cod standard range

cod standard range, Total:499 items.

In the international standard classification, cod standard range involves: Kitchen equipment, Products of the textile industry, External structures, Petroleum products in general, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general, Open systems interconnection (OSI), Applications of information technology, Aerospace electric equipment and systems, Products of non-ferrous metals, Iron and steel products, Elements of buildings, Sports equipment and facilities, Television and radio broadcasting, First aid, Clothes, Equipment for children, Headgear. Clothing accessories. Fastening of clothing, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Company organization and management, Law. Administration, Protection against crime, Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene, Particle size analysis. Sieving, Internal combustion engines, Water quality, Test conditions and procedures in general, Components and accessories for telecommunications equipment, Lubricants, industrial oils and related products, Installations in buildings, Pipeline components and pipelines, Air quality, Organic chemicals, Protection against fire, Rubber and plastics products, Aids for disabled or handicapped persons, Capacitors, Fuels, Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance, Testing of metals, Road vehicle systems, Commercial vehicles, Motor cycles and mopeds, Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity, Glass, Industrial automation systems, Fishing and fish breeding, Cycles, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Equipment for entertainment, Seals, glands, Analytical chemistry, Fasteners, Quality, Languages used in information technology, Machine tool systems, Linear and angular measurements, Jewellery, Hydraulic construction, Construction industry, Buildings, Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works, MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT, IT terminal and other peripheral equipment, Piezoelectric and dielectric devices.

