what xrd tests

what xrd tests, Total:21 items.

In the international standard classification, what xrd tests involves: .

AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association, what xrd tests

IPC - Association Connecting Electronics Industries, what xrd tests

API - American Petroleum Institute, what xrd tests

US-CFR-file, what xrd tests

  • CFR 40-80.580-2014 Protection of Environment. Part80:Regulation of fuels and fuel additives.Section80.580:What are the sampling and testing methods for sulfur?
  • CFR 41-300-90.6-2013 Public contracts and property management. Part300–90:Telework travel expenses test programs. Section300–90.6:What is authorized under the test programs?
  • CFR 41-300-90.7-2013 Public contracts and property management. Part300–90:Telework travel expenses test programs. Section300–90.7:What is the duration of test programs?
  • CFR 41-300-90.9-2013 Public contracts and property management. Part300–90:Telework travel expenses test programs. Section300–90.9:What reports are required for a test program?
  • CFR 41-300-90.1-2013 Public contracts and property management. Part300–90:Telework travel expenses test programs. Section300–90.1:What is a telework travel expenses test program?
  • CFR 41-300-90.3-2013 Public contracts and property management. Part300–90:Telework travel expenses test programs. Section300–90.3:What must be done to apply for test program authority?
  • CFR 41-300-90.8-2013 Public contracts and property management. Part300–90:Telework travel expenses test programs. Section300–90.8:What must we do to apply for a test program extension?
  • CFR 33-148.410-2013 Navigation and navigable waters. Part148:Deepwater ports: general. Section148.410:What are the conditions for conducting site evaluation and pre-construction testing?
  • CFR 33-148.415-2013 Navigation and navigable waters. Part148:Deepwater ports: general. Section148.415:When conducting site evaluation and pre-construction testing, what must be reported?
  • CFR 33-148.405-2013 Navigation and navigable waters. Part148:Deepwater ports: general. Section148.405:What are the procedures for notifying the Commandant (CG-5P) of proposed site evaluation and pre- construction testing?
  • CFR 33-150.511-2013 Navigation and navigable waters. Part150:Deepwater ports: operations. Section150.511:What are the operational testing requirements for lifeboat and rescue boat release gear?
  • CFR 41-300-90.5-2013 Public contracts and property management. Part300–90:Telework travel expenses test programs. Section300–90.5:What factors will GSA consider in approving a request for a telework travel test program?
  • CFR 33-149.125-2013 Navigation and navigable waters. Part149:Deepwater ports: design, construction, and equipment. Section149.125:What are the requirements for the malfunction detection system?
  • CFR 13-127.400-2013 Business Credit and Assistance. Part127:Women-owned small business federal contract program. Section127.400:What is an eligibility examination?
  • CFR 33-148.420-2013 Navigation and navigable waters. Part148:Deepwater ports: general. Section148.420:When may the Commandant (CG-5P) suspend or prohibit site evaluation or pre-construction testing?
  • CFR 40-80.1347-2014 Protection of Environment. Part80:Regulation of fuels and fuel additives.Section80.11347:What are the sampling and testing requirements for refiners and importers?
  • CFR 40-80.330-2014 Protection of Environment. Part80:Regulation of fuels and fuel additives.Section80.330:What are the sampling and testing requirements for refiners and importers?
  • CFR 40-80.585-2014 Protection of Environment. Part80:Regulation of fuels and fuel additives.Section80.585:What is the process for approval of a test method for determining the sulfur content of diesel or ECA marine fuel?

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