dairy products

dairy products, Total:499 items.

In the international standard classification, dairy products involves: Milk and milk products, Microbiology, Plant and equipment for the food industry, Farming and forestry, Farm buildings, structures and installations, Processes in the food industry, Products of the chemical industry, Fluid storage devices, Packaging and distribution of goods in general, Sensory analysis, Prepackaged and prepared foods, FOOD TECHNOLOGY, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity, Company organization and management, Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds.

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), dairy products

HU-MSZT, dairy products

PL-PKN, dairy products

  • PN A86024-1992 Milk and dairy products.Milk powder
  • PN A86233-1966 Milk and dairy products Processed chesse products Common re?ukements and tests
  • PN A86050-1990 Milk and milk products Sour cream and cream
  • PN A86155-1990 Mleko i przetwory mleczarskie Mas?o
  • PN A86232-1973 Milk and dairy productsCheeses Test methods
  • PN A86041-1986 Milk and milk products Sampling
  • PN A86101-1965 Przedmiot normy. Przedmiotem normy s? nazwy i okre?lenia mleka i przetworów mleczarskich.
  • PN A86430-1967 Milk and dairy products Ice-cream Chemical testing
  • PN A86300-1991 Milk and dairy products. Curdy cheese without fermentation
  • PN A86026-1990 Milk and dairy products Milk powdcr Determination of nitritc and nitrate contents
  • PN A86230-1968 Milk and dairy products Rennet manner fermented cheeses
  • PN R64740-1966 Mllk and dalry produc?s Sklmrtied milk for animal feedlng
  • PN A86034-02-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examination. General principles
  • PN A86034-11-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examination. Detection of salmonella
  • PN A86034-04-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examination. Enumeration of microorganisms-colony count technique at 30 degree C
  • PN A86034-03-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examination. Preparation of samples and dilutions for examination
  • PN A86034-01-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examinations. Scope of the standard and general directives
  • PN A86034-14-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examination. Enumeration of bacillus cereus. Colony count technique at 30 degree
  • PN A86034-10-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examination. Detection and enumeration of enterococci-colony count technique
  • PN A55553-1986 Tanks for milk and dairy products lassification, basie parameters and imensions, technical requirements and test methods
  • PN A86034-09-1993 Milk and milk products. Microbiological examination. Escherichia coli. Detection and enumeration of most probable number technique (MPN)

