wild pictures

wild pictures, Total:23 items.

In the international standard classification, wild pictures involves: Farming and forestry, Cinematography, Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements.

British Standards Institution (BSI), wild pictures

  • PD ISO/TR 23846:2022 Biomimetics. Image search engine
  • BS 5550-1.2.1:1978 Cinematography. 8 mm film. Image areas.. Specification for positions and dimensions of the image area produced by camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 8 mm Type R motion-picture film
  • BS 5550-2.2.1:1978 Cinematography. 16 mm film. Image areas. Specification for position and dimensions of the image produced by 16 mm motion-picture camera aperture
  • BS ISO 17332:2001 Cinematography - Manufacturer printed latent image identification information for 35mm motion-picture colour-print film - Specifications
  • BS ISO 5768:1998 Cinematography. Image produced by camera aperture type W on 16 mm motion-picture film. Position and dimensions

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, wild pictures

  • T/GXAS 519-2023 Technical specification for digital image collection of Gesneriaceae wild and cultivated plant germplasms

German Institute for Standardization, wild pictures

  • DIN 15502-3:1972 Film 35 mm; image produced by camera aperture for general printing possibilities, aspect ratio 1,37 : 1
  • DIN 15502-6:1982-05 Film 35 mm; image produced by camera aperture and projected image area, aspect ratio 1,33 : 1
  • DIN 15502-1:1989-06 Film 35 mm; image area produced by camera aperture and projectable image area; aspect ratio 1,37 : 1
  • DIN 15502-3:1972-09 Film 35 mm; image produced by camera aperture for general printing possibilities, aspect ratio 1,37 : 1
  • DIN ISO 5768:1998-04 Cinematography - Image produced by camera aperture type W on 16 mm motion-picture film - Position and dimensions (ISO 5768:1996)

Defense Logistics Agency, wild pictures

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), wild pictures

  • KS A ISO 8622-2003(2018) Cinematography -- Magnetic sound records on 70 mm motion-picture release prints with magnetic stripes -- A-chain reproduction characteristics
  • KS A ISO 2906-2003(2018) Cinematography - Image area produced by camera aperture on 35mm motion-picture film - position and dimensions
  • KS A ISO 466-2003(2018) Cinematography - Image area produced by camera aperture on 16 mm motion-picture film - position and dimensions
  • KS A ISO 5768-2003(2018) Cinematography - Image produced by camera aperture Type W on 16mm motion-picture film - position and dimensions
  • KS A ISO 74-2006(2016) Cinematography-Image area produced by camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 8 mm Type R motion-picture film-Positions and dimensions
  • KS A ISO 74-2006(2021) Cinematography-Image area produced by camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 8 mm Type R motion-picture film-Positions and dimensions
  • KS A ISO 2467-2010(2020) Cinematography-Image area produced by 65 mm/5 perforation motion-picture camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 70 mm/5 perforation motion-picture prints-Position and dimensions

KR-KS, wild pictures

  • KS A ISO 5768-2003(2023) Cinematography - Image produced by camera aperture Type W on 16mm motion-picture film - position and dimensions
  • KS A ISO 466-2003(2023) Cinematography - Image area produced by camera aperture on 16 mm motion-picture film - position and dimensions
  • KS A ISO 2906-2003(2023) Cinematography - Image area produced by camera aperture on 35mm motion-picture film - position and dimensions

ITU-R - International Telecommunication Union/ITU Radiocommunication Sector, wild pictures

  • ITU-R BT.802-1992 Test Pictures and Sequences for Subjective Assessments of Digital Codecs Conveying Signals Produced According to Recommendation 601

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