How to measure potassium chloride content

How to measure potassium chloride content, Total:443 items.

In the international standard classification, How to measure potassium chloride content involves: Plastics, Inorganic chemicals, Construction materials, Non-metalliferous minerals, Jewellery, Fuels, Analytical chemistry, Farming and forestry, CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, Iron and steel products, Water quality, Ferrous metals, Products of the chemical industry, Metalliferous minerals, Non-ferrous metals, Crude petroleum, Welding, brazing and soldering, Testing of metals, Fertilizers, Ferroalloys, Organic chemicals, Fruits. Vegetables, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Food products in general, Milk and milk products, Nuclear energy engineering, Equipment for children, Air quality, Wastes, Petroleum products in general, Corrosion of metals, Leather technology, Animal feeding stuffs, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Paints and varnishes, Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas.

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), How to measure potassium chloride content

  • KS F 2229-2009(2014) Measuring method for the chloride ion content of polystyrene composite wood wool cement boards
  • KS D ISO 13756-2003(2018) Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys-Volumetric(potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • KS D ISO 13756:2003 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys-Volumetric(potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • KS M ISO 2463-2015(2020) Sodium chlorate for industrial use-Determination of chloride content-Mercurimetric method
  • KS M 8040-2005 Calcium chloride(for U-tube)
  • KS M ISO 2463:2010 Sodium chlorate for industrial use-Determination of chloride content-Mercurimetric method
  • KS M ISO 2463:2015 Sodium chlorate for industrial use-Determination of chloride content-Mercurimetric method
  • KS M ISO 457:2003 Soaps-Determination of chloride content-Titrimetric method
  • KS M ISO 457-2003(2018) Soaps-Determination of chloride content-Titrimetric method
  • KS M ISO 4323:2003 Soaps-Determination of chloride content-Potentiometric method
  • KS M ISO 4323-2003(2018) Soaps-Determination of chloride content-Potentiometric method
  • KS M ISO 981-2017(2022) Sodium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of chloride content — Mercurimetric method
  • KS D ISO 11427:2006 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys-Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide
  • KS M ISO 17070:2007 Leather-Chemical tests-Determination of pentachlorophenol content
  • KS M ISO 17070:2017 Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of tetrachlorophenol-, trichlorophenol-, dichlorophenol-, monochlorophenol-isomers and pentachlorophenol content