RU-GOST R, dairy products

  • GOST R 53751-2009 Milk, milk products and infant milk products. Method for determination of iodine
  • GOST R 52975-2008 Preserved milk products. Dried mare's milk. Specifications
  • GOST ISO 9231-2015 Milk and milk products. Determination of sorbic and benzoic acids in milk and dairy products
  • GOST 32939-2014 Milk and milk products. Method for determination of ammonia
  • GOST R ISO 707-2010 Milk and milk products. Guidance on sampling
  • GOST R 52996-2008 Milk and milk products. Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity. Part 1. Fluorimetric method for milk and milk products
  • GOST 3623-1973 Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of pasteurization
  • GOST R 54669-2011 Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of acidity
  • GOST 3347-1991 Centrifugal pumps for liquid milk products. General specifications
  • GOST 26809.1-2014 Milk and milk products. Acceptance regulations, methods of sampling and for testing. Part 1. Milk, dairy, milk compounds and milk-contained products
  • GOST 25179-2014 Milk and milk products. Method for determination of protein
  • GOST 3623-2015 Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of pasteurization
  • GOST 33500-2015 Milk and milk products. Determination of phosphates content
  • GOST R 55331-2012 Milk and milk products. Titrimetric method of calcium content determination
  • GOST ISO 6785-2015 Milk and milk products. Detection of Salmonella spp.
  • GOST 10382-1985 Preserved milk products. Dry sour milk products. Specifications
  • GOST R 54668-2011 Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of moisture and dry substance mass fraction
  • GOST 32892-2014 Milk and dairy products. Method of pH determination
  • GOST 15844-2014 Glass package for milk and milk products. General specifications
  • GOST ISO/TS 22113/IDF/RM 204-2014 Milk and milk products. Determination of the titratable acidity of milk fat
  • GOST 718-1984 Preserved milk products. Cacao with condensed milk and sugar. Specifications
  • GOST 32219-2013 Milk and milk products. Immunoenzyme methods for determination of antibiotics
  • GOST 32923-2014 Fermented milk products enriched with probiotic microorganisms. Specifications
  • GOST 33569-2015 Milk products. Conductometric method for determination of sodium chloride
  • GOST R 55332-2012 Milk and milk products. Methods for determination of free (destabilization) fat
  • GOST ISO 13082-2014 Milk and milk products. Determination of the lipase activity of pregastric lipase preparation
  • GOST 32258-2013 Milk and milk products. Method for determination of benz(a)pyrene mass fraction
  • GOST 26809-1986 Milk and milk products. Acceptance regulations, methods of sampling and preparation for testing
  • GOST 34304-2017 Milk and milk products. Method for determination of lactose and galactose content
  • GOST 31976-2012 Yogurts and yogurt's products. Potentiometric method for determination of titratable acidity
  • GOST ISO 15174-2014 Milk and milk products. Microbial coagulants. Determination of total milk-clotting activity
  • GOST 33601-2015 Milk and milk products. Express method for determination of the aflatoxin M1 content
  • GOST R 55246-2012 Milk and milk products. Determination of non-protein nitrogen content by Kjeldahl method
  • GOST ISO 14156-2015 Milk and milk products. Extraction methods for lipids and liposoluble compounds
  • GOST 32256-2013 Sherbet ice cream and frozen desserts with milk and milk products. General specifications
  • GOST 32257-2013 Milk and milk products. Method for determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
  • GOST R 53951-2010 Milk and milk-containing products. Determination of mass part of protein by Kjeldahl method
  • GOST R 52357-2005 Milk and milk-containing products. Technological instruction. General requirements for lay out, development and composition
  • GOST 19881-1974 Potentiometric analyzers for pH-control of milk and dairy products. General specifications
  • GOST ISO 29981-2013 Milk products. Enumeration of presumptive bifidobacteria. Colony count technique at 37 °C
  • GOST R 52842-2007 Milk and milk products. Methods of immunoassays or receptor assays for the detection of antimicrobial residues
  • GOST R ISO 22935-2-2011 Milk and milk products. Sensory analysis. Part 2. Recommended methods for sensory evaluation
  • GOST 31977-2012 Dried milk products. Method for determination of bulk density
  • GOST 31504-2012 Milk and milk products. Determination of preservatives and synthetic colors content by high performance liquid chromatography method
  • GOST 32916-2014 Milk and milk products. Determination of vitamin D mass fraction by high performance liquid chromatography method
  • GOST 32255-2013 Milk and milk products. Instrumental express-method for determination of physic-chemical identification parameters by infrared analyzer
  • GOST 32828-2014 Milk and milk products in consumer packaging from combined materials. The method of the package chemical stability determination
  • GOST R 51462-1999 Dried milk products. Method for determination of bulk density

