
db65/t+3356, Total:500 items.

In the international standard classification, db65/t+3356 involves: Farming and forestry, Furniture, Services, Organic chemicals, Fuels, Textile fibres, Animal feeding stuffs, Elements of buildings, Protection against crime, Veterinary medicine, Leisure. Tourism, Protection against fire, Fertilizers, Farm buildings, structures and installations, Soil quality. Pedology, Electrical accessories, Lamps and related equipment, Fruits. Vegetables, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology, Protection against electric shock, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Agricultural machines, implements and equipment, Fluid storage devices, Rubber and plastics products, Switchgear and controlgear, Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity, Resistors, Pharmaceutics, Cereals, pulses and derived products, Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds, Processes in the food industry, Information technology (IT) in general, Character sets and information coding, Plastics, Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum products, Electrical wires and cables, Air quality, Construction materials, Spices and condiments. Food additives, Food products in general, Environmental protection, Company organization and management, Beverages, Fishing and fish breeding, Equipment for entertainment.

Xinjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, db65/t+3356

  • DB65/T 3356-2012 Regulation of fine-wool sheep registrtion
  • DB65/T 3850-2016 Identification genuineness of cotton variety CCRI49 by SSR markers
  • DB65/T 3851-2016 Technical regulations for cotton cultivation and Machine-harvested in CCRI49
  • DB65/T 3460-2012 Product of geographical indications Hami big jujybes
  • DB65/T 3459-2012 General Rules of Standard System for Fuji APPLES
  • DB65/T 3458-2012 Integrated pest management on Xinjiang apples
  • DB65/T 3456-2012 Technical regulations on transformation oflowyield orchard for apples in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3454-2012 Technical regulations on Fuji apples
  • DB65/T 3453-2012 Technical specification for propagation of apple seedling in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3452-2012 Technical specification for propagation ofapple seedling in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3451-2012 Apple seedlings
  • DB65/T 3448-2012 The furniture products label and mark criterion
  • DB65/T 3447-2012 ServiceSpecificationofCountry Restaurants in Tourism
  • DB65/T 3446-2012 ServiceSpecificationofCountry lnns in Tourism
  • DB65/T 3412-2012 Technical regulation for afforestaion ofMonglian pine
  • DB65/T 3411-2012 Tulips Bulbs
  • DB65/T 3410-2012 Breed TechnicalSpecification for Tulips Bulbs
  • DB65/T 3409-2012 The high-yieldcultvationtechniques regulation of the Northern winter wheat
  • DB65/T 3408-2012 The cultvation techniques regulation ofwheatandcorn two early integration in the South ofXinjiang
  • DB65/T 3406-2012 Commentary specification gossip City area in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3441-2012 Testing protocols of simulation chamber with special natural environment for northwestern area
  • DB65/T 3440-2012 lndustrial grade fumaric acid
  • DB65/T 3439-2012 Clean fuel for motor vehicle
  • DB65/T 3438-2012 The specification of carpetwool classification
  • DB65/T 3437-2012 Super fine wool
  • DB65/T 3436-2012 The specificaton of cashmere classification
  • DB65/T 3435-2012 Sample technical specifications in indivibual sheep for cashmere and wool
  • DB65/T 3434-2012 Cultivation trchniques regulations of Tawukumn wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum(Linn.)Gaertn.cv.Tawukumu)
  • DB65/T 3433-2012 Tawukumu wheat grass (Agropyon cristatum (Linn.)Gaertn.cv.Tawukumu)
  • DB65/T 3431-2012 Guidelines of Enterprisc Criteria on famous Agro-products Brand Application in xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3427-2012 Bui ld technology rules of Characteristic Arbor shrub fruit treesprotection forest
  • DB65/T 3426-2012 Plastic wood door kit
  • DB65/T 3425-2012 The Technical regulation ofHarmless Control on pest ofwhitefly ofprotectedvegetable in green house
  • DB65/T 3424-2012 Collective education management procedures of criminals
  • DB65/T 3423-2012 Social help and education management procedures of criminals
  • DB65/T 3422-2012 Culural construction management procedures of prison wards
  • DB65/T 3421-2012 Security risk assessment management procedures of prison supervision
  • DB65/T 3419-2012 Technical regulations for cultivating seedlings ofFraxinus lobulars
  • DB65/T 3418-2012 Technical regulations for dring Shushanggan apricot
  • DB65/T 3417-2012 Teehnical regulations for plantaion ofShuanggan apricot
  • DB65/T 3416-2012 Technical regulations for cultivating Seedlings ofShushanggan apricot
  • DB65/T 3415-2012 Scale grade Agreen commerical laying hens raise--veterinary epidemic prevention rules
  • DB65/T 3414-2012 Scale grade Agreen commercial laying hens raise-Standard for use offeed
  • DB65/T 3465-2013 Xinjiang tourism toilets cleaning service standard
  • DB65/T 3461-2012 Product of geographical indications ruoqiang rad jujubes
  • DB65/T 3238-2011 Rules of Broad Row and Unmoving Vine Planting Model for Processing Tomato
  • DB65/T 3237-2011 Standard Gultivation Techniques of Mechanical harvesing for Processing Tomato
  • DB65/T 3236-2011 Quality Classification of Plug Seeding for Processing Tomato
  • DB65/T 3235-2011 Standard Breeding Seding Techniques Regulation of Plug Medium for Processing Tomato
  • DB65/T 3233-2011 Rules of Production of Basic Seed for Processing Tomato
  • DB65/T 3232-2011 Guidelines of Production Technique of Chinese Tamarisk twig
  • DB65/T 3231-2011 Guidelines of Production Technique of Flos Rosae Rugosae
  • DB65/T 3229-2011 Guidelines of Production Technique of Herba Cichorii
  • DB65/T 3228-2011 Guidelines of Production Technique of Saussurea lnvolucratae Herba
  • DB65/T 3227-2011 Green Food:Technilogical Regulations for Aspargaus Lettuce Production
  • DB65/T 3226-2011 Green Food:Technilogical Regulations for Pumpkin Production