YU-JUS, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • JUS H.G8.431-1990 Reaqents. rotassium iodide. Determination of chloride and bromi?e content (as Cl). Turbi?imetric method
  • JUS H.G8.098-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of potassium chloride content. Volumetric method
  • JUS H.G8.107-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of aluminium content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.106-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of iron content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.433-1990 Reagents. Potassium iodide. Determination of iodate and iodine content (as J0_). Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.108-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of barium content. Turbidimetric rnethod
  • JUS H.G8.104-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of total nitrogen content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.510-1991 Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Determination of chlorides content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.458-1991 Reagents. Potassium sulphate. Determination of beavy metals content (as Ph). Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.487-1991 Reagents. Potassium permanganate. Determination of chlorides content. Turbidimetric raethod
  • JUS H.G8.101-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of iodide and bromide contents. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.099-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determ inat ion ofsubstances insoluble in water. Gravimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.455-1991 Reagents. Potassium sulphate. Determination od chloride content. Turbidim&tric metbod
  • JUS H.G8.103-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of phosphate content. Spectrophotometric method
  • JUS H.G8.428-1990 Reagents. Potassium iodide. Determination of potassium iodide content. Volumetric method
  • JUS H.G8.088-1983 Reagents.Sodium chloride.Determination of potassium content.Flame emission spectrophotometric method
  • JUS H.G8.105-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of heavy metals content (asPb). Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.262-1987 Reagents. Barium chlorlde dihydrate. Determination od heavy metals content (as Pb). Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.109-1984 Reagents. Potassium chhride. Determination of calcium and magnesium contents. Flame atomic absorption method
  • JUS H.G8.361-1988 Reagents. Zine chlori?e. Determinatioft of sodium and potassium contents. Flame atomic absorption method
  • JUS H.G8.110-1984 Reagents. Potassium chloride. Determination of sodium content. Flame emission spectrophotometric method
  • JUS H.G8.302-1987 Reagents. Silver cyanide and potassium dicyanoargentate. Determination of chlorides content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.439-1990 Reagents. Potassium io?i?e. Determination of barium content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.346-1988 Reagents Zinec chloride. Determination of sodium and potassium contents.Flane emission speetrophotometric nethod
  • JUS H.G8.201-1985 Reagents. Ammonium chloride. Determ inati on of sodium and potassium contents. Flame emission spectrophotometric method
  • JUS H.G8.436-1990 Reagents. Potassium iodide. Determination of iron content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.077-1983 Reagents. Sodium chloride. Determination ofsodium chloride content. Volumetric method
  • JUS H.G8.509-1991 Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Determination of potassium hydroxide and carbonate contents. Volumetric method
  • JUS H.G8.435-1990 Reaqents. Potassium iodide. Determination of total nitroaen content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.432-1990 Reaaents. Potassium iodide. Determination of sulphate content. Turbidinetric method
  • JUS H.G8.192-1985 Reagents. Ammonium chloride. Determination of ammonium chloride content. Volumetric method
  • JUS H.G8.265-1987 Reagents. Barium chloride dihydrate. Determination of sodium and potasium contents. Flame emission spectrophotometric method
  • JUS H.G8.429-1990 Reagents. Potassium iodide. Determination of substances insoluble in water. Gravimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.515-1991 Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Determination of aluminium content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.176-1983 Reagents. Potassium dicyanoaurate (I). Determination of gold content. Gravimetric method
  • JUS H.B8.814-1992 Straight ammonium nitrate fertilizers of high nitrogen content - Determination of the chloride content (as chlorine ion)
  • JUS H.G8.514-1991 Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Determination of total nitrogen content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.341-1988 Reagents. Zine cbloride. Deterainaticm of -zine oxide chloride ctmteut. Volumctric method
  • JUS H.G8.411-1991 Reagents. Sodium hydroxide. Detennination of chlori?es content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.434-1990 Reaqents. Potassiuia iodide. Detenaination of phospha.te content. Spectrophotometric method
  • JUS H.G8.259-1987 Reagents. Barium chloride dihydrate. Determination of barium chloride dihydrate content. Gravimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.178-1983 Reagents. Potassium dicyanoaurate (I). Determination of lead content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.511-1991 Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Determination of phosphates content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.512-1991 Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Determination of silicate content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.513-1991 Reagents. Potassium hydroxide. Determination of sulphates content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.085-1983 Reagents. Sodium chloride. Determination of iron content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.198-1985 Reagents. Ammonium chloride. Determination of iron content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.086-1983 Reagents. Sodium chloride. Detormination ofbarium content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.339-1988 Reagents. Zine cbloride. Deten~ination of zine chloride content. E?TA (disodium salt) complexometric method
  • JUS H.G8.179-1983 Reagents. Potassium dicyanoaurate (I). Determination of copper content. Potentiometric method
  • JUS H.G8.438-1990 Reaqents. Potassium iodide. Determination of sodium content. Flame emission spectrophotometric methcd
  • JUS H.G8.058-1983 Reagents. Hydrogen peroxide. Determination of chloride content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.287-1987 Reagents. Copperfll) oxide. Determinat/on ofchloride content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.C8.216-1989 Pigment. Basic zine potassium chromate and zine tetrahvdroxvchromate. Determination of water-soluble chlorides content (as Cl). Volumetric method
  • JUS H.G8.083-1983 Reagents. Sodium chloride. Determination of total nitrogen content. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.068-1983 Reagents. Bori? acid. Determination of chloride content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.344-1988 Keagents. Zine cbloride. Determination of Iron cemtent. Colorimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.182-1983 Reagents. Potassium dicyanoaurate II). Determination of substances insoluble in water. Gravimetric me- thod
  • JUS H.G8.305-1987 Reagents. Silver cyanide. Determination of substances insoluble in potassium cyanide solution. Gravimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.308-1987 Reagents. Copper(l) cyanide. Determination of chlorides content Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.177-1983 Reagents. Potassium dicyanoaurate (i). Determination of free cyanide content. Potentiometric method
  • JUS H.Z1.171-1983 Testing of industrial vvaters. Determination of iron content. Spectrophotometric method with potassium rodanide
  • JUS H.G8.043-1982 Reagents. Silver nitrate. Determination of chlorides content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.B8.043-1991 Liquid hydrocarbons. Determination of total chloride content. Spectrophotonetric method
  • JUS H.G8.185-1984 Reagents. di-Sodium tetraborate decahydrate. Determination of chloride content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.080-1983 Reagents. Sodium chloride. Determination of sulphate content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.029-1981 Reagents. Sulphuric acid. Determination of chloride content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.208-1985 Reagents. Methanol. Determination of chloride content Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.395-1989 Reagents. Nitric acid. Deterraination of chlori?es content. Turbidinetric method
  • JUS H.G8.343-1988 Reagents. Zine chloride. Determination of total nitrogen content. Colorinetcic metbod
  • JUS B.G8.512-1982 Bauxite. Methods of analysis, Determination of alumina
  • JUS H.G8.501-1991 Reagents. Formic acid. Determination of chlorides content. Turbidimetric method
  • JUS H.G8.310-1987 Reagents. Copper(l)cyanide. Determination of substances insoluble in potassiumcyanide solution. Gravimetric method

