Hygiene issue

Hygiene issue, Total:8 items.

In the international standard classification, Hygiene issue involves: FOOD TECHNOLOGY.

German Institute for Standardization, Hygiene issue

IX-EU/EC, Hygiene issue

  • 85/397/EEC-1985 Council Directive on Health and Animal-Health Problems Affecting Ultra-Community Trade in Heat-Treated Milk
  • 85/326/EEC-1985 Council Directive Amending Directive 71/ 118/EEC on Health Problems Affecting Trade in Fresh Poultry Meat
  • 85/324/EEC-1985 Council Directive Amending Directive 71/ 118/EEC on Health Problems Affecting Intra - Community Trade in Fresh Poultry Meat
  • 88/658/EEC-1988 Council Directive Amending Directive 77/ 99/EEC on Health Problems Affecting Intra-Community Trade in Meat Products
  • 88/288/EEC-1988 Council Directive Amending Directive 64/ 433/EEC on Health Problems Affecting Intra-Community Trade in Fresh Meat
  • 91/495/EEC-1991 Council Directive Concerning Public Health and Animal Health Problems Affecting the Production and Placing on the Market of Rabbit Meat and Farmed Game Meat

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Hygiene issue

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