CZ-CSN, dairy products

AR-IRAM, dairy products

RO-ASRO, dairy products

  • STAS 6352/2-1987
  • STAS 8342/3-1988 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Copper determination
  • STAS 8342/5-1990 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Zinc determination
  • STAS 8342/6-1989 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Arsenic determination
  • STAS 6358-1983 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Dctermination of solubility of powdcr prodiicts
  • STAS 13039-1991 Milk products diacetyl determination
  • STAS 6353-1985 M1LK AND MIUK PRODUCTS Acklity dc-tormination
  • STAS 12610-1988 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Fluor determination
  • STAS 6345-1988 MILK AND MII.K PHODUCTS Senisorial analysis
  • STAS 10902-1989 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Lactose determination
  • STAS 6349/8-1980 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of mastitic milk
  • STAS 9535/1-1987 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Rules for sampling
  • STAS 6349/7-1987 MILK'AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of inhibiting substances in milk
  • STAS 6349/2-1980 MILK AND MILK PRODUC DUCTS Retuctase test for milk
  • STAS 9952/7-1990 Milk and milk products. Phosphor total content determination of cheese
  • STAS 6352/3-1982 MILK AND M1J.K PRODUCTS Determination of fat content inpowdcr milk products
  • STAS 6356-1984 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of sugar content
  • SR 6349-13-1995 Milk and milk products. Microbiologycal conditions
  • STAS 6349/1-1980 MILK AND MILK PRODUC DUCTS Sampling and specimen preparation for microbiolo-gical analysis
  • STAS 6349/3-1980 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of the number of aerobe mesophil germs
  • STAS 6349/6-1980 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Sediment and mould content determination
  • STAS 8342/2-1984 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of tin content
  • STAS 8342/4-1984 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of lead content
  • STAS 9952/3-1982 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Detennination of ioDine value
  • STAS 8201-1982 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of pH value
  • STAS 9096-1987 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Calcium content determination
  • STAS 10115-1984 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of 40 potassium content
  • STAS 12540-1987 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of 226 radium content
  • STAS 6348-1985 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Pasteurization efficiency control
  • STAS ISO 5538:1992 Milk and milk products. Sampling. Inspection by attributes
  • STAS 9952/2-1982 MIlK ANd MIlK PRODUCTS Determination of acid value
  • STAS 12174-1987 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Strontium 90 content determination
  • STAS 6355-1989 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of natrium chloride content
  • STAS 6354-1984 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of natrium chloride content
  • STAS 12328-1985 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Lead 210 content determination
  • STAS 12179-1984 MILK AND MILK PRODUCT Polonium 210 content determination
  • STAS 6356-1976 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Proteic substances determinat ion
  • STAS 6347-1973 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Dctermination of density by the areometric method
  • STAS 6357-1975 MIl.K AND MILK PRODUCTS Delermination of tolal ash
  • STAS 12978-1991 Milk and milk products. Natrlum and potassium content determination
  • STAS 6349/11-1983 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of Salmonellac
  • STAS 9952/4-1982 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of saponilieation value
  • STAS 12380-1985 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of natural uranium con- tent
  • STAS 12788-1989 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Organophosphoric pesticide residuues determination
  • STAS 6343-1981 MTLK AND MII.K PRODUCTS Preparation of laboratory samples for analysis
  • STAS 6344-1988 M1U.K ANI MH.K PRODUCTS Dry substance arul water dclerminution
  • STAS 6349/9-1982 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Detcrmination of thc patogen germs Bacillus corcus
  • SR 6345-1995 Milk and Dairy Products. Senzory analysis
  • STAS 6352/1-1988 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Fat content determination of milk, acid milk products and subproducts
  • STAS 6349/12-1983 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of coagulase positive staphylococci
  • STAS 6349/5-1980 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of the content of spored anaerobe bacteries
  • STAS 9535/2-1987 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Instruments for sampling Technical requirements tor quality
  • STAS 6352/5-1973 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of ?at content in ice-cream and cream
  • STAS 12587-1987 MILK ANDMILK PRODUCTS Determination of organochlorurated pesticide residues
  • STAS 12582-1987 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS lodine 131 content determination
  • STAS 10314-1984 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of nitrites and nitrates content
  • STAS 6349/4-1980 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determiriation of the probable number of coliform bacteries and Escherichia coli
  • STAS 6352/4-1985 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS Determination of water, solids-not-fat and fat of buttcr content
  • STAS 10578-1982 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS General rules for packging, marking, storage and transport
  • STAS 10578/A1-1999 Milk and milk products - General rules for packing, marking, storage and transport
  • STAS 6349/10-1982 MILK AXD MILK PRODUCTS Dctermination of the probable numbcr of patogen germs Clostridium perfringens
  • STAS SR ISO 8261:1996 Milk and milk products - Preparation of test samples and dilutions for microbiological examination
  • STAS 8342/1-1986 MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS.Decomposition of test samples prior to determination of metals and arsenic content
  • STAS 9952/5-1982 MILK AND MIL PRODUCTS Dctermination of soluble and non-so- luble volatile iattv acids in water
  • SR ISO 5541-1:1986 Milk and milk products - Enumeration of coliforms - Part 1 : Colony count technique at 30°C