PK-PSQCA, cod standard range


PL-PKN, cod standard range

  • PN C87007 ArkusZ00-1974 Calcium fertilizers Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C87007-01-1993 Calcium fertilizers Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C83604-01-1990 Fire extinguishings Fire extinguishing halons Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C89103 ArkusZ00-1974 Termmology of plastics Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C94210 ArkusZ00-1974 Rubber nipples Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C87006-01-1987 Calcium-magnesium fertilizers Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C87030-01-1986 Horticultural fertilizers Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C99040-01-1985 Photografic developers Scope of the standard and genera? re?uirements
  • PN C99910 ArkusZ01-1972 Film strips 35 mm Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C99015 ArkusZ00-1975 Fundamentale photographic values Intoduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C45051-01-1986 Higher alkohols fats Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C89104-01-1992 Plastics Symbols General regulations and scope of the standard
  • PN C04576 ArkusZ00-1973 Water and waste water Tests for nitrogen Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C04587 ArkusZ00-1973 Wa?er and was?e water Tests for sodium Introduction and rang? o? standard
  • PN C04640-01-1986 Pesticides Common names Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C99021 ArkusZ01-1973 Defec?s of ligh? sensi?ive photographic materials Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C99045-01-1985 Photographic fixing agents scope of the standard and genera? re?uirements
  • PN C99282-01-1989 Radiographic medical films Introduction and scope ol thc standard
  • PN P55030-01-1989 Originals for typographic reproduction Introduction and scope of thestandard
  • PN C04551 ArkusZ00-1974 Wator and wa?t* wa?er Te?U for calfcium Introductton and rang? o? standard
  • PN C04554 ArkusZ01-1971 Water and waste water Study of hardness Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C04586 ArkusZ01-1973 Wafer and waste wa?er Tei?s for iron In?roduc?ion and rang? of standard
  • PN C04602 ArkusZ01-1972 Wa?er and waste water Tests for phenols Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C04608 ArkusZ01-1972 Water , and waste water Tests for pesticides Intrcduction and rang? of standan
  • PN C77056-01-1987 Agpnts for laundering and washing ; Li?uid agents for washing Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C83603-01-1991 Fire extinguishing Fire extinquishings foams concentrates Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C96025-01-1992 Petroleum products Motor gasolines Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C04537 ArkusZ01-1973 Wa?er and was te wa?er Tes?s for phosphates In?roduc?ion and rang? of standard
  • PN C04546 ArkusZ00-1974 Wa?er and waste water Tests ?or mercury In?roduc?ion and scope of ihe standard
  • PN C04559 ArkusZ01-1972 Water and waste water Tests for suspended matters Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C04560 ArkusZ00-1974 Water and was?e water Tes?s for cadmium Introduction and scope of ?he standard
  • PN C04595 ArkusZ00-1974 Water and waste water Tests for lead Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C04612 ArkusZ00-1974 Wa?er and woste water Systematics o? testing In?roduction and rang? o? standard
  • PN C04620 ArkusZ00-1974 Water and waste water Sampling methods Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C04633-01-1987 Water and waste water Test for carbon Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C45301-01-1993 Caprolactam Method of test Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C96004-01-1990 Gas engineering Terminology General regulations and scope of standard
  • PN Z04033 Arkusz 01-1973 Air puri?y proteclion Tests for benzene Introduc?ion and rang? of standard
  • PN Z04037 Arkusz 01-1973 Air purity pro?ec?ion Tes?s for chlorine Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN Z04158-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for ethers ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04176-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for MCPA ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN C04545 ArkusZ01-1972 Wa?er and waste wa?er Tests for dissolved oxygen Introduc?ion and rang? of standard
  • PN C04591 ArkusZ00-1974 Water and was?e wa?er Tests for pofajsium Introduction and rang? of s?andard
  • PN C04638-01-1988 Water and waste water ?on balance of water Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C05011 ArkusZ01-1971 Test methods of conveyer belts General re?uirements and scope of the standard
  • PN C05550-01-1986 Water and waste water Sampling for biological investigation Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04155-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for buthyl alcohol ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04159-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for phenol ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04166-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for octane ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04175-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for 2,4-D ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04185-01-1988 Air purity protection Tests for iodine Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04186-01-1988 Air purity protection Tests for molybdenum Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04187-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for chloroform ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04196-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for formie acid ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04200-01-1988 Air purity proteetion ests for oxalic acid ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04202-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for asbestos ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04204-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for ethylamine ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN C04627-01-1991 Water and waste water Tests for acrylonitrile Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C04639-01-1989 Water and waste water Tests for nitrobenzene Introduction and scopeof the standard
  • PN C04641-01-1989 Water and waste water Tests for aromatics hydrocarbons Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C40008-01-1992 Engine antifreezes and coolants Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C99460-00-1985 Sampling of photographic lig sensitive materials for testing Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04022-01-1989 Air purity protection Tests for chlorobenzenes Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04111-01-1989 Air purity protection Microbiological testings Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04154-01-1986 /\ir pumy proiecuon ests for propoxur ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04157-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for calcium oxide ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04163-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for cyklohexene ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04182-01-1987 Air purity protection ests for pesticides ntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04203-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for ethylene glycol ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04207-01-1989 Air purity protection ests for mercaptans ntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C05560-01-1986 Water and waste water Tests for chlorophyll in surface water [ntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C82055 ArkusZ00-1974 Test methads oi pressed carfoom praduobs Genera? re?uiremenits and stop? of the standard
  • PN Z04149-01-1985 Air purity protection Tests for isoamyl alcohol Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04151-01-1986 Air purity protection Tests for cyclohexane Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04152-01-1986 Air purity protection ? Tests for styrene Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04153-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for thiram ntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04160-01-1986 Air punty protection ests for methyl iodide ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04162-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for diethylamine ntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04164-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for rnethyl bromide ntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04167-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for methoxyethyl alcohol ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04168-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for trichlorobenzene ntroduction and scope of the standardy