  • DB65/T 3224-2011 Green Food:Technological Regulations for Onion Production
  • DB65/T 3398-2012 Emergency fight and blockade of prevention and control technology for Leptinotarsa decemlineata(Say)
  • DB65/T 3397-2012 ABC Fire extinguishing media.Powder Determination of the Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate Automatic potentiomtric titration method
  • DB65/T 3396-2012 Technical regulation of salt.water control in under.film brackish water drip irrigation cotton of arid zone
  • DB65/T 3395-2012 Production techniques Guideline for Trichogramma chilonis Ishii
  • DB65/T 3394-2012 Technique rule of soil testing blanced fertilization in Chinese jujube
  • DB65/T 3392-2012 Rulers for design and construction of compound brick wall solar.greenhoouse for edible fungi production
  • DB65/T 3391-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar.greenhoouse for edible fungi production
  • DB65/T 3389-2012 Rulers for design and construction of compound brick wall solar.greenhoouse for eary sping and later autumn vegetables production in high latitude area
  • DB65/T 3388-2012 Rulers for design and construction of compound brick wall solar.greenhoouse for overwinter vegetables production in southern Xingjiang
  • DB65/T 3387-2012 Rulers for design and construction of compound brick wall solar.greenhoouse for early spring and later autumn vegetables production in southern Xingjiang
  • DB65/T 3386-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar.greenhoouse for overwinter vegetables production in southern Xingjiang
  • DB65/T 3385-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar.greenhoouse for early spring and later autumn vegetables production in southern Xingjiang
  • DB65/T 3384-2012 Rulers for design and construction of compound brick wall solar.greenhoouse for overwinter vegetables production in eastern Xingjiang
  • DB65/T 3383-2012 Rulers for design and construction of compound brick wall solar-greenhouse for spring and later autumn vegetables production in northern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3382-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar-greenhouse for overwinter vegetables production in northern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3381-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar-greenhouse for early spring and later autumn vegetables production in northern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3380-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar-greenhouse for overwinter vegetables production in northern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3379-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar-greenhouse for early spring and later autumn vegetables production in northern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3378-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar-greenhouse for overwinter vegetables production in northern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3377-2012 Rulers for design and construction of clay way wall solar-greenhouse for early apring and later atumn vegetables production in northern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3376-2012 Organic substrate for seedling
  • DB65/T 3374-2012 Technological regulations for high yield and high quality uplandcotton production injujube-cotton intrrcopping system in southern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3373-2012 Technology regulations for hight yiled and hight quality cotton production under brackish water irrigation in Southern Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3372-2012 Integrated Management Guideline forOstrinia furnacalis
  • DB65/T 3371-2012 LED Explosionprooflight
  • DB65/T 3370-2012 Technical requirements ofpVLEDlighting system
  • DB65/T 3369-2012 Green Food: Technique procedures of substrate in raising seedling for solanaceous fruits
  • DB65/T 3368-2012 Green Food: Technique procedures of substrate in raising seedling for gourd vegetable
  • DB65/T 3367-2012 Green Food: Technical Regulations for Soilless Cultivation on Summer Production in Solar Greenhouse
  • DB65/T 3366-2012 Green Food: Technical Regulations for Soilless Cultivation on pepper Production in Solar
  • DB65/T 3364-2012 Green Food: Technical Regulations for Soilless Cultivation on Tomato Production in Solar
  • DB65/T 3363-2012 Green Food: Technical Regulations for Soilless Cultivation on Eggplant Production in Greenhouse
  • DB65/T 3362-2012 Green food Regulation of cultivated technologies for drip irrigation under double mulch of early mature Hami melon
  • DB65/T 3361-2012 Rules for production technique ofhigh quality rice in xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3360-2012 Green food Regulation of cultivated technologies for drip irrigation under double mulch of early mature Hami melon
  • DB65/T 3359-2012 Wolfberry order organic food production technology
  • DB65/T 3358-2011 Vehicle gas cylinder installed enterise security and technical conditions
  • DB65/T 3357-2012 Regulation of cashmere goat registration
  • DB65/T 3355-2012 Regulation of wool sheep&cashmere goat jojnt breeding
  • DB65/T 3354-2012 Technical Spcification for production of green food wolfberry
  • DB65/T 3287-2011 Production technical regulations of the wheat and leguminous green manure sequential cropping in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3286-2011 Construction norms of ground.based operating station for weather modification
  • DB65/T 3285-2011 Technical specifications for inspection of lightning protection system
  • DB65/T 3284-2011 Hutubi KangjiaShimenzai introduction Norm
  • DB65/T 3283-2011 Production norm of mixture conecntrated feed for Xinjiang brown cattle
  • DB65/T 3282-2011 Construction norm of beef cattle farm
  • DB65/T 3281-2011 Regulation of operative procedures ofXinjing brow cattle
  • DB65/T 3280-2011 Specifications for raising management of Xinjing brow cattle
  • DB65/T 3279-2011 Contruction norm of beef cattle farm house
  • DB65/T 3278-2011 Selection technical procedures for butchercow