RO-ASRO, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • STAS SR 8934-9-1997 Sodium chloride. Determination of potasium iodate content. Volumetric method
  • STAS SR 8934-28-1997 Sodium chloride - Determination of potasium iodide content - lodometric method
  • STAS SR 8934-8-1996 Sodium chloride. Determination of potassium. Flame Photometric Method
  • STAS SR 13363-1996 Sodium chloride. Determination of potassium. Sodium Tetraphenylborate Volumetric Method
  • STAS SR 13364-1996 Sodium chloride. Determination of potassium. Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Method
  • STAS 8934/7-1971 SALT (SODIUM ClILORIDE) Determination of chloride content
  • STAS 12703/9-1989 ZIBCONIA Sodium oxide and potassium oxide content determination
  • STAS SR 8934-31-1997 Sodium chloride. Determination of sodium florid content. Photocolorimetric method
  • STAS SR 8934-23-1997 Sodium chloride. Determination of cobalt content
  • STAS 318/9-1988 SPECIAL GLASS Sodium oxide "and potassium oxide content determination
  • STAS 4242/7-1988 BLAST FURNACE SLAG Determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide
  • STAS 9218/10-1973 ZIRGONIUM SILIGATE Determination of sodium oxide and polasiup oxide contents
  • STAS 3049-1988 DRLNKING WATER Chlorides content determination
  • STAS 8934/16-1971 SALT (SODIUM CHLORIDE) Determination of naphthalene content
  • STAS SR ISO 9389:1995 Nickel alloys. Determination of cobalt.content. Potentiometric titration method with potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)
  • STAS SR 8934-25-1997 Sodium chloride - Determination of bromid content - lodometric method
  • STAS SR 8934-26-1997 Sodium chloride - Determination of copper content - lodometric method
  • STAS 4240/6-1985 TRASS Determination of sodium oxide, potassium oxide and titanium dioxide
  • STAS 9272/9-1981 ZIRCONIC REFRACTORY PRODUCTS Sodium and potassium oxide conlent determination
  • SR ISO 457:1995 Soaps-Determination of chloride content-Titrimetric method
  • STAS 5953-1985 VEGETABLES AND MEAT AND VEGETABLE PRODUCTS Determination of sodium chloride con- tent
  • STAS SR 12271-7-1994
  • STAS SR 8934-17-1997 Sodium chloride. Determination of the content of mechanical impurities
  • STAS 8934/13-1971 SALT (SODIUM CHLORIDE) Determination of phenothiazine content
  • STAS 5424/7-1980 FORSTERITIC REFRACTORY PRODUCTS Determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide content
  • STAS 6355-1989 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of natrium chloride content
  • STAS 6354-1984 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of natrium chloride content
  • STAS SR 13362-1996 Sodium chloride. Determination of iron. 1,10 - phenanthroline Photometric Method
  • STAS 8934/12-1979 SALT (SODIUM CHLORIDE) Determination of suphate ions content
  • STAS 9065/5-1973 MFA\T AND MEAT PRODUCTS Determination of sodium chloride content
  • STAS SR 8934-21-1997 Sodium chloride. Determination of magnesium chloride content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • STAS SR ISO 2053:1976 Potassium chloride for industrial use. Determination of moisture content. Gravimetric method
  • STAS 4605/11-1972 NON-METAL BEARING MINING PRODI'CTS "WITH CARBONATE CONTENT Determinat ion of sodiuni and potassium oxide
  • STAS SR ISO 6495:1995 Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of water-soluble chlorides content
  • STAS 10387/10-1976 CALCIUM ALUMINATE CEMENTS FOR REFRACTORY CONCRETE Determination of sodium oxide content and potassium oxide content

CZ-CSN, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • CSN 65 2471-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Methods of Potasium Jodide Content Determination
  • CSN 65 2481-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Methods of Potassium Ferricyanide Content Determination
  • CSN 65 2104-1986 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of chloride content. Nephelometric method
  • CSN 65 2467-1981 Sodíum Chloride (Salt) Method of Potassium Content Determination by Atomic
  • CSN 65 2101-1985 Potassium hydroxide technical. Determination of potassium hydroxide content. Total alkalinity and potassium carbonate content. Titrimetrical method
  • CSN 65 2466-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Merkurometrlc Method of Chlorides Content Determlnation
  • CSN 65 4816 Z1-1995 Minerál Fertilizers. Methods of Determination of Potassium Content
  • CSN 65 2102-1985 Potassium hydroxide technical Photocolorimetric method for determination of iron content
  • CSN 65 2473-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Potenciometric Method of Sodium Fluoride Content Determination
  • CSN 65 2476-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Jodometric Method o? Copper Content Determination
  • CSN 65 1067-1988 Inorganic compounds of phosphorus. etermination of chlorides content.
  • CSN 65 2472-1981 Sodium Chloride [Salt) Photocolorimetric Method of Sodium Fluoride Content Determination
  • CSN 65 2480-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Metod of Bromides Content Determination
  • CSN 65 2106-1986 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of heavy metals content. Hydrogen sulphide method
  • CSN 65 2478-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Photometric Method of Cobalt Content Determination
  • CSN 65 2470-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Photocolorimetric Method of Iron Content Determlnatlon
  • CSN 65 2105-1986 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content. Nephelometric method
  • CSN 65 2465-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Methode of Sulfáte Content Determination
  • CSN 65 2081-1984 Sodium carbonate technical Titrimetric method of chlorides content determination
  • CSN 65 2464-1981 Sodium chloride [Salt) Complexometric Method of Calcium and Magnesium Content Determínation
  • CSN 65 2103-1985 Potassium hydroxide technical Complexometric deterraination of the sum of calcium and magnesium contents
  • CSN 65 2479-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Colorimetric Method of Heavy Metals Content Determination
  • CSN 65 2474-1981 Sodium Chloride (Salt) Photometric Method oí Basic Calcium Phosphate Content Determination

BE-NBN, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • NBN T 03-222-1980 Potassium chloride for industrial use - Determination of potassium content - Potassium tetraphenylborate gravimetrie method
  • NBN T 03-223-1980 Potassium chloride for industrial use - Determination of potassium content - Sodium tetraphenylborate titrimetric method
  • NBN T 03-224-1980 Potassium chloride for industrial use - Determination of moisture content - Gravimetric method
  • NBN T 03-197-1980 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of chlorides content - Photometric method
  • NBN T 03-210-1980 Potassium sulphate for industrial use - Determination of chlorides content - Mercurimetric method
  • NBN T 63-103-1986 Soaps - Determination of chloride content- Titrimetric me thod
  • NBN T 03-196-1980 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of carbon dioxide content - Titrimetric method
  • NBN T 63-139-1980 Soaps - Determination of chloride content - Potentiometric method
  • NBN T 03-131-1980 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of chlorides content -Photometrie method
  • NBN T 03-190-1980 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of iron content - 1,10-Phenanthroline photometric method
  • NBN T 95-502-1984 Determination of the particular fluoride content of gas emissions

