procedure
  • GOST R 8.784-2012 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring installations - standards of 2-nd class of moisture content of firm and loose materials. Verification procedure
  • GOST R 66.9.02-2015 Evaluation of experience and business reputation of enterprises. The national system of standards. Evaluation of experience and business reputation of entities, providing works (services) in the field of ensuring fire safety of protecred assets

Beijing Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB11/T 1322.11-2017 Part 11 of Technical Specifications for Safety Production Rating Evaluation: Furniture Manufacturing Enterprises

Sichuan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB5107/T 137.1-2023 National Food Safety Demonstration City “Cell Engineering” Construction Specifications Part 1: Model Enterprises in the Food Production Industry
  • DB5101/T 68-2020 Standardized on-site management assessment specification for three-level safety production standardization of wooden furniture manufacturing enterprises in Chengdu

Hubei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, National Secondary Enterprise

  • DB42/T 478.5-2008 The Classification and Evaluation of Serice Firm for Household Electrical Appliances Maintenance in Wuhan Part5:Small household Appliances and Others
  • DB42/T 478.1-2008 The Classification and Evaluation of Serice Firm for Household Electrical Appliances Maintenance in Wuhan Part1: Audio-Video Products
  • DB42/T 478.2-2008 The Classification and Evaluation of Serice Firm for Household Electrical Appliances Maintenance in Wuhan Part2:Refrigerating Appliances
  • DB42/T 478.3-2008 The Classification and Evaluation of Serice Firm for Household Electrical Appliances Maintenance in Wuhan Part3:Communication Terminals
  • DB42/T 478.4-2008 The Classification and Evaluation of Serice Firm for Household Electrical Appliances Maintenance in Wuhan Part4:Information Products

US-CFR-file, National Secondary Enterprise

  • CFR 12-5.47-2014 Banks and Banking. Part5:Rules, policies, and procedures for corporate activities. SubpartD:Other changes in activities and Operations. Section5.47:Subordinated debt issued by a national bank.
  • CFR 40-63.14-2014 Protection of Environment. Part63:National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories. Section63.14:Incorporations by reference.

Canadian Standards Association (CSA), National Secondary Enterprise

  • CSA/AM CSA/ANSI Z83.4A-2004-2004 Addenda to the Second Edition of ANSI Z83.4-2003 CSA 3.7-2003 American National Standard/ CSA Standard For Non-Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired Industrial Air Heaters
  • CSA/AM CSA/ANSI Z83.4B-2006-2006 Addenda to the Second Edition of ANSI Z83.4-2003 ? CSA 3.7-2003 and ANSI Z83.4a-2004 ? CSA 3.7a-2004 American National Standard/ CSA Standard For Non-Recirculating Direct Gas- Fired Industrial Air Heaters

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