  • DB65/T 3277-2011 Production management procedures of butchercow
  • DB65/T 3276-2011 Specifications for grassland herding of Xinjing brow cattle
  • DB65/T 3275-2011 Cutting technical specifications of local native characteristic beef of xinjaing
  • DB65/T 3274-2011 Slaughtering technical specifications of butchercow
  • DB65/T 3273-2011 Precipitation Scale
  • DB65/T 3272-2011 Technical specifications of fold disinfection prevention of Xinjiang brown cattle
  • DB65/T 3270-2011 Technical specifications of prevention and treatment for epidemic of beef cattle farm
  • DB65/T 3268-2011 Fssd and nutrition of Xinjiang brown cattle
  • DB65/T 3266-2011 Hog standards of grassland herding xinjiang browncattle
  • DB65/T 3265-2011 General principles of technical system for the production of xinjiang brown cattle
  • DB65/T 3264-2011 Technical regulation for forestation of water conservation forest
  • DB65/T 3263-2011 Techniques of Constructing Cutting Orchards for Almonds
  • DB65/T 3262-2011 Technical regulations for xiyu Myrobalan Plum production
  • DB65/T 3259-2011 Technical regulation for .non polluted controlling Dendrolimus superans Butler
  • DB65/T 3258-2011 Technical regulation for .non polluted controlling Neoris haraldi Schawerda
  • DB65/T 3257-2011 Technical regulation for nuisanceless controlling of Euzophera alpherakyella Ragonot
  • DB65/T 3256-2011 Technical regulation for .non polluted controlling Anarsia lineatella Zeller
  • DB65/T 3255-2011 Technical Regulationson on Sow Seeds growing seedlings of Juglans nigra(Black walnut)
  • DB65/T 3254-2011 Technical Regulationson Growing of Juglans nigra(Black walnut)
  • DB65/T 3253-2011 The Evaluating Code For Quality Inspection Of Fire Protection Systems
  • DB65/T 3251-2011 Stand of Cleaner production for generator by gas.fired industry
  • DB65/T 3249-2011 Technical regulation for storage and transportation of Zizyphus jujuba dates after harvest
  • DB65/T 3248-2011 The Rules of Processing Technology on Sulfur.Free Dried Apricot
  • DB65/T 3245-2011 Technique rule of fertigation in grape
  • DB65/T 3244-2011 Regulations of cutivated technologies of trenching.irrigation under mulching folm of Seed.Using Watermelon
  • DB65/T 3243-2011 Tecjmocal regulation for disease cintrol of seed .using watermelon powdery midew
  • DB65/T 3242-2011 Ancient ruins commentary cellar standard
  • DB65/T 3241-2011 Technical Regulations of Cultivation for Insec Pests Prevention of Potato
  • DB65/T 3240-2011 Resistance Monitoring Guideline for Leptinotarsa decemlineata(Say)
  • DB65/T 3208-2011 Agricultural irrigation equipment--Media-type filters
  • DB65/T 3207-2011 Agricultural irrigation equipment Hydrocyclone water and sand separator
  • DB65/T 3206-2011 Technical Regulations of Water and Fretilizer Mznzgement Under Drip Irrigation on Wheat in XinJiang
  • DB65/T 3205-2011 Technical Regulations of Water and Fertiltzer Management Under Film Drip Irrigation on Chili Pepper in XinJiang
  • DB65/T 3204-2011 Technical Regulations of Water and Fertiltzer Management Under Film Drip Irrigation on Seed Melon in XinJiang
  • DB65/T 3203-2011 Technical Regulations of Water and Fertiltzer Management of Mature Korla Fragrant under Mirco-irrigation
  • DB65/T 3202-2011 Technical Regulations of Water and Fertiltzer Management of Growp Jujube Under mirco-Irrigation
  • DB65/T 3201-2011 Technical Regulations of Water and Fertiltzer Management Under mirco-Irrigation walnut in XinJiang
  • DB65/T 3200-2011 Standard Micro-irrigation Engineer Plan and Design on Fores-tree
  • DB65/T 3199-2011 Stationary Pressure Vessels installation supervision
  • DB65/T 3198-2011 Rule of cultivating technology of forage triticale
  • DB65/T 3197-2011 Rule of foundation seed production technology of forage triticale
  • DB65/T 3196-2011 Triticale Wittmack Shida No.1
  • DB65/T 3195-2010 Rules of planting technologies on fibrous flax
  • DB65/T 3193-2010 Rules of planting technologies on cutivation of rapeseed
  • DB65/T 3191-2010 The Acetyl bromide method for analysing the content of phenylapranoid compounds in cotton fiber
  • DB65/T 3190-2010 echnical regulation for Solar-drying of clearing Zizyphus jujuba dates
  • DB65/T 3189-2010 Polyethylene blown mulch film for farmland under film drip irrigation uses
  • DB65/T 3188-2010 The tech-regulation of lntegrated Pest Mananement for Pomegranate
  • DB65/T 3187-2010 Tech-regulation of Pomegranate Low-level Produchion
  • DB65/T 3186-2010 Non-environmental Pollution Food Technological regulations for Pomegranate production
  • DB65/T 3185-2010 Green food Tech-regulations for Pomegranate peoduction
  • DB65/T 3184-2010 The thioglycolate method for analysing lignin content in cotton fiber
  • DB65/T 3183-2010 Technical specification of oil pumping unit distribution equipment
  • DB65/T 3182-2010 Guidelines of Production Technique of Dogbane lndian Hemp
  • DB65/T 3181-2010 Technical regulations for Cultivation of Populus Talassicax P.Euphratic
  • DB65/T 3180-2010 processing tomato variety for machine harvesting
  • DB65/T 3179-2010 Criteria for the Construction of Processing tomato DNA Fingerprint Database
  • DB65/T 3178-2010 Production technique criterion for organic food---Walnut
  • DB65/T 3177-2010 Green food-The Technological Rules of the Walnut production
  • DB65/T 3176-2010 Methods for the quality of Walnuts-Sampling
  • DB65/T 3175-2010 The Technological Rules of the Walnut Seedlings
  • DB65/T 3174-2010 the walnut rule of prevention and control for the walnut harmfulcreature
  • DB65/T 3173-2010 The Technological Rules of the Walnut Reformation of Low Yielding Garden
  • DB65/T 3172-2010 Walnut Fine Variety
  • DB65/T 3171-2010 The General Principles of Xinjiang Walnut Standard System
  • DB65/T 3170-2010 Guidelines of cold storage and refreshing technique of Prunus domestica L
  • DB65/T 3169-2010 Guidelines of raise seedling technique of Prunus domestica
  • DB65/T 3168-2010 Green food -Guidelines of production technique of Prunus domestica
  • DB65/T 3167-2010 The Rules ofdrying Technique of Prunus domestica L
  • DB65/T 3166-2010 Prunus domestica L.nursery stocks