  • PN Z04170-01-1986 Air purity protection Tests for nicotine Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04171-01-1986 Air purity protection Tests for picric acid Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04174-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for buthoxyethyl alcohol ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04179-01-1987 Air purity protection ests for trichloroethane ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04181-01-1987 Air purity protection ests for monochloride sulphur ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04183-01-1987 Air purity protection Tests for hydrogen chloride Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04189-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for aminodiphenyl ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04190-01-1988 Air punty protecticra ests for nitrodipheny ntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04191-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for ethylenediamine ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04199-01-1988 Air purity protection Tests ? for iV-nitrosoamines Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04201-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for phenylenediamine ntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04205-01-1989 Air purity protection ests for vinylpiridrne ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04212-01-1989 Air punty protection Tests for nitroglycolIntroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04215-01-1991 Air purity protection Tests for chloroacetic acid Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C04540-00-1990 Water and waste water Tests for pH, acidity and alkalinity Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C04547 ArkusZ00-1974 Wa?er and was?e water Test* for carbon dioxide In?roduc?ion and scope of the standard
  • PN C94301-01-1985 Retreading and repair of tyres and tubes Introduction and scope of standard
  • PN C96057-01-1991 Petroleum products Hydraulic oils for hydrostatic hydraulic systems Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C99465 ArkusZ00-1974 Methods for determination of photo- graphic values of light sensitive ma- terials Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z01001 Arkusz 00-1974 Air purity protection Terminology, definitions and units Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04018-01-1991 Air purity protection Tests for free crystalline silica General and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04061 Arkusz 01-1971 Air purity protection Study of acetic acid and acetic anhydride content Rang? of standard
  • PN Z04094 Arkusz 00-1974 Air puri?y pro?ec?ion Tes?s for car bon monoxide Introducfion and scope o? ?he standard
  • PN Z04095 Arkusz 00-1974 Air purity protection Tests for carbon dioxide Infroducfion and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04144-01-1985 Air purity protection Tests for dibromojethanes Introduction and sCope of the standard
  • PN Z04147-01-1985 Air purityprotection Tests for 1- and 2-naphtyloamine Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04150-01-1985 Air purity protection Tests for nitropropanes Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04165-01-1986 Air punty protection ests for methylbutylketone ntroduction and scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04173-01-1989 Air purity protection ests for dowtherms ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04178-01-1987 ir purity protectionTests for vinyl acetate ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04213-01-1989 Air purity protection Tests for nitroglycerin Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN A99004-01-1985 Tobacco and tobacco products Chemical tests General provision and the range of the standard
  • PN A99007-01-1987 Cigarettes Chemical studies on cigarettes smoke General statement and scope of the standard
  • PN C04573 ArkusZ00-1974 Water and waste water Tests for organie solvents extractable matters Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN C81549-01-1986 Paints and varnishes Determination of toxic metals content General, scope of the standard
  • PN C99470 ArkusZ00-1974 Phyiical and chemical ?esting me?hodt of pho?ographic materia In?roduction and scope of standard
  • PN C99470-01-1988 Physical and chemical testing methods of photographic materials Introduction and scope ot standard
  • PN Z04047 Arkusz 00-1974 Air puri?y protection Tests for trichloroethylene Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN Z04050-01-1986 Air purity protection Sampling e?uipment Introduction and scope of th standard
  • PN Z04068-01-1985 Air purity protection Tests for dimethyl sulphate Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04078-01-1991 Air purity protection Tests for a-chloroacetophenone Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04092 Arkusz 00-1974 Air purity protection Tes?s for nitric acid and nitrogen oxides Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN Z04145-01-1985 Air purity prolection Tcsis lor bcnzidinc Introduction and scope of ihc standard
  • PN Z04148-01-1985 /mi pumy proiection Tcsts for hydrazine and its derivalives lntroduction and scope of (he standard
  • PN Z04177-01-1987 Air purity protection ests for iV-phenylnaphtylamine ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04188-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for 1,3-propane sultone ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04192-01-1988 Air purity protection Tests for hexachlorobutadiene-l,3 Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04194-01-1988 Air purity protection Tests for phthalic anhydride Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN A86034-01-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examinations. Scope of the standard and general directives
  • PN C99012 ArkusZ00-1973 Designation system for characte- ristic properties of photographic light sensitive materials Instroduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04002 Arkusz 00-1974 Air purity protection Tests of dust physical properties Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04093 Arkusz 00-1974 Air purity protection Tests for fluorine and his compounds Introduct?on and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04097 Arkusz 00-1974 Air purity pro?ec?ion Tes?s for ?he size composition of dust In?roduc?ion and scope of ?he standard
  • PN Z04100-01-1987 Ochrona czysto?ci powietrza Badania zawarto?ci cynku i jego zwi?zków Postanowienia ogólne i zakres normy
  • PN Z04124-01-1985 Air purity protection Tests for nickel and its compounds Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04146-01-1985 Air purity protection Tests for antimony and its compounds Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04156-01-1987 Air purity protection est for magnesium oxide nd calcium oxide ntroduction and Scope of the tandard
  • PN Z04161-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for cobalt and its compounds ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04169-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for 4,6-dinitroorthocresol ntroduction and scope of he standard
  • PN Z04172-01-1986 Air purity protection ests for selenium and ils compounds ntroduction and scope f the standard
  • PN Z04195-01-1988 Air purity protection ests for hexamethylphosphotriamide Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04208-01-1989 Air purity protection Tests for phtalic acid esters Introduction and scope bf the standard
  • PN C04403-01-1987 Pigments for water paints and mortars Test methods Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04066-01-1991 Air punty protection Tests for iron and iron ompounds eneral and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04193-01-1988 Air purity protectionTests for Smethylcarbamyl chloride Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04210-01-1989 Air purify protection Tests for />-nitrophenol Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN M01173-1992 Technological documents. Documents for material consumption standardization. The range of information and directives of forms construction
  • PN C04610-01-1990 Water and waste water Test for toxicity of pollutants to a?uatic organisms Introduction and rang? of standard
  • PN C87060-01-1987 Fertilizers Determination of physicl properties of powder and crystalline fertilizers General and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04184-01-1988 Air purity protection Tests for 2-methoxyethyl acetate Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04197-01-1988 Air purity protection Tests for 2-ethoxyethyl acetate Introduction and scope of the standard
  • PN Z04209-01-1989 Air purity protection Tests for N, #-dimethylformamide Introduction and scope of the standard