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), dairy products

  • ISO/R 707:1968 Milk and milk products — Sampling
  • ISO 23058:2006 Milk and milk products - Ovine and caprine rennets - Determination of total milk-clotting activity
  • ISO 23058:2006|IDF 199:2006 Milk and milk products Sheep and goats Determination of coagulating activity of whole milk products
  • ISO 707:2008 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling
  • ISO 707:2008|IDF 50:2008 Guide to Sampling Milk and Dairy Products
  • ISO 26323:2009 Milk products - Determination of the acidification activity of dairy cultures by continuous pH measurement (CpH)
  • ISO 26323:2009|IDF 213:2009 Determination of acidification activity of dairy culture bacteria using continuous pH measurement method for dairy products
  • ISO 9622:2013 Milk and liquid milk products.Guidelines for the application of mid-infrared spectrometry
  • ISO 9231:2008 Milk and milk products - Determination of the benzoic and sorbic acid contents
  • ISO 9231:2008|IDF 139:2008 Determination of benzoic acid and sorbic acid content in milk and milk products
  • ISO 13082:2011 Milk and milk products - Determination of the lipase activity of pregastric lipase preparation
  • ISO 14156:2001/Amd 1:2007 Milk and milk products - Extraction methods for lipids and liposoluble compounds; Amendment 1
  • ISO 11815:2007 Milk - Determination of total milk-clotting activity of bovine rennets
  • ISO/TS 26844:2006 Milk and milk products - Determination of antimicrobial residues - Tube diffusion test
  • ISO 11815:2005|IDF 157:2007 Determination of the coagulation activity of milk ruminant dry gastric membranes on dairy products
  • ISO/TS 26844:2006|IDF/RM 215:2006 In vitro diffusion test for determination of antimicrobial residues in milk and milk products
  • ISO 6732:2010 Milk and milk products - Determination of iron content - Spectrometric method (Reference method)
  • ISO 22935-2:2023 Milk and milk products — Sensory analysis — Part 2: Methods for sensory evaluation
  • ISO 6732:2010|IDF 103:2010 Determination of iron content in milk and milk products Spectrometric method (standard method)
  • ISO 27205:2010 Fermented milk products - Bacterial starter cultures - Standard of identity
  • ISO 27205:2010|IDF 149:2010 Consistency standard for bacterial starter cultures of fermented milk products
  • ISO 4214:2022|IDF 254:2022 Milk and milk products — Determination of amino acids in infant and adult/paediatric nutritional formulas and dairy products
  • ISO 4214:2022 Milk and milk products — Determination of amino acids in infant and adult/paediatric nutritional formulas and dairy products
  • ISO 15174:2002|IDF 176: 2002 Milk and milk products — Microbial coagulants — Determination of total milk-clotting activity
  • ISO 15174:2012|IDF 176:2012 Milk and milk products — Microbial coagulants — Determination of total milk-clotting activity
  • ISO 15174:2002 Milk and milk products - Microbial coagulants - Determination of total milk-clotting activity
  • ISO 15174:2002|IDF 176:2002 Microbial coagulants for milk and milk products Determination of milk total clotting activity
  • ISO 22935-2:2009 Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis - Part 2: Recommended methods for sensory evaluation
  • ISO 22935-2:2009|IDF 99-2:2009 Sensory analysis of milk and milk products Part 2: Recommended methods for sensory assessment
  • ISO 14891:2002 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Routine method using combustion according to the Dumas principle
  • ISO 22662:2007 Milk and milk products - Determination of lactose content by high-performance liquid chromatography (Reference method)
  • ISO 22662:2007|IDF 198:2007 Determination of lactose content in milk and milk products by high performance liquid chromatography (reference method)
  • ISO 14891:2002|IDF 185:2002 Determination of nitrogen content in milk and milk products using the conventional combustion method according to the Dumas principle