  • DB65/T 3165-2010 Heat meters
  • DB65/T 3131-2010 Green Food Cultivation Techniques Procedures on Water Melon
  • DB65/T 3130-2010 Techniques rules of prevention and control Alfalfa Cuscuta chinensis Lam
  • DB65/T 3129-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rule for Comprehensive Controlling Techniques of Main Disease and Pest in Alfalfa
  • DB65/T 3128-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of Balance Fertilization Techniques in Alfalfa (700Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3127-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of High Yielding Cultivation Techniques in Alfalfa (700Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3126-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rule for Comprehensive Controlling Techniques of Main Disease and Pest in Silage Maize
  • DB65/T 3125-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of Balance Fertilization Techniques in Silage Maize over 7000Kg/667m²
  • DB65/T 3124-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of High Yielding Cultivation Techniques in Silage Maize (7000Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3123-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of Bslance Fertilization Techniques in termi (150Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3122-2010 Pollution -free farm produce Techniques rules of high-yield planting in Broom Corn Miller(150Kg/667m² above)
  • DB65/T 3121-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of Bslance Fertilization Techniques in Edible seed Sunflower (200Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3120-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of High Yielding Cultivation Techniques in Edible seed Sunflower (250Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3119-2010 construction ofManagement for fire Equipment in Building
  • DB65/T 3164-2010 echical specification of identificaion and evaluation for drought resistance in Maize
  • DB65/T 3160-2010 Automatic resetting over and under-voltage protection device
  • DB65/T 3159-2010 Integrated Management Guideline for Colorabo Potato Beetle
  • DB65/T 3158-2010 Technical regulatiogs for cultivation of Mongolian pine seedlings
  • DB65/T 3157-2010 The Technolongy Regulations of Almond Hulling And Shelling
  • DB65/T 3156-2010 The Almond Kemel Grade
  • DB65/T 3155-2010 The In-shell Almond Grade
  • DB65/T 3154-2010 Noenvironmental Pollution Food Almond
  • DB65/T 3153-2010 Green Food Almond
  • DB65/T 3152-2010 Tech-regulation of Low Temperature Freezing Injury Production
  • DB65/T 3151-2010 Gyeen Food Technological Regulation for Almond Production
  • DB65/T 3150-2010 The Tech-regulation of Integrated Pest Management for Almond
  • DB65/T 3149-2010 Tech-regulation of Almond Production
  • DB65/T 3148-2010 Tech-regulation of Propagation of Almond
  • DB65/T 3147-2010 Almond Varieties in XingJiang
  • DB65/T 3146-2010 General Rulers of Standard System for Almond
  • DB65/T 3145-2010 Pollution-free agricultural products- Technical regulations for feeding and management of fattening lamb
  • DB65/T 3144-2010 Pollution-free agricultural products- Technical regulations for feeding and management of dam
  • DB65/T 3143-2010 Pollution-free agricultural products- Technical regulations for feeding and management of sire
  • DB65/T 3142-2010 Pollution-free agricultural products- Technical regulations for construction of sheep pens and management of environment
  • DB65/T 3141-2010 Pollution-free agricultural products- Technical regulations for feeding and management of fattening sheep
  • DB65/T 3140-2010 Pollution-free agricultural products- Technical regulations for feeding and management of replacement sire
  • DB65/T 3139-2010 The Using Technology Program about Sex Pheromone of Pheromone of Laspeyresia pomonella
  • DB65/T 3138-2010 The Using Technology Program about Sex Pheromone of Grapholitha molesta
  • DB65/T 3137-2010 Technical regulations for raising seeding of Salix Turanica
  • DB65/T 3136-2010 Technical regulations for raising seeding of Viburnum opulus
  • DB65/T 3135-2010 Technical regulations for raising seeding of Populus nigra
  • DB65/T 3134-2010 The Using Technology Program on Program Sex Pheromong of Ostrinia furnacalis
  • DB65/T 3133-2010 The Technology Program about using Sex Pheromone of Helicoverpa armigera to control Helicoverpa armigera in Processing Tomato field
  • DB65/T 3132-2010 Green Food Cultivation Techniques Procedures on Hami Sweet Melon
  • DB65/T 3223-2011 Green Food Technolog Regulations for Wax Gourd Production
  • DB65/T 3222-2011 Injection seal packing barrels
  • DB65/T 3221-2011 Polythylene terephthalate bottles for oil
  • DB65/T 3220-2011 Environmental condition for planting area of organic Juba
  • DB65/T 3219-2011 Technical regulation on cultivation of Juba in cold region of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3218-2011 Technical regulation on Construction of Juba Scion nursery in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3217-2011 Technical regulation on preveention and control of high temperature and drought of Juba in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3216-2011 Technical regulation on construction of Juba direct seeding and orchard in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3215-2011 Rules for production technology of Alhagi aoarsifolia
  • DB65/T 3214-2011 Rules for production technology of Herba Ocimi
  • DB65/T 3212-2011 Rules for production technology of Semen Pegani
  • DB65/T 3211-2011 Rules for production technology of Resina Ferulae
  • DB65/T 3210-2011 Cleamer production standard-semicoke
  • DB65/T 3118-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of Bslance Fertilization Techniques in light speckle kidny bean (220Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3117-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of High Yielding Cultivation Techniques in Ligh speckle kidney bean (220Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3116-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules Controlling Techniques of Main Disease and Pest in Oiled sunflower