Professional Standard - Aerospace, cod standard range

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), cod standard range

  • ASTM F2521-09(2014) Standard Specification for Heavy-Duty Ranges, Gas and Electric
  • ASTM D6461-99(2007)e2 Standard Specification for Silt Fence Materials
  • ASTM F654-07(2017) Standard Specification for Residential Chain Link Fence Gates
  • ASTM D6352-19e1 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174 °C to 700 °C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM F1521-12(2018) Standard Test Methods for Performance of Range Tops
  • ASTM F1183-96(2022) Standard Specification for Aluminum Alloy Chain Link Fence Fabric
  • ASTM A392-11a(2022) Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric
  • ASTM E985-00e1 Standard Specification for Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • ASTM E985-00(2006) Standard Specification for Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • ASTM F1991-99 Standard Test Method for Performance of Chinese (Wok) Ranges
  • ASTM F2589-06 Standard Specification for Ornamental Fences Employing Steel Tubular Pickets
  • ASTM F2225-13 Standard Safety Specification for Consumer Trampoline Enclosures
  • ASTM A491-11(2022) Standard Specification for Aluminum-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric
  • ASTM E2938-15 Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Relative-Range Measurement Performance of 3D Imaging Systems in the Medium Range
  • ASTM F1753-96(2010) Standard Specification for Classification and Marking of Single-Lens Scopes for Use with Archery Bows
  • ASTM F1517-94(2002) Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Operations
  • ASTM F1517-94 Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Operations
  • ASTM F1517-94(2007) Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Operations
  • ASTM D8241/D8241M-19 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Young Men Type, Size Range 32 – 48
  • ASTM F2225-12 Standard Safety Specification for Consumer Trampoline Enclosures
  • ASTM F1543-96(2007) Standard Specification for Shock Attenuation Properties of Fencing Surfaces
  • ASTM F2085-03e1 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Portable Bed Rails
  • ASTM F2085-03 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Portable Bed Rails
  • ASTM F2085-07 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Portable Bed Rails
  • ASTM D3785-95 Standard Performance Specification for Woven Necktie and Scarf Fabrics
  • ASTM D3785-02 Standard Performance Specification for Woven Necktie and Scarf Fabrics
  • ASTM F2408-04 Standard Specification for Ornamental Fences Employing Galvanized Steel Tubular
  • ASTM D4035-02 Standard Performance Specification for Knitted Necktie and Scarf Fabrics
  • ASTM D4035-95 Standard Performance Specification for Knitted Necktie and Scarf Fabrics
  • ASTM F2408-06 Standard Specification for Ornamental Fences Employing Galvanized Steel Tubular Pickets
  • ASTM F2085-01 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Portable Bed Rails
  • ASTM F2085-06a Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Portable Bed Rails
  • ASTM F2085-06 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Portable Bed Rails
  • ASTM D3785-02(2008) Standard Performance Specification for Woven Necktie and Scarf Fabrics
  • ASTM F2085-10a Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Portable Bed Rails
  • ASTM F1653-95 Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Triage in Prehospital Environment
  • ASTM D1519-95(2000) Standard Test Method for Rubber Chemicals-Melting Range
  • ASTM F2408-16(2023) Standard Specification for Ornamental Fences Employing Galvanized Steel Tubular Pickets
  • ASTM D4035-22 Standard Performance Specification for Knitted Necktie and Scarf Fabrics
  • ASTM D4035-02(2008) Standard Performance Specification for Knitted Necktie and Scarf Fabrics
  • ASTM E444-07 Standard Guide for Scope of Work of Forensic Document Examiners
  • ASTM D1519-95(2009)e1 Standard Test Method for Rubber Chemicals-Melting Range
  • ASTM F1004-10 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Expansion Gates and Expandable Enclosures
  • ASTM E444-09 Standard Guide for Scope of Work of Forensic Document Examiners
  • ASTM D1519-95(2004)e1 Standard Test Method for Rubber Chemicals-Melting Range
  • ASTM D1519-95(2009) Standard Test Method for Rubber Chemicals-Melting Range
  • ASTM D8521-23 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Little Kids Type, Regular Size Range 2-6
  • ASTM E1919-07 Standard Guide for Worldwide Published Standards Relating to Particle and Spray Characterization
  • ASTM D6607-00 Standard Practice for Inclusion of Precision Statement Variation in Specification Limits
  • ASTM D6607-00(2005) Standard Practice for Inclusion of Precision Statement Variation in Specification Limits
  • ASTM D6607-00(2009) Standard Practice for Inclusion of Precision Statement Variation in Specification Limits
  • ASTM D6607-00(2015) Standard Practice for Inclusion of Precision Statement Variation in Specification Limits
  • ASTM F406-10a Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs/Play Yards
  • ASTM F406-10b Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs/Play Yards
  • ASTM F406-11 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs/Play Yards
  • ASTM A390-95(2001) Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Poultry Fence Fabric (Hexagonal and Straight Line)
  • ASTM F2171-02 Standard Guide for Defining the Performance of First Aid Providers in Occupational Settings
  • ASTM F1004-07 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Expansion Gates and Expandable Enclosures
  • ASTM D2265-94a Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM D2265-00 Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM F1653-95(2002) Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Triage in Prehospital Environment
  • ASTM A390-06(2021) Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Poultry Fence Fabric (Hexagonal and Straight Line)
  • ASTM D2977-03 Standard Test Method for Particle Size Range of Peat Materials for Horticultural Purposes
  • ASTM F1653-95(2007) Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Triage in a Prehospital Environment
  • ASTM A390-95 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Poultry Fence Fabric (Hexagonal and Straight Line)
  • ASTM D8077/D8077M-16 Standard Tables for Body Measurements for Mature Big Men Type, Size Range 46–64
  • ASTM D8077/D8077M-16(2022) Standard Tables for Body Measurements for Mature Big Men Type, Size Range 46–64
  • ASTM D6960/D6960M-16 Standard Tables for Body Measurements for Plus Women's Figure Type, Size Range 14W–20W
  • ASTM D6960/D6960M-16e1 Standard Tables for Body Measurements for Plus Women's Figure Type, Size Range 14W – 40W