Association Francaise de Normalisation, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • NF T20-354:1978 Potassium chloride for industrial use. Determination of chloride content.mercurimetric method.
  • NF T20-356:1978 Potassium chloride for industrial or agricultural use. Determination of potassium content.potassium tetraphenylborate gravimetric method.
  • NF T20-365:1978 Potassium sulphate for industrial use. Determination of chloride content.mercurimetric method.
  • NF T20-374:1977 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of chlorides content. Mercurimetric method.
  • NF T20-359:1978 Potassium chloride for industrial or agricultural use. Determination of potassium content.sodium tetraphenylborate titrimetric method.
  • NF T20-375:1977 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of chlorides content. Photometric method.
  • NF T20-376:1969 Chemical analysis of potassium hydroxide. Gravimetric determination of potassium.
  • NF T20-379:1969 Chemical analysis of potassium hydroxide. Volumetric determination of potassium.
  • NF T20-352:1978 Potassium chloride for industrial or agricultural use. Determination of potassium content.flame emission spectrophotometric method.
  • NF X34-119:2011 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content.
  • NF X34-119*NF EN ISO 16995:2015 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content
  • NF T20-355:1978 Potassium chloride for industrial use. Determination of sodium content.flame emission spectrophotometric method).
  • NF T20-372:1969 Chemical analysis of potassium hydroxide. Determination of potassium (flame photometry method).
  • NF U42-371:1982 Fertilizers. Determination of the chlorine content of chlorides.
  • NF EN ISO 16995:2015 Biocombustibles solides - Détermination de la teneur en chlore, sodium et potassium solubles dans l'eau
  • NF T20-351:1978 Potassium chloride for industrial or agricultural use. Determination of moisture content.gravimetric method.
  • NF T20-378:1977 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of carbon dioxide content. Titrimetric method.
  • NF T60-307:1976 Soaps. Determination of chlorides. Titrimetric method.
  • NF T20-408:1971 Sodium chloride for industrial use. Determination of bromine.
  • NF T60-312:1976 Soaps. Determination of chlorides. Potentiometric method.
  • NF T20-381:1977 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of carbonates content. Gas-volumetric method.
  • NF V04-212:1989 Milk. Determination of chloride content. Potentiometric titration method.
  • NF V04-405:1972 Meat and meat products. Determination of chloride content.
  • NF T20-387:1977 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of sulphur compounds. Method by reduction and titrimetry.
  • NF G52-226:2007 Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of pentachlorophenol content.
  • NF V18-105:2011 Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of water-soluble chlorides content.
  • NF V18-105:1980 Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of water-soluble chlorides content.
  • NF T30-230:1985 Paints and varnishes. Determination of chlorine content. Oxydative alkaline fusion method.
  • NF T20-294:1982 Sulphuric acid for industrial use. Determination of chlorides content. Potentiometric method.
  • NF T51-914-2*NF EN ISO 21627-2:2009 Plastics - Epoxy resins - Determination of chlorine content - Part 2 : easily saponifiable chlorine
  • NF G08-023*NF EN 17137:2018 Textiles - Determination of the content of compounds based on chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes
  • NF T20-382:1977 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use. Determination of sulphate content. Baryum sulphate gravimetric method.
  • NF EN ISO 21627-2:2009 Plastiques - Résines époxydes - Détermination de la teneur en chlore - Partie 2 : chlore facilement saponifiable
  • NF T20-416:1975 Sodium carbonate for industrial use. Determination of chloride content. Mercurimetric method.

PL-PKN, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • PN C84039-10-1988 Potassium hydroxide technical Determination of chlorides content
  • PN C84039-12-1988 Potassium hydroxide technical Determination of chlorates content
  • PN C84039-06-1987 Potassium hydroxide technical Determination of potassium hydroxide and potassium carbonate content
  • PN C84039-07-1987 Potassium hydroxide technical Determination of iron content Photocolorimetric method
  • PN C84039-09-1988 Potassium hydroxide technical Determination of heavy metals content
  • PN C84039-11-1988 Potassium hydroxide technical Determination of sulphates content
  • PN H04805-12-1991 Zinc powder Determination of chloride content
  • PN H04093-1989 Chemical analysis of manganese ores Determination of sodium and potassium contents
  • PN B06714-49-1989 Mineral aggregates Testing Determination of chlorides
  • PN C84039-08-1987 Potassium hydroxide technical Determination of calcium and magnesium content Complexometric methods
  • PN P04781-03-1987 Textile dressing materials Determination of chlorides content

TR-TSE, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • TS 3043-1978 Cheese - Determination Of Chloride Content (Reference Method)

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), How to measure potassium chloride content