  • DB65/T 3115-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of Bslance Fertilization Techniques in Oil-sunflower (200Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3114-2010 Pollution -Free Farm Produce Techniques rules of high-yield planting in Oil-Sunflower (200Kg/667m² above)
  • DB65/T 3113-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of Bslance Fertilization Techniques in Soybean over 250Kg/667m²
  • DB65/T 3112-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of High Yielding Cultivation Techniques in Soyhean (250Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3111-2010 Pollution -Free Farm Produce Techniques rules of balanced fertilization in Edible Seed Matermelon
  • DB65/T 3110-2010 Pollution Free Agricultural products Rules of High Yielding Cultivation Techniques in Edible Seed Matermelon (150Kg/667m² over)
  • DB65/T 3109-2010 Technical Regulations of Water and Fertilizer Management Under Film Drip Irrigation on Maize in XinJiang
  • DB65/T 3108-2010 Technical Regulations of Water and Fertilizer Management Under Film Drip Irrigation on Processing Tomato in XinJiang
  • DB65/T 3107-2010 Technical Regulations of Water and Fertilizer Management Under Film Drip Irrigation on Cotton in XinJiang
  • DB65/T 3106-2010 Seedling Breed Technical Regulations on Restrain Sprot for Green Branch Of Hyvrid Hazels
  • DB65/T 3105-2010 Culture Technical Regulation of Hybrid Hazele
  • DB65/T 3104-2010 Preventing and contoling technical regulation of disaster of wind and sand on Juba
  • DB65/T 3103-2010 Preventing and contoling technical regulation of low temperature and danger on cold of Juba
  • DB65/T 3101-2010 Organic food Juba
  • DB65/T 3100-2010 Green food Juba
  • DB65/T 3099-2010 Dryness technical reguation of juba
  • DB65/T 3098-2010 Picking and collecting technical reguation of juba
  • DB65/T 3097-2010 Reforming technical regulation on loe yield garden plot of Juba
  • DB65/T 3096-2010 Technical regulation of crop.jujube intercropping
  • DB65/T 3095-2010 Oraanic food Yielding technical reguation of juba
  • DB65/T 3094-2010 Green food Yielding technical regulation of Juba
  • DB65/T 3093-2010 Pollution.free food Cutivation technical regulation of juba
  • DB65/T 3092-2010 Variety of Juba dongzao jujube
  • DB65/T 3091-2010 Variety of Juba Junzao jujube
  • DB65/T 3090-2010 Variety of Juba Huizao jujube
  • DB65/T 3089-2010 Pollution.free food Planting environment and condition of juba
  • DB65/T 3088-2010 The primary prmcipe Juba standard system
  • DB65/T 3087-2010 The technical rule of control for Anoplophora nobilis Ganglbauer
  • DB65/T 3086-2010 The technical rule of control for Diaspididae Populus
  • DB65/T 3085-2010 Technical schedules for hazard.free control of Quadraspidiotus perniciosus
  • DB65/T 3084-2010 Technial regulation for nuisanceless cintrolling of Pseudaulacaspis Pentagona (Targioni.Tozzetti)
  • DB65/T 3083-2010 Technial regulation for nuisanceless cintrolling of Parthecaninumcorni(Bouche)
  • DB65/T 3082-2010 Technical regulatin for nuisanceless controlling of Rhodococcus turanisus Arch
  • DB65/T 3081-2010 Technical regulatin for nuisanceless controlling of mites
  • DB65/T 3080-2010 Technical regulatin for nuisanceless controlling of Contarinia sp.
  • DB65/T 3079-2010 The technical schdules of control for Diorhabda elongata deserticola Chen
  • DB65/T 3078-2010 Gultivation Technique Regulation for Melon in Greenhouse of Non. pollution Agricultural Product
  • DB65/T 3077-2010 Gultivation Technique Regulation for Film Mulching Melon of Non. pollution Agricultural Product
  • DB65/T 3076-2010 Gultivation Technique Regulation for Watermelon in Greehouse of Non. pollution Agricultural Product
  • DB65/T 3075-2010 Gultivation Technique Regulation for Film Mulching Watermelon of Non.pollution Agricultural Product
  • DB65/T 3074-2010 Green Food Technical Specification for Eggplant Production in Greenhouse and Plastie Tunnel of South Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3073-2010 Green Food Technical Specification for Eggplant Production in Greenhouse and Plastie Tunnel of South Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3072-2010 Green Food Technical Specification for Pepper Production in Greenhouse and Plastie Tunnel of South Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3071-2010 Green Food Technical Specification for Cucumber Production in Greenhouse and Plastie Tunnel of South Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3070-2010 Green Food Technical Specification for Tomato Production in Greenhouse and Plastie Tunnel of South Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3069-2010 Stud Sheep and goat Genetic Assessment of the Technical Regulation
  • DB65/T 3068-2010 Method for the measurement of colour of wool and cashmere
  • DB65/T 3067-2010 Sheep Down
  • DB65/T 3066-2010 Yecheng sheep Breed Stud
  • DB65/T 3065-2010 Kirghiz sheeep
  • DB65/T 3064-2010 Kazakh sheeep
  • DB65/T 3063-2010 Regulations on the Technique of Integrated Pest Management for main Diseaases and Weeds in Fiber Flax Field
  • DB65/T 3062-2010 Pomegranate Varieties
  • DB65/T 3061-2010 General Rulers of Standard System for Pomegranate
  • DB65/T 3059-2010 Application Specification of the Cotton Information Metadata
  • DB65/T 3055-2010 Design standard of Drip irrigation under Film in the open field
  • DB65/T 3051-2010 Basic technology parameter of PE colophony for micro irrigation products
  • DB65/T 3050-2010 Recycle Polyethylene particles for micro irrigation products
  • DB65/T 3049-2009 Polyethylene Carbonization particles
  • DB65/T 3048-2009 Anti-aging polyethylene particles
  • DB65/T 3047-2009 standard system for micro irrigation:General
  • DB65/T 3046-2010 Regulation on the Technique of lntegrated Pest Management for Safety Safety Grape in South Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3045-2009 Regulation on the Technique of lntegrated Pest Management for Safety Pomegranate in South Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 3044-2009 Natural Asphalt
  • DB65/T 3043-2009 The Classifcation of Apricots