  • ISO 8070:2007 Milk and milk products - Determination of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium contents - Atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • ISO/TS 6733:2006 Milk and milk products - Determination of lead content - Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • ISO 11870:2009 Milk and milk products - Determination of fat content - General guidance on the use of butyrometric methods
  • ISO/TS 23758:2021 Guidelines for the validation of qualitative screening methods for the detection of residues of veterinary drugs in milk and milk products
  • ISO/TS 6733:2006|IDF/RM 133:2006 Determination of lead content in milk and dairy products - Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry
  • ISO 8070:2007|IDF 119:2007 Determination of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium content in milk and milk products by atomic absorption spectrometry
  • ISO 11870:2009|IDF 152:2009 General guidance on the use of the fat meter method for determination of fat content in milk and milk products
  • ISO 13559:2002 Butter, fermented milks and fresh cheese - Enumeration of contaminating microorganisms - Colony-count technique at 30 °C
  • ISO 13559:2002|IDF 153:2002 Enumeration of contaminating microorganisms in butter, fermented milk products and fresh cheese by colony counting method at 30°C
  • ISO 29981:2010 Milk products - Enumeration of presumptive bifidobacteria - Colony count technique at 37 °C
  • ISO 29981:2010|IDF 220:2010 Calculation of putative bifidobacteria in dairy products by colony counting method at 37°C
  • ISO 23318:2022 Milk, dried milk products and cream — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method
  • ISO 16958:2015 Milk, milk products, infant formula and adult nutritionals — Determination of fatty acids composition — Capillary gas chromatographic method
  • ISO/TS 17837:2008 Processed cheese products - Determination of nitrogen content and crude protein calculation - Kjeldahl method
  • ISO 11816-2:2003 Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Part 2: Fluorometric method of cheese
  • ISO 11816-2:2016 Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Part 2: Fluorimetric method for cheese
  • ISO 22935-1:2023 Milk and milk products — Sensory analysis — Part 1: Recruitment, selection, training and monitoring of assessors
  • ISO/TS 17837:2008|IDF/RM 25:2008 Determination of nitrogen content and calculation of crude protein content in milk and milk products Kjeldahl method
  • ISO 11816-2:2003|IDF 155-2:2003 Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity in milk and milk products Part 2: Fluorimetric method in cheese
  • ISO 17678:2010 Milk and milk products - Determination of milk fat purity by gas chromatographic analysis of triglycerides (Reference method)
  • ISO 17678:2010|IDF 202:2010 Determination of milk fat purity by gas chromatographic analysis of triglycerides in milk and milk products (Reference Method)
  • ISO 8967:2005 | IDF 134:2005 Dried milk and dried milk products — Determination of bulk density
  • ISO 3890-1:2009|IDF 75-1:2009 Milk and milk products — Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides) — Part 1: General considerations and extraction methods
  • ISO 17792:2006 Milk, milk products and mesophilic starter cultures - Enumeration of citrate-fermenting lactic acid bacteria - Colony-count technique at 25 °C
  • ISO 3890-1:2009 Milk and milk products - Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides) - Part 1: General considerations and extraction methods
  • ISO 17792:2006|IDF 180:2006 Examples of milk, milk products and fermentation culture media: 25℃ colony counting technology of fermented citrate lactic acid bacteria
  • ISO 14461-1:2005 Milk and milk products - Quality control in microbiological laboratories - Part 1: Analyst performance assessment for colony counts
  • ISO 14461-1:2005|IDF 169-1:2005 Microbiological quality control of milk and milk products in laboratories - Part 1: Performance assessment of assays for colony counting
  • ISO 8156:2005 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of insolubility index