  • ISO 2051:1976 Potassium chloride for industrial use; Determination of potassium content; Potassium tetraphenylborate gravimetric method
  • ISO 2053:1976 Potassium chloride for industrial use; Determination of moisture content; Gravimetric method
  • ISO 992:1975 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use; Determination of chlorides content; Mercurimetric method
  • ISO 2052:1976 Potassium chloride for industrial use; Determination of potassium content; Sodium tetraphenylborate titrimetric method
  • ISO 2488:1973 Potassium sulphate for industrial use; Determination of chloride content; Mercurimetric method
  • ISO 2050:1976 Potassium chloride for industrial use; Determination of potassium content; Flame emission spectrophotometric method
  • ISO 13756:2015 Jewellery - Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • ISO 16995:2015 "Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content"
  • ISO 3177:1975 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use; Determination of chlorides content; Photometric method
  • ISO 2900:1973 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use; Determination of carbon dioxide content; Titrimetric method
  • ISO 5920:1983 Chlorofluorinated hydrocarbons; Determination of water content; Gravimetric method
  • ISO 2463:1973 Sodium chlorate for industrial use; Determination of chloride content; Mercurimetric method
  • ISO 457:1976 Title missing - Legacy paper document
  • ISO 457:1983 Soaps; Determination of chloride content; Titrimetric method
  • ISO 3634:1979 Vegetable products; Determination of chloride content
  • ISO 991:1976 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of carbonates content — Gas-volumetric method
  • ISO 2970:1974
  • ISO 4323:2018 Soaps — Determination of chloride content — Potentiometric method
  • ISO 4323:1977 Soaps; Determination of chlorides content; Potentiometric method
  • ISO 981:1973 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use; Determination of chloride content; Mercurimetric method
  • ISO 993:1976 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
  • ISO 11427:1993 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys; volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide
  • ISO 17070:2006 Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of pentachlorophenol content
  • ISO 17070:2015 Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of tetrachlorophenol-, trichlorophenol-, dichlorophenol-, monochlorophenol-isomers and pentachlorophenol content
  • ISO 3236:1975 Sodium sulphate for industrial use — Determination of chlorides content — Mercurimetric method
  • ISO 742:1973 Sodium carbonate for industrial use; Determination of chloride content; Mercurimetric method
  • ISO 6495:1999 Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of water-soluble chlorides content
  • ISO 6495:1980 Animal feeding stuffs; Determination of water-soluble chlorides content
  • ISO 17070:2006 | IULTCS/IUC 25 Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of pentachlorophenol content
  • ISO 11427:2014 Jewellery - Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide
  • ISO 21627-2:2009 Plastics - Epoxy resins - Determination of chlorine content - Part 2: Easily saponifiable chlorine
  • ISO 21627-2:2002 Plastics; Epoxy resins - Determination of chlorine content - Part 2: Easily saponifiable chlorine

AENOR, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • UNE-EN ISO 16995:2015 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content (ISO 16995:2015)
  • UNE 84719:2013 Cosmetic raw materials. Toothpastes. Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate. Determination of phosphorus pentoxide content.

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • T/QAS 018-2020 Determination of Potassium Oxide Content in Potassium Chloride Sodium Tetraphenylborate Quaternary Ammonium Salt Volumetric Method
  • T/QAS 072-2021 Determination of ammonium ion content in potassium chloride Titration method after distillation
  • T/GXAS 474-2023 Determination of chloride content in sugarcane juice—potassium sulfocyanate titrimetric method
  • T/CAQI 289-2022
  • T/QAS 017-2020 Determination of K, Na, Ca, Mg Content in Potassium Chloride X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  • T/QAS 016-2020 Determination of Na, Ca and Mg Contents in Potassium Chloride by Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry

Qinghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • DB63/T 1318-2014 Determination of Potassium Oxide Content in Potassium Chloride Sodium Tetraphenylborate Quaternary Ammonium Salt Volumetric Method
  • DB63/T 1319-2014 Determination of K, Na, Ca, Mg Content in Potassium Chloride X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  • DB63/T 1634-2018 Determination of Potassium Chloride Content in Molten Salt Electrolyte - Tetraphenylborate Sodium Quaternary Ammonium Salt Volumetric Method
  • DB63/T 1423-2015 Determination of Potassium Oxide Content in Potassium Nitrate Sodium Tetraphenylborate Quaternary Ammonium Salt Volumetric Method
  • DB63/T 1317-2014 Determination of Na, Ca and Mg Contents in Potassium Chloride by Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry

Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • SN/T 3809-2014 Determination of potassium content in potassium chloride and potassium sulphate.X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
  • SN/T 0736.7-2010 Test method for import and export fertilizers.Part 7:Determination of potassium content
  • SN/T 0736.9-1999 Chemical analysis of fertilizers for import and export.Determination of choride ion content

国家市场监督管理总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • GB/T 18996-2003(XG1-2003) Silver jewellery alloys—Determination of silver—Volumetric(potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • GB/T 18996-2021 Silver jewellery alloys—Determination of silver—Volumetric(potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • GB/T 38812.1-2020 Direct reduced iron—Determination of iron(Ⅱ) content—The potassium dichromate titrimetric method after decomposition of sample by ferric chloride
  • GB/T 38812.2-2020 Direct reduced iron—Determination of metallic iron content—The potassium dichromate titrimetric method after decomposition of sample by ferric chloride
  • GB/T 4333.1-2019 Ferrosilicon—Determination of silicon content—Perchloric acid dehydration gravimetric method and potassium fluosilicate volumetric method
  • GB/T 17832-2021 Silver jewellery alloys—Determination of silver—Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide

RU-GOST R, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • GOST R 55112-2012 Solid biofuels. Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content
  • GOST 29208.3-1991 Sodium chlorate for industrial use. Determination of mass fraction chloride. Mercurimetric method
  • GOST 21534-1976 Petroleum. The determination of chloride salts content
  • GOST 22974.10-1996 Melted welding fluxes. Methods of sodium and potassium oxides determination
  • GOST 19609.5-1989 Concentrated kaolin. Method for determination of potassium and sodium oxides
  • GOST 22974.10-1985 Melted welding fluxes. Methods of sodium and potassium oxides determination
  • GOST 4245-1972 Drinking water. Methods for determination of chloride content
  • GOST 26318.7-1984 Non-metallic ore materials. Method for determination of potassium oxide and sodium oxide mass fractions
  • GOST 19728.11-2001 Talc and talcomagnesite. Method for determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide
  • GOST 19728.11-1974 Talc and talcmagnesite. Method for determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide contents
  • GOST 33569-2015 Milk products. Conductometric method for determination of sodium chloride
  • GOST ISO 17070-2011 Leather. Chemical tests. Determination of pentachlorophenol content
  • GOST 23581.10-1979 Iron ores, concentrates, agglomerates and pellets. Methods of determination of kalium oxide and natrium oxide content