  • ASTM F1083-10 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded, for Fence Structures
  • ASTM D6620-06(2010) Standard Practice for Asbestos Detection Limit Based on Counts
  • ASTM F1653-95(2020) Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Triage in a Prehospital Environment
  • ASTM D1078-11(2019) Standard Test Method for Distillation Range of Volatile Organic Liquids
  • ASTM A390-06(2016) Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Poultry Fence Fabric (Hexagonal and Straight Line)
  • ASTM E1895-07 Standard Guide for Determining Uses and Limitations of Deterministic Fire Models
  • ASTM D2265-22 Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM D2265-06(2014) Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM D2265-15 Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM D1519-95(2014) Standard Test Methods for Rubber Chemicals—Determination of Melting Range
  • ASTM D2265-06 Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM F567-14a(2019) Standard Practice for Installation of Chain-Link Fence
  • ASTM D6352-03 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174 to 700176;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D6352-98 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174 to 700176C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D6352-02 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174 to 700176C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D7213-14 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in the Boiling Range from 100 °C to 615 °C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D6352-04e1 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174 to 700176;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D6352-04(2009) Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174 to 700176;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D6352-14 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174 °C to 700 °C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM F964-02 Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Exterior Profiles Used for Fencing
  • ASTM F1083-18(2022) Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded, for Fence Structures
  • ASTM D7878/D7878M-23 Standard Tables for Body Measurements for Adult Female Misses Petite Figure Type, Size Range 00P – 20P
  • ASTM D1519-95(2023) Standard Test Methods for Rubber Chemicals—Determination of Melting Range
  • ASTM D7398-07 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) in the Boiling Range from 100 to 615C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D6352-19 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174 ℃ to 700 ℃ by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D7213-15 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in the Boiling Range from 100&x2009;&xb0;C to 615&x2009;&xb0;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D6352-15 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in Boiling Range from 174&x2009;&xb0;C to 700&x2009;&xb0;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM F2047-00(2006) Standard Practice for Workers' Compensation Coverage of Emergency Services Volunteers
  • ASTM F2047-00 Standard Practice for Workers' Compensation Coverage of Emergency Services Volunteers
  • ASTM E1921-97 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-02 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-08 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-07 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-08a Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-08ae1 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-09 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-09b Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-09ce1 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-09ce2 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-10 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-21 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature,
  • ASTM E1921-16 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-12a Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM F1553-11(2017) Standard Guide for Specifying Chain Link Fence
  • ASTM F1553-11(2022) Standard Guide for Specifying Chain Link Fence
  • ASTM E1895-97 Standard Guide for Determining Uses and Limitations of Deterministic Fire Models
  • ASTM D2977-71(1998) Standard Test Method for Particle Size Range of Peat Materials for Horticultural Purposes
  • ASTM E1895-04 Standard Guide for Determining Uses and Limitations of Deterministic Fire Models
  • ASTM E1895-04e1 Standard Guide for Determining Uses and Limitations of Deterministic Fire Models
  • ASTM F406-10 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs/Play Yards
  • ASTM D2265-19 Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM D2265-20 Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM F1043-18(2022) Standard Specification for Strength and Protective Coatings on Steel Industrial Fence Framework
  • ASTM F1653-95(2012) Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Triage in a Prehospital Environment
  • ASTM D6829-02(2015) Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Juniors, Sizes 0 to 19
  • ASTM D1519-95(2019) Standard Test Methods for Rubber Chemicals—Determination of Melting Range
  • ASTM D2265-15e1 Standard Test Method for Dropping Point of Lubricating Grease Over Wide Temperature Range
  • ASTM D2977-22 Standard Practice for Particle Size Range of Peat Materials for Horticultural Purposes
  • ASTM D2595-22 Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Greases Over Wide-Temperature Range
  • ASTM D2977-14 Standard Practice for Particle Size Range of Peat Materials for Horticultural Purposes
  • ASTM E1921-05 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To'', for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-03 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To'', for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-10e1 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-14 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-14a Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-15a Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-15ae1 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-13a Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM D7961-17 Standard Practice for Calibrating U-tube Density Cells over Large Ranges of Temperature and Pressure
  • ASTM F1753-96(2014) Standard Specification for Classification and Marking of Single-Lens Scopes for Use with Archery Bows
  • ASTM D7398-11(2021) Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) in the Boiling Range from 100 ��C to 615 ��C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D7398-21 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) in the Boiling Range from 100 °C to 615 °C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D5585-21 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Adult Female Misses Figure Type, Size Range 00–20
