What are the special powders?

What are the special powders?, Total:2 items.

In the international standard classification, What are the special powders? involves: .

Association Francaise de Normalisation, What are the special powders?

  • NF Z44-062:1963 Classement des noms propres étrangers comportant des particules ou d'autres éléments accessoires - Répertoire de quelques usages nationaux (voir NF Z 44-061)

US-CFR-file, What are the special powders?

  • CFR 40-63.144-2014 Protection of Environment. Part63:National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories. Section63.144:Process wastewater provisions—test methods and procedures for determining applicability and Group 1/Group 2 determinations (det

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