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • GB/T 18996-2003 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys--Volumertic (potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • GB/T 223.73-2008 Iron,steel and alloy.Determination of iron contents. Titanium trichloride-potassium dichromate titration method
  • GB/T 11060.1-2010(俄语版) Determination of Chlorine Sulphide Content by Iodometric Method
  • GB/T 22662.8-2008 Chemical analysis methods of potassium fluotitanate.Part8:Determination of chloride content.Mercury nitration volumetric method
  • GB/T 22661.9-2008 Chemical analysis methods of potassium fluoborate.Part9:Determination of chloride content.Mercury nitration volumetric method
  • GB/T 23835.8-2009 Anhydrous lithium perchlorate - Part 8: Determination of potassium and sodium content
  • GB/T 23835.8-2009"> Anhydrous lithium perchlorate - Part 8: Determination of potassium and sodium content
  • GB/T 23835.8-2009 Anhydrous lithium perchlorate - Part 8: Determination of potassium and sodium content
  • GB/T 6730.65-2009 Iron ores.Determination of total iron content.Titanium(Ⅲ)chloride reduction potassium dichromate titration methods(routine methods)
  • GB/T 6730.4-1986 Methods for chemical analysis of iron ores--The stannous chloride-mercuric chloride-potassium dichromate volumetric method for the determination of total iron content
  • GB/T 9695.8-1988 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of chloride content(Reference method)
  • GB/T 9695.8-2008 Meat and meat products.Determination of chloride content
  • GB/T 12684.5-1990 Boric acid for industrial use--Determination of chloride content
  • GB/T 2463.2-1996 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of total iron content--Part 2: Titanium trichloride--Potassium dichromate volumetric method
  • GB/T 8654.2-1988 Methods for chemical analysis of manganese metal--The titanium trichloride-potassium volumetric method for the determination of iron content
  • GB/T 11127-1989 Gasoline--Determination of lead content--Iodine monochloride method
  • GB/T 22661.3-2008 Chemical analysis methods of potassium fluoborate.Part3:Determination of potassium fluoborate content.Sodium hydroxide titration volumetric method
  • GB/T 6730.5-1986 Methods for chemical analysis of iron ores--The titanium chloride-potassium dichromate volumetric method for the determination of total iron content
  • GB/T 4348.2-2002 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use--Determination of sodium chloride content--Mercurimetric method
  • GB/T 4348.2-2014 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use.Determination of sodium chloride content.Mercurimetric method
  • GB/T 17832-2008 Silver jewellery alloys.Determination of silver.Volumetic (potentionmetric) method using potassium bromide
  • GB/T 23835.5-2009 Lithium perchlorate anhydrous.Part 5:Determination of chloride content
  • GB/T 22427.12-2008 Starches and derived products-Determination of chloride content
  • GB/T 22427.12-2008 Starches and derived products-Determination of chloride content
  • GB/T 223.73-1991 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The titanium trichloride-potassium dichromate volumetric method for the determination of iron content
  • GB/T 17832-1999 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys--Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide
  • GB/T 8638.6-1988 Nickel base alloy powder--Determination of iron content--Titanium trichloride-potassium dichromate titrimetric method
  • GB/T 13748.18-2005 Chemical analysis methods of magnesium and magnesium alloys.Determination of chlorine content.Silver chlorine turbidimetric method
  • GB/T 4618.2-2008 Plastics.Epoxy resins.Determination of chlorine content.Part2:Easily saponificable chlorine

British Standards Institution (BSI), How to measure potassium chloride content

  • BS DD CEN/TS 15105:2006 Solid biofuels - Methods for determination of the water soluble content of chloride, sodium and potassium
  • BS DD CEN/TS 15105:2005 Solid biofuels — Methods for determination of the water soluble content of chloride, sodium and potassium
  • BS EN 15105:2011 Solid biofuels. Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content
  • BS EN ISO 16995:2015 Solid biofuels. Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content
  • BS 5551-4.3.2:1983 Fertilizers. Chemical analysis. Determination of potassium. Preparation of the test solution for determination of acid-soluble potassium content
  • BS 5551-4.3.1:1983 Fertilizers. Chemical analysis. Determination of potassium. Preparation of the test solution for determination of water-soluble potassium content
  • BS ISO 13756:1997 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • BS ISO 13756:1998 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • BS EN ISO 21627-2:2009 Plastics - Epoxy resins - Determination of chlorine content - Easily saponifiable chlorine
  • BS 7319-1:1990 Analysis of sodium chloride for industrial use. Method for determination of sodium chloride content
  • BS EN 31427:1994 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide
  • BS ISO 4323:2018 Soaps. Determination of chloride content. Potentiometric method
  • BS EN 1911:2010 Stationary source emissions. Determination of mass concentration of gaseous chlorides expressed as HCl. Standard reference method
  • BS EN 17137:2018 Textiles. Determination of the content of compounds based on chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes
  • BS ISO 13756:2015 Jewellery. Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys. Volumetric (potentiometric) method using sodium chloride or potassium chloride
  • BS EN ISO 17070:2007 Leather. Chemical tests. Determination of pentachlorophenol content
  • BS EN ISO 17070:2006 Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of pentachlorophenol content
  • BS 5551 SubSec.4.3.4:1988 Fertilizers. Chemical analysis. Determination of potassium. Method for determination of potassium content (titrimetric method)

