Security Risk Classification

Security Risk Classification, Total:69 items.

In the international standard classification, Security Risk Classification involves: Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene, Processes in the food industry, Accident and disaster control, Fluid storage devices, Safety of machinery, Company organization and management, Law. Administration, Water quality, Installations in buildings, Terminology (principles and coordination), Services, Vocabularies, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general, Quality, Medical equipment, Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment, Beverages, Explosion protection, Products of the chemical industry, SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES. COMPANY ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT. ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT.

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • T/GDPAWS 18-2023 Safety risk classification and control specifications for rental housing
  • T/CDAS 006-2021 Food Safety Risk Classification for Catering Service Providers
  • T/SWSA 004-2020 General Guidelines of Safety Risk Classification and Control for Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprises
  • T/BLTJBX 11-2021 Detailed Rules for Special Equipment Safety Risk Hierarchical Management and Control System
  • T/BLTJBX 11-2020 Detailed Rules for Special Equipment Safety Risk Hierarchical Management and Control System
  • T/GZSEIA 0001-2023 Guidelines for hierarchical control of safety risk for the use of special equipment
  • T/GZSEIA 0002-2023 Safety risk classification rules for the use of pressure special equipment
  • T/GZSEIA 0003-2023 afety risk classification rules for electromechanical special equipment
  • T/JMTX 005-2018 Jiangmen Special Equipment Safety Risk Classification and Control Requirements
  • T/LWCA 1-2021 Specifications for quality and safety risk classification management of wire and cable production enterprises
  • T/HZAS 7-2020 Specifications for quality and safety risk classification management of wire and cable production enterprises
  • T/CCPITCSC 106-2022 Basic specification for dual prevention mechanism of enterprise safety risk hierarchical management and control and hidden danger investigation and control
  • T/GXYX 0001-2023 Specification for double prevention mechanism construction of the management and control system of work safety risk classification and hidden risk investigation andtreatment of enterprises
  • T/CIESC 0008-2020 Technical specification for the management and control of hazardous chemical safety risk classification

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB37/T 3078-2017 Detailed Rules for Special Equipment Safety Risk Hierarchical Management and Control System
  • DB37/T 3961-2020 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Safety Risk Hierarchical Management and Control System for Elderly Care Institutions
  • DB37/T 3955-2020 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Safety Risk Hierarchical Control System for Primary and Secondary Schools
  • DB37/T 4007-2020 Guidelines for the Implementation of Classified Management and Control System for Safety Risks in Commercial Buildings
  • DB37/T 4084-2020 Guidelines for the Implementation of Classified Management and Control System for Safety Risks in Commercial Buildings
  • DB37/T 3957-2020 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Security Risk Hierarchical Control System for Shopping Mall Enterprises
  • DB37/T 3953-2020 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Safety Risk Hierarchical Control System for Medical and Health Institutions
  • DB37/T 4005-2020 Guidelines for the Implementation of the Safety Risk Hierarchical Management and Control System for Enterprises in the Accommodation and Catering Industry
  • DB37/T 3335-2018 Guidelines for the implementation of the production safety risk classification management and control system for enterprises in the beer manufacturing industry
  • DB37/T 3417-2018 Guidelines for the implementation of the dual prevention mechanism of coal mine safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance
  • DB37/T 3452-2018 Guidelines for the Construction of Elevator Use Safety Risk Hierarchical Management and Control and Accident Risk Investigation and Governance System Construction
  • DB37/T 3453-2018 Guidelines for the construction of gas cylinder filling safety risk classification management and control and accident hidden danger investigation and governance system construction
  • DB37/T 4282-2020 Implementation guidelines for the construction of pressure pipeline use safety risk classification management and control and accident hidden danger investigation and governance system
  • DB37/T 3454-2018 Implementation guidelines for the construction of passenger ropeway use safety risk classification management and control and accident hidden danger investigation and governance system
  • DB37/T 3887-2020 Implementation guidelines for the construction of a safety risk management and control system for hoisting machinery use and accident hidden danger investigation and management system
  • DB37/T 3886-2020 Guidelines for the construction of organic heat carrier boiler safety risk classification management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance system construction
  • DB37/T 3883-2020 Implementation guidelines for the construction of a safety risk management and control system for large-scale amusement facilities and the investigation and governance system for accident hazards
  • DB37/T 3884-2020 Implementation guidelines for the construction of medical air pressurized oxygen chamber safety risk classification management and control and accident hidden danger investigation and governance system
  • DB37/T 3455-2018 Guidelines for the construction of fixed pressure vessel safety risk classification management and control and accident hidden danger investigation and governance system construction
  • DB37/T 3885-2020 Implementation guidelines for the construction of mobile pressure vessel use and filling safety risk classification management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance system
  • DB37/T 4281-2020 Guidelines for the construction of special motor vehicle safety risk management and control and accident hidden danger investigation and governance system construction in the field (factory)
  • DB37/T 2882-2016 General Rules for Hierarchical Management and Control System of Safety Production Risks
  • DB37/T 2974-2017 Detailed Rules for Hierarchical Management and Control System of Safety Production Risks in Industrial and Trade Enterprises
  • DB37/T 3020-2017 Detailed Rules for Hierarchical Management and Control System of Safety Production Risks in Electric Power Enterprises
  • DB37/T 2971-2017 Detailed Rules for the Hierarchical Management and Control System of Safety Production Risks in Chemical Enterprises