  • DB65/T 3042-2009 The Ruies of lmproving Technique for Lower Production and Quality Apricot Orchard
  • DB65/T 3041-2009 The Rules of Dwarfing and Debsing Apricot Prchard
  • DB65/T 3040-2009 The Rules for Apricot Production of GreenFood Standard
  • DB65/T 3039-2009 The Rules of Diseases and lnsect Pests of Apricot
  • DB65/T 3038-2009 The Rules for Organic Apricot Production
  • DB65/T 3037-2009 Dr ied Apr icots of Pollution-Free Food Standard
  • DB65/T 3036-2009 The Rules of Fertili zation of Apr icot Orchard
  • DB65/T 3035-2009 The Rules of Hard iness of Apr icot Orchard
  • DB65/T 3034-2009 Gr ades of Apr icot Orchard
  • DB65/T 3033-2009 Copper-clad aluminum wire power cable wich extruded insulation and their accessories foy rated voltages up to and including 0.6/1KV
  • DB65/T 3032-2009 Copper-clad aluminum wire polyvinyl chlorideinsulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750V
  • DB65/T 3031-2009 Pelleted seed of tomato
  • DB65/T 3030-2009 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products:Technical regulatons for Diseases and insect Pest Comprehensive Prevention and control of Tomato in Greenhouse
  • DB65/T 3029-2009 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products:Technical regulatons for Harvest,Grade,Packing,Horading and Transportation Tomato in Greenhouse
  • DB65/T 3028-2009 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products:Technical regulatons for Atumn.winter Tomato Production in Greenhouse
  • DB65/T 3027-2009 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products:Technical regulatons for Winter.spring Tomato Production in Greenhouse
  • DB65/T 3026-2009 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products:Technical regulatons for Celery Production in Greenhouse
  • DB65/T 602.1-2001 The colect and prepare of soil sample
  • DB65/T 602.2-2001 The determinanation of hydrolyzable nitrogen in soil
  • DB65/T 602.3-2001 The determinanation of ammonium nitrogen in soil
  • DB65/T 602.5-2001 The determinanation of available phosphous in soil
  • DB65/T 602.6-2001 The determinanation of available potassium in soil
  • DB65/T 602.9-2001 The determinanation of unit weight in soil
  • DB65/T 602.8-2001 The determinanation of calcium carbonate in soil
  • DB65/T 602.7-2001 The determinanation of PH value in soil
  • DB65/T 602.4-2001 The determinanation of nitrate nitrogen in soil
  • DB65/T 602.13-2001 The determinanation of available zinc、manganese、copper and iron in soil
  • DB65/T 602.12-2001 The determinanation of soil particle-size composition(mechanical composition
  • DB65/T 602.11-2001 Analysis method of water soluble salts of soil
  • DB65/T 602.10-2001 The determinanation of soil particle siensite in soil
  • DB65/T 2839-2008 The technique regulaeions of Munage grapes cottge and propagatpon
  • DB65/T 2840-2008 The rules of cultivation technology of Munage geape
  • DB65/T 2843-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhous not ues of all the year around (Steel & Bamboo Framework)in the south of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2844-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhous not ues of all the year around (Steel & Bamboo Framework)in the south of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2845-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhouse in ususe of all the year round(Steel Framework)in the south of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2846-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhouse in ususe of all the year round(Steel Framework)in the south of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2847-2008 Construction regulation for sunlight greenhouse(Steel Framework) in the north of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2848-2008 Contruction regulation for sunlight greenhouse(Steel Framework) in the south of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2850-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhouse in ususe of all the year round(Steel Framework)in the north of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2851-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhouse in ususe of all the year round(Steel Framework)in the north of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2854-2008 Construction regulation for sunlight greenhouse(Steel $ Bamboo Framework) in the north of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2855-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhouse in ususe of all the year round(Steel Framework)in the east of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2856-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhouse(Steel $ Bamboo Framework) in the east of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2857-2008 Construction regulation for sunlight greenhouse(Steel Framework) in the east of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2858-2008 Construction regulation for sunlight greenhouse(Steel $ Bamboo Framework) in the east of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2859-2008 Pollution.FreeFaarm produce.Technique rulr of high.yield cultivation in high.quality Protein corn
  • DB65/T 2860-2008 Pollution.Free Faarm produce.Technique rulrs of high.yield cultivation in Seed Melon
  • DB65/T 2862-2008 Pollution.Free Faarm produce.Technique rulrs of prevention pets and prevention in Seed Melon
  • DB65/T 2863-2008 Pollution.Free Faarm Production standard system in lighe speckled kindney bean
  • DB65/T 2868-2008 Pollution.Free farm Produce Techniques rules of balanced fertilization in Edible Sunflower
  • DB65/T 2870-2008 Pollution.Free farm Produce Techniques rules of high.yield cultivation in Sugarbeet
  • DB65/T 2872-2008 Pollution.Free farm Produce Techniques rules of prevention pets and prevention in Sugarbeet
  • DB65/T 2873-2008 Service quality Stanards of Laundry Business in Commerce
  • DB65/T 2881-2008 Limits for exhaust pollutant from in-use light-duty vehicles equipped ignition engie under steadystate mode conditions
  • DB65/T 2882-2008 Limits for exhaust smoke from in-use light-duty vehicle equipped with compression ignition engine under lug-down mode conditions