工业和信息化部, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • YB/T 4726.7-2021 Determination of total iron content in iron-containing dust sludge titanium trichloride reduction potassium dichromate titration method
  • YB/T 4725-2018 Determination of metallic iron content in steel slag by ferric chloride-potassium dichromate titration method
  • YB/T 4510-2017 Determination of direct reduced ferrous iron content by ferric chloride decomposition potassium dichromate titration method
  • YB/T 4509-2017 Determination of iron content in direct reduced iron metal Decomposition of ferric chloride Potassium dichromate titration
  • YB/T 4726.11-2021 Determination of ferrous oxide content in iron-containing dust sludge by potassium dichromate titration method
  • YB/T 4710-2018 Determination of ferrous oxide content in steel slag by potassium dichromate titration method
  • YB/T 4726.12-2021 Determination of manganese oxide content in iron-containing dust sludge Potassium (sodium periodate) spectrophotometry

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), How to measure potassium chloride content

  • EN 15105:2011 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content
  • EN ISO 16995:2015 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content (ISO 16995:2015)
  • EN 15750:2009 Fertilizers - Determination of total nitrogen in fertilizers containing nitrogen only as nitric, ammoniacal and urea nitrogen by two different methods
  • EN ISO 11427:2016 Jewellery - Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide (ISO 11427:2014)
  • EN ISO 21627-2:2009 Plastics - Epoxy resins - Determination of chlorine content - Part 2: Easily saponifiable chlorine (ISO 21627-2:2009)

Danish Standards Foundation, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • DS/EN 15105:2011 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content
  • DS/EN ISO 17070:2007 Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of pentachlorophenol content
  • DS/ISO 6495:1999 Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of water-soluble chlorides content
  • DS/EN ISO 21627-2:2009 Plastics - Epoxy resins - Determination of chlorine content - Part 2: Easily saponifiable chlorine

Lithuanian Standards Office , How to measure potassium chloride content

  • LST EN 15105-2011 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content
  • LST EN ISO 16995:2015 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content (ISO 16995:2015)
  • LST ISO 3634:1998 Vegetables products. Determination of chloride contents
  • LST ISO 457:1999 Soaps. Determination of chloride content. Titrimetric method (idt ISO 457:1983)

German Institute for Standardization, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • DIN EN ISO 16995:2015-05 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content (ISO 16995:2015); German version EN ISO 16995:2015
  • DIN EN 15105:2011 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content; German version EN 15105:2011
  • DIN 10320:1970 Determination of chloride content of milk
  • DIN EN ISO 16995:2015 Solid biofuels - Determination of the water soluble chloride, sodium and potassium content (ISO 16995:2015); German version EN ISO 16995:2015
  • DIN EN 17137:2023-07 Textiles - Determination of the content of compounds based on chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes; German and English version prEN 17137:2023 / Note: Date of issue 2023-06-16*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 17137 (2019-02).
  • DIN EN 17137:2019-02 Textiles - Determination of the content of compounds based on chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes; German version EN 17137:2018
  • DIN V 51408-2:1987 Testing of mineral oil hydrocarbons; determination of chlorine content; microcoulometric determination, oxidation method
  • DIN 54388:2016 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the water-soluble content of chloride, sodium and potassium using the liquid obtained by the press method
  • DIN 54388:2016-08 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the water-soluble content of chloride, sodium and potassium using the liquid obtained by the press method
  • DIN CEN/TS 14494:2003 Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of pentachlorophenol content; German version CEN/TS 14494:2003
  • DIN EN 17137:2019 Textiles - Determination of the content of compounds based on chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes
  • DIN EN ISO 21627-2:2010-01 Plastics - Epoxy resins - Determination of chlorine content - Part 2: Easily saponifiable chlorine (ISO 21627-2:2009); German version EN ISO 21627-2:2009

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defence, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • GJB 5381.16-2005 Methods of chemical analysis for pyrotech. Part 16: Determination of potassium chlorate content. Dichromate titration method
  • GJB 5381.17-2005 Methods of chemical analysis for pyrotech Part 17: Determination of potassium perchlorate content Volhard method

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • GJB 8682.16-2015 Methods for chemical analysis of pyrotechnic powders Part 16: Determination of potassium chlorate content Potassium dichromate method
  • GJB 8682.17-2015 Methods of chemical analysis of pyrotechnic powders Part 17: Determination of potassium perchlorate content by the Forhard method

Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • HG/T 3017-1988 chlorinated paraffins-Determination of chlorine content-Mercurimetric method
  • HG/T 2956.5-2001 Ascharite ores - Determination of ferrous oxide content - Potassium dichromate volumetric method

Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • YB/T 159.2-2015 Titanium concentrate (rock minerals).Determination of total iron content.The titanium chloride-potassium dichromate titrimetric method
  • YB/T 1592-1999 Chemical analysis method of titanium concentrate (rock mineral) Determination of total iron content by titanium trichloride potassium dichromate volumetric method
  • YB/T 5041-2012 Molybdenum oxide.Determination of sulfur content.Combustion-potassium iodate volumetric method
  • YB/T 159.2-1999 Methods for chemical analysis of titanium concentrate (rock minerals).The titanium chloride-potassium dichromate volumetric method for the determination of total iron content
  • YB/T 159.3-2015 Titanium concentrate(rock minerals).Determination of ferrous oxide content.The potassium dichromate titrimetric method

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), How to measure potassium chloride content

  • JIS M 8212:2022 Iron ores -- Determination of total iron content -- Potassium dichromate titrimetric method after titanium (III) chloride reduction
  • JIS K 0107:1995 Methods for determination of hydrogen chloride in flue gas
  • JIS K 7229:1995 Determination of chlorine in chlorine-containing polymers, copolymers and their compounds
  • JIS K 0107:2002 Methods for determination of hydrogen chloride in flue gas
  • JIS K 0107:2012 Methods for determination of hydrogen chloride in flue gas
  • JIS K 7243-2:2005 Plastics -- Epoxy resins -- Determination of chlorine content -- Part 2: Easily saponifiable chlorine

