Ball mill

Ball mill, Total:31 items.

In the international standard classification, Ball mill involves: Machine tools, Iron and steel products, Equipment for processing of minerals, Information sciences. Publishing, Pharmaceutics, Equipment for the glass and ceramics industries, Power stations in general, Cutting tools.

IN-BIS, Ball mill

Professional Standard - Machinery, Ball mill

机械电子工业部, Ball mill

RO-ASRO, Ball mill

工业和信息化部, Ball mill

RU-GOST R, Ball mill

  • GOST 10141-1991 Rod and ball mills. General technical requirements
  • GOST 7524-2015 Grinding steel balls for ball mills. Specifications
  • GOST 7524-1989 Grinding steel balls for ball mills. Specifications
  • GOST 7.24-1990 System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Multilingual thesaurus for information retrieval. Composition, structure and basic requirements for development

VN-TCVN, Ball mill

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Ball mill

YU-JUS, Ball mill

  • JUS M.J6.012-1990 Rod and ball mills. Screrrs wlth cheese countersunk head. Metric fine pitch thread. Shape and dimensions
  • JUS M.J6.011-1990 Rod and ball mills. Screns with large cheese countersunk head. Metrlc fine pitch tbread. Sbape and dimensions

Professional Standard - Light Industry, Ball mill

Professional Standard - Ferrous Metallurgy, Ball mill

Professional Standard - Electricity, Ball mill

  • DL/T 681.1-2019 Coal-fired power plant coal mill wear parts specification part 1: Ball mill balls and liners

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Ball mill

  • CNS 9437-1982 Method of Test for Toughness of Artificial Abrasives (Ball Mill Method)

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