  • DB65/T 2885-2008 Product of geographical indication Mulei Chickpea
  • DB65/T 2601-2006 Zea mys L.cv.xinduo No.2
  • DB65/T 2602-2006 Cultivation techonlogy regulations of Zea mays L.cv.Multi-ears
  • DB65/T 2603-2006 Galega orientalis Lam.cv.Xinjin No.1
  • DB65/T 2614-2006 Method for Grab of Rsisting Compression Flexibility of Wool
  • DB65/T 2615-2006 Test Method of Determing Wool and Cashmerer Fibres Diameter by Optical Fibre Diameter Analyser(OFDA)
  • DB65/T 2616-2006 The Basic Condition of Happy Farmhouse Operation
  • DB65/T 2619-2006 General Rules of Standard System for Wine-grapes
  • DB65/T 2621-2006 The Technical Regulation of Picking Wine Grapes
  • DB65/T 2622-2006 General Rules of Standard System for Tomato and Tomato Produce
  • DB65/T 2623-2006 Nuisanceless Food Technical Procedure of Plug Transplant for Processing Tomato
  • DB65/T 2624-2006 Lycopene
  • DB65/T 2625-2006 Tomato Powder
  • DB65/T 2626-2006 The general rules of the JiaShi Melon
  • DB65/T 2632-2006 The criterion of design and construct about biogas ecosystem mode of farmhouse feeding in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2633-2006 Feeding management regulations of vealer factorization production
  • DB65/T 2634-2006 Feeding management regulations of white veal factorization production
  • DB65/T 2635-2006 Procedure Of Pest Control In Apricot
  • DB65/T 2807-2007 Carrot Puree
  • DB65/T 2808-2007 Carrot Juice Coneentrate
  • DB65/T 2644-2006 Technique rule of prevention pests and prevention in pollution-free soybean
  • DB65/T 2645-2006 Technique rule of light speckle kidney bean seed production
  • DB65/T 2646-2006 The criterion ofpurchase and grade of light speckle kidney bean
  • DB65/T 2647-2006 Technique rule of high-yield cultivation in pollution-free light speckle kidney bean
  • DB65/T 2821-2007 The Technical Rules Of white Seedling
  • DB65/T 2822-2007 Cultivation Techniques Regulation of White Apyicot
  • DB65/T 2823-2007 Cultivation Technipue Role of Arboreous Close Planting Apyicot
  • DB65/T 2825-2007 The Technical Transformational Rules Of white Apricot Lower Productive and Quality Garden
  • DB65/T 2826-2007 Harmlwss Food Technical Code for White Apricot Prdoducing
  • DB65/T 2827-2007 Oreen-food Technical Code for White Apricot producing
  • DB65/T 2659-2006 Construction standards for cimmercical pig farms
  • DB65/T 2660-2006 Technical regulations for feeding and management of herd boards
  • DB65/T 2833-2007 Cultivation technical standards of prunus X cisterna
  • DB65/T 2834-2007 Cultivation technical standards of malus spetabilis royalty
  • DB65/T 2835-2007 The Rule of Technolongy for Under Dwarf ang Close Planting Cultivation in Red Jujube
  • DB65/T 2671-2007 Nuisanceless food disinfection norm retail department of beef and mutton
  • DB65/T 2672-2006 Rulers of Management of Bashidai Sheep
  • DB65/T 2683-2007 Test method for the waste residue mixes the increment in building materials products
  • DB65/T 2759-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products;Technical Regulations for Chinese Chive Production
  • DB65/T 2760-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products;Technical Regulations for Garland Chrysanthemum Production
  • DB65/T 2604-2006 Seed qualieg grade scale of Galega orientalis Lam.cv Xinyin No.1
  • DB65/T 2605-2006 Cultivation Techniques of Galega orienttalis Lam.Xinyin No.1
  • DB65/T 2606-2006 Bromus inermis Leyss.cv.Wusu No.1
  • DB65/T 2607-2006 Cultivation Techniques of Bromus inermis Legss.cv.Wusu No.1
  • DB65/T 2609-2006 Hetian Sheep
  • DB65/T 2610-2006 Xinjiang Goat
  • DB65/T 2611-2006 Techniques Statute for Artificial Insemination of Goats
  • DB65/T 2770-2007 Non-envirormental pollution the agricultural products technical regulation of hop cultivating
  • DB65/T 2771-2007 Non-envirormental pollution the agricultural products technical regulation of hop processing
  • DB65/T 2773-2007 General Rules of Standard Syestem for Produce of Suffolk and Poll Dorset Stus
  • DB65/T 2775-2007 Suffolk Stud
  • DB65/T 2617-2006 Classification on Travel Services Quality of Happy Farmhouse
  • DB65/T 2618-2006 Product of designations of origin or geographical indication JiaShi Melon
  • DB65/T 2785-2007 Organic farm produce-Breeding regulations of mutton sheep
  • DB65/T 2786-2007 Non-environmental damage egg(meat) chicken standard sysytem generalrule
  • DB65/T 2788-2007 Breeding technology of beef cattle factorization production
  • DB65/T 2789-2007 Bull kept for covering feeding management regulations of beef cattle factorization production
  • DB65/T 2795-2007 Jiang-Yue Donkey
  • DB65/T 2797-2007 Technical Regulation for Promegranate Storing and Fresh Keeping
  • DB65/T 2803-2007 Pollution-free agricultural products Marigold produce the technology direetive rules
  • DB65/T 2805-2007 Pear Puree Concentrate
  • DB65/T 2814-2007 Cultivation Techniques Regulation of Chili Pepper
  • DB65/T 2815-2007 Eating White Sunflower Cultivating Technique Rules
  • DB65/T 2818-2007 Mhite Apricot
  • DB65/T 2819-2007 General Rulers of Standard System for White Apricot
  • DB65/T 2829-2007 Urumqi Food producingprocessing small workshop manufacturing ang selling standard
  • DB65/T 2761-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products; Technical Regulations for Spinach Production
  • DB65/T 2762-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products; Technical Regulations for Bottle Gourd Production
  • DB65/T 2763-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products; Technical Regulations for Towel Gourd
  • DB65/T 2766-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products; Technical Regulations for Flammulina Velutipes Sing.Production
  • DB65/T 2767-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products; Technical Regulations for Agaricus brunnescens Peckl.Production
  • DB65/T 2768-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products; Technical Regulations for Pleurotus cornucopiae Roll.Production
  • DB65/T 2776-2007 Poll Dorset
  • DB65/T 2777-2007 General Rules of Standard Syestem for Produce of Mutton