  • ASTM D2595-96 Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Greases Over Wide-Temperature Range
  • ASTM E2358-04 Standard Specification for the Performance of Glass in Permanent Glass Railing Systems, Guards, and Balustrades
  • ASTM D5585-11 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Adult Female Misses Figure Type, Size Range 00x2013;20
  • ASTM E2854/E2854M-21 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Radio Communications Line-of-Sight Range
  • ASTM F1004-12 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Expansion Gates and Expandable Enclosures
  • ASTM F2047-00(2019) Standard Practice for Workers’ Compensation Coverage of Emergency Services Volunteers
  • ASTM D2595-96(2002)e1 Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Greases Over Wide-Temperature Range
  • ASTM D2595-96(2008) Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Greases Over Wide-Temperature Range
  • ASTM D2595-96(2008)e1 Standard Test Method for Evaporation Loss of Lubricating Greases Over Wide-Temperature Range
  • ASTM D7878/D7878M-13 Standard Tables for Body Measurements for Adult Female Misses Petite Figure Type, Size Range 00P ndash; 20P
  • ASTM D7878/D7878M-13e1 Standard Tables for Body Measurements for Adult Female Misses Petite Figure Type, Size Range 00P ndash; 20P
  • ASTM D5585-11e1 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Adult Female Misses Figure Type, Size Range 00ndash;20
  • ASTM D6960/D6960M-16(2023) Standard Tables for Body Measurements for Plus Women's Figure Type, Size Range 14W – 40W
  • ASTM F552-14(2019) Standard Terminology Relating to Chain Link Fencing
  • ASTM F552-02(2008) Standard Terminology Relating to Chain Link Fencing
  • ASTM F552-14 Standard Terminology Relating to Chain Link Fencing
  • ASTM D7213-11 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Petroleum Distillates in the Boiling Range from 100 to 615176;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D7398-11(2016) Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) in the Boiling Range from 100&x2009;&xb0;C to 615&x2009;&xb0;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D7500-08 Standard Test Method for Determination of Boiling Range Distribution of Distillates and Lubricating Base Oilsx2014;in Boiling Range from 100 to 735x00B0;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM F1159-14 Standard Practice for Design of Amusement Rides and Devices that are Outside the Purview of Other F24 Design Standards
  • ASTM F1159-15b Standard Practice for Design of Amusement Rides and Devices that are Outside the Purview of Other F24 Design Standards
  • ASTM C1635-06 Standard Test Method to Evaluate Adhesion/Cohesion Properties of a Sealant at Fixed Extension
  • ASTM E191-64(1999)e1 Standard Specification for Apparatus For Microdetermination of Carbon and Hydrogen in Organic and Organo-Metallic Compounds
  • ASTM F1517-14 Standard Guide for Scope of Performance of Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Operators
  • ASTM D6860/D6860M-13 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Boys, Sizes 4H to 20H Husky
  • ASTM F3031-17 Standard Practice for Range of Motion Evaluation of First Responder’s Protective Ensembles
  • ASTM F964-13(2019) Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Exterior Profiles Used for Fencing and Railing
  • ASTM E1919-09 Standard Guide for Worldwide Published Standards Relating to Particle and Spray Characterization
  • ASTM D8523-23 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Big Boys Regular Figure Type, Size Range 7 – 20
  • ASTM D8522-23 Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Big Girls Regular Figure Type, Size Range 7 – 20
  • ASTM A962/A962M-11a Standard Specification for Common Requirements for Bolting Intended for Use at Any Temperature from Cryogenic to the Creep Range
  • ASTM F406-09 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs/Play Yards
  • ASTM E178-21 Standard Practice for Dealing With Outlying Observations
  • ASTM E2947-16 Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning
  • ASTM D7500-14 Standard Test Method for Determination of Boiling Range Distribution of Distillates and Lubricating Base Oils—in Boiling Range from 100 °C to 735 °C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D7500-15 Standard Test Method for Determination of Boiling Range Distribution of Distillates and Lubricating Base Oils&x2014;in Boiling Range from 100&x2009;&xb0;C to 735&x2009;&xb0;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D7961-22 Standard Practice for Calibrating U-tube Density Cells over Large Ranges of Temperature and Pressure
  • ASTM A116-73 Standard Specification for Zinc- Coated (Galvanized) Iron Or Steel Farm- Field And Railroad Right-Of-Way Wire Fencing
  • ASTM F1043-10 Standard Specification for Strength and Protective Coatings on Steel Industrial Chain Link Fence Framework
  • ASTM E1921-12 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM E1921-13 Standard Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • ASTM F3031-17(2022) Standard Practice for Range of Motion Evaluation of First Responder’s Protective Ensembles
  • ASTM D7398-11 Standard Test Method for Boiling Range Distribution of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) in the Boiling Range from 100 to 615x00B0;C by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM F1159-15 Standard Practice for Design of Amusement Rides and Devices that are Outside the Purview of Other F24 Design Standards
  • ASTM F1159-15a Standard Practice for Design of Amusement Rides and Devices that are Outside the Purview of Other F24 Design Standards
  • ASTM E1481-00a(2008) Standard Terminology of Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • ASTM F2589-11 Standard Specification for Ornamental Fences Employing Steel Tubular Pickets
  • ASTM E2947-14 Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning
  • ASTM E2813-12 Standard Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning
  • ASTM E2947-15 Standard Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning
  • ASTM F3558-22 Standard Guide for Chain-Link Pickleball Court Fences
  • ASTM E935-00(2006) Standard Test Methods for Performance of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • ASTM E935-00e1 Standard Test Methods for Performance of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • ASTM E935-13e1 Standard Test Methods for Performance of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • ASTM F2036-00 Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Larger Area Density and Background on Electrophotographic Printers