Gansu Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB62/T 2959-2018 Special Equipment Safety Risk Hierarchical Management and Control Work Specifications

Jiangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB36/T 1393-2021 General rules for the construction of a hierarchical management and control system for production safety risks

Liaoning Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB2101/T 0028-2021 Guidelines for the Implementation of Classified Management and Control of Special Equipment Safety Risks
  • DB21/T 3275-2020 General rules for hierarchical management and control of enterprise security risks and hidden danger investigation and governance
  • DB21/T 3182-2019 Detailed rules for the implementation of special equipment safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and management
  • DB21/T 3276-2020 Detailed rules for the implementation of safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance in metallurgical enterprises
  • DB21/T 3568-2022 Detailed rules for the implementation of safety risk classification control and hidden danger investigation and management of dust explosion-related enterprises
  • DB21/T 3839-2023 Evaluation Guidelines for the Construction of Dual Prevention Mechanism for Classified Management and Control of Special Equipment Safety Risks and Hidden Hazard Investigation and Governance

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB4403/T 267-2022 Work guideline for graded management and control of safety risks in waterworks
  • DB4403/T 5-2019 General rules for the construction of dual prevention mechanisms for enterprise safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance

Xinjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB65/T 4466-2021 Guidelines for Hierarchical Management and Control of Safety Risks of Special Equipment

Hunan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB43/T 1783-2020 Coal mine safety production standardization safety risk classification management and control implementation rules

国家质量监督检验检疫总局, Security Risk Classification

  • SN/T 4707-2016 Biosafety Risk Classified Management Regulations for Entry and Exit Special Items

Shanxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB14/T 2406-2022 Rural (community) safety risk hierarchical management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance norms
  • DB14/T 2248-2020 Code for the implementation of the dual prevention mechanism of coal mine safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance
  • DB14/T 2536-2022 Specifications for the double prevention system of power enterprise safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance

Jiangsu Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB3202/T 1047-2023 Industrial and trade enterprise safety risk classification management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance norms
  • DB32/T 3956-2020 Rules for zoning and grading of safety risks in chemical enterprises

Shaanxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB6101/T 3132-2022 Enterprise safety risk hierarchical management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance work specifications

国家烟草专卖局, Security Risk Classification

  • YC/Z 582-2019 Tobacco Enterprise Safety Risk Classification Control and Accident Hazard Investigation and Management Guide

Professional Standard - Military and Civilian Products, Security Risk Classification

  • WJ/T 9101-2022 Manufacturing and Marketing Enterprise of Civil Explosives Materials Production Risk Classification Management and Control System Construction Guide

Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB13/T 5052-2019 Guidelines for the construction of dual prevention mechanisms for coal mine safety risk classification management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance
  • DB13/T 5714-2023 Specifications for hierarchical management and control of safety production risks in road transportation enterprises

Ningxia Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

Jilin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB22/T 3214-2020 Implementation specifications for the construction of dual prevention mechanisms for safety risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and governance for special equipment users

Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB35/T 1934-2020 Classification and classification of special equipment use safety risks

中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局、中国国家标准化管理委员会, Security Risk Classification

  • GB/T 35253-2017 Dividing principles of risk warning on product quality safety

Sichuan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB51/T 2767-2021 General Rules for Hierarchical Management and Control System of Safety Production Risks

Henan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Security Risk Classification

  • DB41/T 2149-2021 Special Equipment Safety Risk Identification Hierarchical Control Specification

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