TR-TSE, dairy products

JO-JSMO, dairy products

Association Francaise de Normalisation, dairy products

  • NF V04-032*NF ISO 23058:2006 Milk and milk products - Ovine and caprine rennets - Determination of total milk-clotting activity
  • NF V04-150*NF EN ISO 707:2009 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling
  • NF V04-150:1997 Milk and milk products. Guidance on sampling.
  • NF EN ISO 707:2009 Lait et produits laitiers - Lignes directrices pour l'échantillonnage
  • NF V04-145:1988 Milk and milk products. Sampling. Inspection by attributes.
  • NF V04-600:2001 Fresh milk products - Specification of fermented milks and yogurt.
  • NF V04-170:1981
  • NF V04-153*NF ISO 5738:2006 Milk and milk products - Determination of copper content - Photometric method (Reference method)
  • NF V04-153:1978 Milk and milk products. Determination of the copper content. Photometric method.
  • XP V04-025*XP ISO/TS 11059:2009 Milk and milk products - Method for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp.
  • NF V04-146*NF ISO 9231:2008 Milk and milk products - Determination of benzoic acid and sorbic acid contents.
  • NF V04-056*NF ISO 9622:2013 Milk and liquid milk products - Guidelines for the application of mid-infrared spectrometry
  • NF B35-356:2001 Verrerie de laboratoire - Butyromètres à lait sec et produits laitiers secs
  • NF V04-155:2003 Milk and milk products - Determination of fat content of sheep milk - Acido-butyrometric method
  • NF V04-027:2006 Milk products - Guidelines for the application of near infrared spectrometry.
  • NF V04-027*NF ISO 21543:2021 Milk and milk products - Guidelines for the application of near infrared spectrometry
  • NF V04-346*NF EN ISO 1736:2008 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method)
  • NF V04-396*NF EN ISO 14891:2003 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Routine method using combustion according to the Dumas principle.
  • NF V04-355*NF ISO 8070:2007 Milk and milk products - Determination of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium contents - Atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • NF V04-017:1991 Milk and milk products. Microbiological enumeration by colony count on petri dishes. Method for verification of automatic counters.
  • NF V04-019:1997 Milk and milk products. Enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli. Part 1 : most probable number technique.
  • NF V04-344*NF ISO 8967:2006 Dried milk and dried milk products - Détermination of bulk density
  • NF V04-344:1992 Dried milk and dried milk products. Determination of bulk density.
  • NF V04-054-1*NF EN ISO 11816-1:2013 Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Part 1 : fluorimetric method for milk and milk-based drinks
  • NF V04-054-2:2003 Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Part 2 : fluorometric method for cheese.
  • XP V04-023*XP ISO/TS 15495:2010 Milk, milk products and infant formulae - Guidelines for the quantitative determination of melamine and cyanuric acid by LC-MS/MS
  • NF V04-051:1988 Milk products and milk-based foods. Determination of fat content by the weibull-berntrop gravimetric method (reference method). Part 1 : infant foods.
  • NF V04-456*NF ISO 23970:2021 Milk, milk products and infant formula - Determination of melamine and cyanuric acid by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
  • NF V04-353*NF ISO 8156:2006 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of insolubility index
  • NF V04-353:1988 Dried milk and dried milk products. Determination of insolubility index.

British Standards Institution (BSI), dairy products

  • BS ISO 23058:2006 Milk and milk products - Ovine and caprine rennets - Determination of total milk-clotting activity
  • BS EN ISO 707:2008 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling
  • BS ISO 26323:2010 Milk products. Determination of the acidification activity of dairy cultures by continuous pH measurement (CpH)
  • BS ISO 26323:2009 Milk products - Determination of the acidification activity of dairy cultures by continuous pH measurement (CpH)
  • BS EN ISO 6785:2007 Milk and milk products. Detection of Salmonella spp.
  • BS ISO 22186:2020 Milk and milk products. Determination of nitrofurazone
  • BS 3441:1995 Specification for tanks for the transport of milk and liquid milk products
  • BS ISO 3889:2006 Milk and milk products. Specification of Mojonnier-type fat extraction flasks
  • BS DD ISO/TS 11059:2010 Milk and milk products - