cod-2000 type cod

cod-2000 type cod, Total:45 items.

In the international standard classification, cod-2000 type cod involves: Water quality.

National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, cod-2000 type cod

  • JJF 1643-2017 Program of Pattern Evaluation for Chemical Oxygen Demand(COD)Meters
  • JJF 1786-2019 Program of Pattern Evaluation of On-line Automatic Determinators for Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), cod-2000 type cod

  • KS I ISO 15705:2008 Water quality-Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index(ST-COD)-Small-scale sealed-tube method
  • KS I ISO 15705-2008(2018) Water quality-Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index(ST-COD)-Small-scale sealed-tube method

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), cod-2000 type cod

  • ISO 15705:2002 Water quality - Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index (ST-COD) - Small-scale sealed-tube method

Danish Standards Foundation, cod-2000 type cod

  • DS/ISO 15705:2006 Water quality - Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index (ST-COD) - Small-scale sealed-tube method

IX-EU/EC, cod-2000 type cod

  • COM(2002) 541/2 FINAL-2002 Amended proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the training of professional drivers for the carriage of goods or passengers by road
  • COM(2001) 798 FINAL-2001 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Rail Transport Statistics
  • COM(2001) 315-2001 Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  • COM(2000) 139 FINAL/2-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on General Product Safety
  • COM(1999) 139 FINAL-1999 Amended Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive Amending Directive 90/220/EEC on the Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms
  • COM(2000) 386 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Authorisation of Electronic Communications Networks and Services
  • COM(2000) 468 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council Relating to the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise
  • COM(2000) 394 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Unbundled Access to the Local Loop
  • COM(2000) 347 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council - On Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council - On the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances
  • COM(2001) 275-2001 Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive 79/373/EEC on the Marketing of Compound Feedingstuffs
  • COM(2000) 393 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Common Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications Networks and Services
  • COM(2000) 489 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning the Committee on Safe Seas and Amending the Regulations on Maritime Safety and the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament a
  • COM(2000) 279 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Promotion of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in the Internal Electricity Market
  • COM(2000) 407 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Requlatory Framework for Radio Spectrum Policy in the European Community
  • COM(2001) 316-2001 Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Restriction on the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  • COM(2000) 384 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Access to, and Interconnection of, Electronic Communications Networks and Associated Facilities
  • COM(2000) 276 FINAL/2-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Coordinating the Procurement Procedures of Entities Operating in the Water, Energy and Transport Sectors
  • COM(2000) 18 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on a Community Energy Efficiency Labeling Programme for Office and Communication Technology Equipment
  • COM(2000) 392 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Universal Service and Users' Rights Relating to Electronic Communications Networks and Services
  • COM(2000) 275 FINAL/2-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council On the Coordination of Procedures for the Award of Public Supply Contracts, Public Service Contracts and Public Works Contracts
  • COM(2000) 426 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Regulation (EC) No .../2000[on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer] as Regards the Base Year for the Allocation of Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
  • COM(2002) 37 FINAL-2002 Amended Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Measuring Instruments
  • COM(2001) 145-2001 Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive 97/24/EC on Certain Components and Characteristics of Two - and Three Wheel Motor Vehicles
  • COM(2000) 568 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Directive 80/232/EEC as Regards the Range of Nominal Weights for Coffee Extracts and Chicory Extracts
  • COM(2000) 573 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Council Directives 90/425/EEC and 92/118/EEC as Regards Health Requirements for Animal by-Products
  • COM(2001) 63 FINAL-2001 Amended Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on General Product Safety
  • COM(2001) 372 FINAL-2001 Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on the Authorisation of Electronic Communication Networks and Services
  • COM(2000) 7 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliment and of the Council on Action by Member States Concerning Public Service Requirements and the Award of Public Service Contracts in Passenger Transport by Rail, Road and Inland Waterway
  • COM(2000) 42 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Council Directive 70/220/EEC Concerning Measures to be Taken Against Air Pollution by Emissions from Motor Vehicles
  • COM(2001) 369 FINAL-2001 Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Access to, and Interconnection of, Electronic Communications Networks and Associated Facilities
  • COM(2001) 380 FINAL-2001 Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Common Regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications Networks and Services
  • COM(2002) 110 FINAL-2002 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning Protection Against Subsidisation and Unfair Pricing Practices in the Supply of Airline Services from Countries Not Members of the European Community
  • COM(2001) 533 FINAL-2001 Amended Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Recommendation Concerning the Implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe
  • COM(2001) 535 FINAL-2001 Amended Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Implementation of the Internet Top Level Domain "EU"
  • COM(2000) 487 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Council Directive 70/220/EEC Concerning Measures to be Taken Against Air Pollution by Emissions from Motor Vehicles
  • COM(2001) 592 FINAL-2001 Amended Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing a Community Monitoring, Control and Information System for Maritime Traffic
  • COM(2001) 676 FINAL-2001 Amended Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing a European Maritime Safety and Ship Pollution Prevention Agency
  • COM(2013) 316 FINAL-2013 Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL concerning type-approval requirements for the deployment of the eCall in-vehicle system and amending Directive 2007/46/EC (2013/0165 (COD); Text with EEA relevance)
  • COM(2000) 639 FINAL-2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council Modifying Directive 94/25/EC on the Approximation of the Laws, Regulations and Administrative Provisions of the Member States Relating to Recreational Craft

  cod-2000 type cod, cod-2000.


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