  • DB65/T 2778-2007 General Rules of Standard Syestem for Raising of Xin Jiang Donkey
  • DB65/T 2779-2007 Ecological environment protection of Kanas scenic spots
  • DB65/T 2781-2007 The employed intelligence of serves the tourist of Kanasi
  • DB65/T 2790-2007 Feeder management regulations of beef cattle factorization production
  • DB65/T 2791-2007 Feeder cattle select and purchase of beef cattle factorization production
  • DB65/T 2792-2007 Technicalat Procedures of Fat Lambs Proceting
  • DB65/T 2793-2007 Xinjiang Donkey
  • DB65/T 2912-2008 The Technical Regulation of Feeding and management for Holstein Cow
  • DB65/T 2913-2008 The Technical Regulation of Cow Quarantine
  • DB65/T 2914-2008 The Technical Regulation of Heal-care for Cow
  • DB65/T 2915-2008 Brewing Technology Standard of Ice Wine
  • DB65/T 2916-2008 The Cultivation Technical Specification of ice grape
  • DB65/T 2918-2008 High quality,high production brewer`s barley cultural technique reglations
  • DB65/T 2920-2008 Cultivated Technical regulations of the melon and cotton complex planting
  • DB65/T 2921-2008 The main plant diseases and insect pests comprehensive control regulations of the melon and cotton complex planting
  • DB65/T 2949-2008 Operating quality for joint planting machine
  • DB65/T 2951-2008 Servicing on seed daubing apparatus
  • DB65/T 2952-2008 Operating quality for crop straw Returning.back.to field machine
  • DB65/T 2691-2007 Non-environmental pollution aquatic products-The regulations for silver carp of pond culture technology
  • DB65/T 2705-2007 Facility agriculture,cultural standards for tomato in early spring
  • DB65/T 2707-2007 Facility agriculture,cultural technique regulations for pepper in early spring
  • DB65/T 2708-2007 The technical rule of prevention and control for Eulecanium gigantean(Shinji)
  • DB65/T 2720-2007 Rulers of Raising and Management of Talimu Red Deer
  • DB65/T 2721-2007 The Technological Operation Instructions for the Artificial Insemination of Talimu Red Deer
  • DB65/T 2722-2007 The Reproduction Technological Standard of Talimu Red Deer
  • DB65/T 2723-2007 The Regulations of Synthetically Preventing and Controlling Talimu Red Deer Epidemic Disease
  • DB65/T 2724-2007 The Designing Standard Of Talimu Red Deer Farm
  • DB65/T 2726-2007 The Technological Standard of Talimu Red Deer Velvet Processing
  • DB65/T 2727-2007 Prairie loose esrth resowing maching testing method
  • DB65/T 2728-2007 Dry fruit classifying machine testing method
  • DB65/T 2852-2008 Design regulation for sunlight greenhous not ues of all the year around (Steel & Bamboo Framework)in the north of Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2864-2008 The seed of Light speckled kindney bean
  • DB65/T 2865-2008 Pollution.Free farm Produce Packging standard of Light speckled kidney bean
  • DB65/T 2866-2008 Pollution .Free Food Light speckled kidney bean
  • DB65/T 2876-2008 Green Food Technical specification for Production of seedless Grape as fresh Food
  • DB65/T 2877-2008 Green Food Fertilizer utilization specification for Production of seedless Grapa as fresh Food
  • DB65/T 2652-2006 Griterion for feeding and management of nursing sows
  • DB65/T 2673-2006 Rulers Standards of Bashidai Sheep
  • DB65/T 2684-2006 Organic food.Using regulations ofmotton sheep feeds
  • DB65/T 2685-2006 Organic food.Epidemic prevention regulations of mutton sheep
  • DB65/T 2895-2008 Culture technical regulation of7.2%seedvax·tniucam offlowable comcentrate for seed coating
  • DB65/T 2527-2005 The technical rule of prevention and control for Melampsora rostrupii wagn,M.pruinosea Tranz,M.magnusiana wagn ,M.allii.populina Kled,(M.larici.populina Kled)
  • DB65/T 2532-2005 The technical rule of prevention and conteol for Apocheima cinerarius
  • DB65/T 2536-2005 The technical rule of prevention and conteol for Saperda populnea
  • DB65/T 2538-2005 The technical rule of prevention and conteol for Orthosia incerta
  • DB65/T 2539-2005 The technical rule of prevention and conteol for Cicadella viridis(Linnaeus)
  • DB65/T 2521-2005 Technical regulations for afforestation of main tree species in Xinjiang
  • DB65/T 2522-2005 Technical regulations for afforestation in saline soil
  • DB65/T 2526-2005 The technical rule of prevention and control for Cytospora Chrysosper.ma(pers.)
  • DB65/T 2735-2007 Technical regulation for forestation.sowing. by aerial seeding
  • DB65/T 2741-2007 Crop interplanting necessary mechanization work technology standard
  • DB65/T 2742-2007 General rules of standardization sustems for healthy production of pigs
  • DB65/T 2747-2007 Criterion for culling of stud pig
  • DB65/T 2748-2007 Guidelines of Production Technique of Oenothera odorata Jacq.
  • DB65/T 2749-2007 Unpolluted products.Culture technical regulation of improved diring breeding of rice
  • DB65/T 2750-2007 Unpolluted products.Culture technical regulation of tice direct sowing
  • DB65/T 2752-2007 Technical Rules for Production of Hami Melon Pre-original Seeds
  • DB65/T 2755-2007 Standarized Technical Operating Regulation forlow Sugar Degree Dried Apricot Production
  • DB65/T 2756-2007 Nuisanceless food slaughter operation rules of the cattle
  • DB65/T 2757-2007 Nuisanceless food slaughter operation rules of the sheep
  • DB65/T 2758-2007 Nuisance Free Agricultural Products;Technical Regulations for Virus Free Early Potato Production
  • DB65/T 2743-2007 Technical criterion for breeding system of pigs
  • DB65/T 2745-2007 Feeding standards for improved varieties of pig
  • DB65/T 2887-2008 The General Technology Application Of Water Retaining Agent
  • DB65/T 2888-2008 Product of designations of origin or geographical indication ShaChe Almond
  • DB65/T 2889-2008 Product of designations of origin or geographical indication YingJiSha SeMaiTi Apricot
  • DB65/T 2892-2008 The Quality Standard of Safety of the Star-Rated Hotel
  • DB65/T 2896-2008 Purple Capsula Garlic
  • DB65/T 2897-2008 Agricultural Products of Harmless Technical Code for Purple Capsula Garlic Producing

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