HU-MSZT, cod standard range

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), cod standard range

  • TR 2961-2007 Telehealth standards scoping study
  • MP 96-2008 Standards for enterprise-wide patient administration systems
  • MP 97-2008 Standards for enterprise-wide clinical information systems

Aeronautical Radio Inc., cod standard range

(U.S.) Ford Automotive Standards, cod standard range

US-FCR, cod standard range

The American Road & Transportation Builders Association, cod standard range

German Institute for Standardization, cod standard range

  • DIN 38409-41:1980-12 German Standard Methods for Examination of Water, Waste Water and Sludge; Summary Action and Material Characteristic Parameters (Group H); Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in the Range over 15 mg/l (H41)
  • DIN 38409-44:1992-05 German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; parameters characterizing effects and substances (group H); determination of the chemical oxygen demand (COD), ranging from 5 to 50 mg/l (H 44)
  • DIN 38409-41:1980 German Standard Methods for Examination of Water, Waste Water and Sludge; Summary Action and Material Characteristic Parameters (Group H); Determination of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in the Range over 15 mg/l (H41)
  • DIN/TS 31064:2021 Standardized range test R<(Index)200> and standardized energy consumption test EC<(Index)200> for EPACs and S-EPACS

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), cod standard range

  • ITU-R BT.2446-1,ITU-R BT.2446-2021 Methods for conversion of high dynamic range content to standard dynamic range content and vice-versa
  • ITU-T Q.457-1989 Interregister Signalling - Range of Interregister Signalling - Specifications of Signalling Systems R1 and R2 (Study Group XI) 4 pp
  • ITU-R M.2068-0-2015 Characteristics of and protection criteria for systems operating in the mobile service in the frequency range 14.5-15.35 GHz

SE-SIS, cod standard range

AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, cod standard range

  • M 279-2014 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated@ Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric
  • M 279-2009 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated@ Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric
  • T 279-2014 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated@ Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric
  • M 279-2003 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated@ Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric
  • M 279-1989 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Woven Wire Fence Fabric (ASTM A116-87)

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), cod standard range

  • ASSE Z590.2-2003 Criteria for Establishing the Scope and Functions of the Professional Safety Position

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), cod standard range

  • ANSI/ASSE Z590.2-2003(R2012) Criteria for Establishing the Scope and Functions of the Professional Safety Position
  • ANSI/ASSE Z590.2-2003 Criteria For Establishing the Scope and Functions of the Professional Safety Position
  • ANSI/EIA 535BAAC-A:1998 Fixed Tantalum Chip Capacitor Style 1 Protected – Standard Capacitance Range
  • ANSI/ASTM E1919:1997 Guide for Worldwide Published Standards Relating to Particle and Spray Characterization
  • ANSI X3/TR-13-1998 Information Processing Systems Technical Report - Object-Oriented Extentions to Pascal (NOT AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD)
  • ANSI/ASTM F1951:2014 Standard Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment

Association of German Mechanical Engineers, cod standard range

Military Standards (MIL-STD), cod standard range

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), cod standard range

  • IEEE P2427/D0.35, March 2022 IEEE Draft Standard for Analog Defect Modeling and Coverage
  • IEEE P2427 IEEE Draft Standard for Analog Defect Modeling and Coverage
  • IEEE P1804/D1.7, September 2016 IEEE Draft Standard for Fault Accounting and Coverage Reporting to Digital Modules (FACR)
  • IEEE Std C63.2-2009 American National Standard for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Instrumentation, 10 Hz to 40 GHz Specifications
  • ANSI PC63.2/D7, September 2016 Approved Draft American National Standard for Specifications of Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Instrumentation for the frequency range 9 kHz to 40 GHz

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, cod standard range

  • GB 8772-2011 Hygienic standard for seat arrangement and illumination in classroom with television
  • GB/T 51295-2018 Steel cofferdam engineering technical standards
  • GB 9660-1988 Standard of aircraft noise for environment around airport

Professional Standard - Agriculture, cod standard range

  • CNAS-EL-25-2023 Instructions for filling in and expressing the scope of accreditation capabilities of reference material/standard sample producers

United States Navy, cod standard range

British Standards Institution (BSI), cod standard range

  • BS 9220 N004:1971 Detail specification for circular rigid waveguide tubing - Standard wall thickness - General application category
  • BS ISO 13064-1:2012 Battery-electric mopeds and motorcycles. Performance. Reference energy consumption and range
  • BS 9220 N003:1971 Detail specification for flat rectangular (8.33:1) rigid waveguide tubing - Standard wall thickness - General application category
  • BS 9220 N001:1971 Detail specification for ordinary rectangular (2:1) rigid waveguide tubing - Standard wall thickness - General application category
  • BS 9220 N002:1971 Detail specification for medium flat rectangular (4:1) rigid waveguide tubing - Standard wall thickness - General application category
  • BS PD ISO/TR 14799-1:2015 Comparison of worldwide escalator and moving walk safety standards. Rule by rule comparison

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), cod standard range

  • ISO/TR 11071-1:1990 Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards; part 1: electric lifts (elevators)
  • ISO/TR 11071-1:2004 Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards - Part 1: Electric lifts (elevators)
  • ISO/TR 11071-1:1990/Amd 1:1999 Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards - Part 1: Electric lifts (elevators); Amendment 1: References to Japanese standards
  • ISO/TR 11071-2:2006 Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards - Part 2: Hydraulic lifts (elevators)
  • ISO/TR 11071-2:1996 Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards - Part 2: Hydraulic lifts (elevators)
  • ISO 8654:1987 Colours of gold alloys; Definition, range of colours and designation

(U.S.) Joint Electron Device Engineering Council Soild State Technology Association, cod standard range

  • JEDEC JESD76-2-2001 Standard Description of 1.2 V CMOS Logic Devices (Normal Range Operations)
  • JEDEC JESD8-12A.01-2007 1.2 V +/- 0.1V (Normal Range) and 0.8 - 1.3 V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Nonterminated Digital Integrated Circuits
  • JEDEC JESD8-14A.01-2007 1.0 V +/- 0.1 V (Normal Range) and 0.7 V - 1.1 V (Wide Range) Power Supply Voltage and Interface Standard for Nonterminated Digital Integrated Circuits

Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB), cod standard range

RU-GOST R, cod standard range

  • GOST R 53892-2010 Guidance for project manager competence assessment. Areas of competence and criteria of professional conformity