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • HJ/T 132-2003 High-chlorine wastewater-Determination of chemical oxygen demand-Potassium iodide alkaline Permanganate method

Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • DB13/T 81.15-1992 Determination method of potassium chlorate content in fireworks and firecrackers mixture
  • DB13/T 81.16-1992 Determination method of potassium perchlorate content in fireworks and firecrackers mixture
  • DB13/T 1222-2010 Determination method of chloride content in organic chemical products

CEN - European Committee for Standardization, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • PD CEN/TS 15105:2005 Solid biofuels - Methods for determination of the water soluble content of chloride@ sodium and potassium
  • EN 17137:2018 Textiles - Determination of the content of compounds based on chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes

Professional Standard - Agriculture, How to measure potassium chloride content

SE-SIS, How to measure potassium chloride content

PT-IPQ, How to measure potassium chloride content

TN-INNORPI, How to measure potassium chloride content

Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

TH-TISI, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • TIS 2016-2000 Sodium chlorate for industrial use.determination of chloride content.mercurimetric method

KR-KS, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • KS M ISO 457-2003(2023) Soaps-Determination of chloride content-Titrimetric method
  • KS M ISO 981-2017 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of chloride content — Mercurimetric method

HU-MSZT, How to measure potassium chloride content

VN-TCVN, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • TCVN 5244-1990 Vegetable products.Determination of chloride content
  • TCVN 4330-1986 Animal feeding stuffs.Determination of sodium chloride content
  • TCVN 6020-2008 Gasoline.Determination of lead.Iodine monochloride method
  • TCVN 3701-2009 Fish and fishery products.Determination of sodium chloride content
  • TCVN 4806-2007 Animal feeding stuffs.Determination of water-soluble chlorides content

CU-NC, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • NC 80-28-1984 Fish and Shellfish. Fish Preserves. Determination of Sodium Chloride Content
  • NC 33-97-1988 Oil Industry. Lubricating Oils. Determination of Chloride Content
  • NC 24-33-1984 Inorganic Chemical Products. Table Salt. Determination of the Content of Chlorides by the Mercurimetric Method

NL-NEN, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • NEN 2867-1989 Fruit juices Determination of chloride content - Potentiometric method
  • NEN 5921-1988 Aggregates for concrete - Determination of the chloride content
  • NEN 3447-1969 Meat and meat products. Determination of chloride content

Professional Standard - Light Industry, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • QB/T 3753-1999 Titration method for the determination of chloride content in soap
  • QB/T 2968-2008 Determination of strontium chloride in toothpastes

Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • EJ/T 1235-2008 Determination of uranium content in uranium product.Iron(Ⅱ)reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation titrimetric method

FI-SFS, How to measure potassium chloride content

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • CNS 14470-2000 Method of test for lead in gasoline by iodine monochloride method

ES-UNE, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • UNE-EN 17137:2019 Textiles - Determination of the content of compounds based on chlorobenzenes and chlorotoluenes

Xinjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • DB65/T 4366-2021 Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand in High Chloride Surface Water by Acidification Air Blowing-Potassium Dichromate Method

Professional Standard - Electricity, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • DL 425.3-1991 Determination of sodium chloride content in industrial sodium hydroxide - Mercurimetry

Professional Standard - Aviation, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • HB 5422.5-1989 Method for chemical analysis of copper alloy - Potassium iodate volumetric method for determination of tin content
  • HB 5297.10-2001 Titanium Alloy Chemical Analysis Method Potassium Iodate Volumetric Method Determination of Tin Content
  • HB 5422.8-1989 Methods for chemical analysis of copper alloys - Potassium dichromate volumetric method for determination of iron content
  • HB 5220.5-1995 Method for Chemical Analysis of Superalloys Potassium Iodate Volumetric Method for Determination of Sulfur Content
  • HB 5220.25-1995 Chemical Analysis Method of Superalloy Potassium Ferricyanide Potentiometric Titration Determination of Cobalt Content
  • HB 5220.29-1995 Superalloy Chemical Analysis Method Potassium Dichromate Volumetric Method for Determination of Iron Content

ZA-SANS, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • SANS 11427:1993 Determination of silver in silver jewellery alloys - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide

Professional Standard - Machinery, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • JB/T 7948.7-1995 Methods of Chemical Analysis of Soldering Flux Part 7: Determination of Sodium Oxide and Potassium Oxide

Sichuan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • DB51/T 2045-2015 Determination method of high-purity vanadium pentoxide potassium oxide and sodium oxide content

工业和信息化部/国家能源局, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • JB/T 7948.7-2017 Flux chemical analysis methods Part 7: Determination of sodium oxide and potassium oxide content

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), How to measure potassium chloride content

  • ASTM D7959-15 Standard Test Method for Chloride Content Determination

CO-ICONTEC, How to measure potassium chloride content

Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • YS/T 539.6-2006 Nickel-based alloy powder chemical analysis method Titanium trichloride-potassium dichromate titration method for determination of iron content

中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • GB/T 34694-2017 Plastic—Determination of residual chloride content of chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride)resins—Potentiometric titration method

IN-BIS, How to measure potassium chloride content

Malaysia Standards, How to measure potassium chloride content

国家能源局, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • SY/T 7329-2016 Method for determination of organochlorine content in oilfield chemicals

Jilin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, How to measure potassium chloride content

  • DB22/T 1995-2014 Determination of feed grade choline chloride content Kjeldahl method

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