US-CFR-file, cod standard range

  • CFR 16-1221.1-2013 Commercial Practices. Part1221:Safety standard for play yards. Section1221.1:Scope.
  • CFR 16-1221.1-2014 Commercial Practices. Part1221:Safety standard for play yards. Section1221.1:Scope.
  • CFR 29-1910.331-2014 Labor. Part1910:Occupational safety and health standards. Section1910.331:Scope.
  • CFR 10-20.1002-2014 Energy. Part20:Standards for protection against radiation. Subpart A:General Provisions. Section20.1002:Scope.
  • CFR 12-30.1-2014 Banks and Banking. Part30:Safety and soundness standards. Section30.1:Scope.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), cod standard range

  • IEC TR 62809:2013 Summary of requirements and tests to products in the scope of IEC 60601-2-66
  • IEC 60302:1969 Standard definitions and methods of measurement for piezoelectric vibrators operating over the frequency range up to 30 MHz

ZA-SANS, cod standard range

  • ARP 11071-1-2008 Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards Part 1: Electric lifts (elevators)
  • VC 8078-2003 Compulsory specification for material for contour marking on motor vehicles
  • ARP 11071-2-2008 Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards Part 2: Hydraulic lifts (elevators)

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), cod standard range

ECIA - Electronic Components Industry Association, cod standard range

  • 535BAAA-1987 Fixed Tantalum Chip Capacitor Style 1 Protected-Standard Capacitance Range
  • 535BAAC-1990 Fixed Tantalum Chip Capacitor Style 1 Protected - Standard Capacitance Range (Replaces IS-28-86)

TH-TISI, cod standard range

  • TIS 971-1990 Standard for prestressed concrete fence posts
  • TIS 1109-1992 Standard for aerials for the reception of sound and television broadcasting in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), cod standard range

  • ETSI TS 103 433-2016 High-Performance Single Layer Directly Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) Compatible High Dynamic Range (HDR) System for use in Consumer Electronics devices (SL-HDR1) (V1.1.1)

Electronic Components, Assemblies and Materials Association, cod standard range

  • ECA 535BAAA-1987 Fixed Tantalum Chip Capacitor Style 1 Protected-Standard Capacitance Range

中华人民共和国国家卫生和计划生育委员会, cod standard range

  • GB 8772-1988 Hygienic Standards for Seating Layout and Illumination in TV Classrooms (Abolished)

IX-EU/EC, cod standard range

  • COM(2000) 568 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive 80/232/EEC as Regards the Range of Nominal Weights for Coffee Extracts and Chicory Extracts
  • COM(2002) 166 FINAL-2002 Proposal for a Council Recommendation Concerning the Application of Legislation Governing Health and Safety at Work to Self-Employed Workers

TZ-TBS, cod standard range

  • TZS 65-1980 Tanzania Standard Paper — Untrimmed stock sizes for the A series — Primary range— Specifications

ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute, cod standard range

  • TS 103 433-2016 High-Performance Single Layer Directly Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) Compatible High Dynamic Range (HDR) System for use in Consumer Electronics devices (SL-HDR1) (V1.1.1)

National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, cod standard range

  • JJF 1088-2002 Calibration Specification for Micrometers with Measuring Range from 500mm~3000mm
  • JJF 1738-2019 Calibration Specification for the Upper Limit of Dynamic Range of High Sound Pressure Measuring Microphones

RO-ASRO, cod standard range

VN-TCVN, cod standard range

  • TCVN 7168-1-2007 Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards.Part 1: Electric lifts (elevators)

Indonesia Standards, cod standard range

Professional Standard-Ships, cod standard range

  • CB/Z 262-1997 Selecting range and signifying method of material for mine

Underwriters Laboratories (UL), cod standard range

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, cod standard range

  • T/CECS 1048-2022 Design standard for wind resistance of building envelope
  • T/CAOE 1-2020 Standards for ecological construction of seawalls in reclamation projects
  • T/SEDTA 001-2023 Technical standard for leak detection of foundation pit enclosure structure
  • T/GDJSKB 009-2022 Technical standard for wind resistance of airport building envelope

Professional Standard - Machinery, cod standard range

  • JB/T 8370-1996 Vernier calipers Vernier calipers (measuring range 0-1500mm,0-2000mm)

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), cod standard range

  • EN ISO 8654:2018 Jewellery - Colours of gold alloys - Definition@ range of colours and designation

IN-BIS, cod standard range

Professional Standard - Construction Industry, cod standard range

  • JGJ/T 473-2019 Engineering technical standard for building metal enclosure system

AT-ON, cod standard range

  • ONORM EN 644-1994 Paper. Untrimmed sizes. Primary range and supplementary range designation and tolerances. Expression of direction of manufacture

Association Francaise de Normalisation, cod standard range

  • UTE C93-523U*UTE C93-523:1988 Electronic components. Wires for high temperatures. Collection of detail specifications within the scope of the french standard NF C 93-523.

GOSTR, cod standard range

  • GOST R 8.935-2017 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. National standard. Standard reference data. Titanium. Lattice constants for the temperature range from 5 K to 300 К. Linear temperature expansion coefficient for the temperature range from 5 К to 1

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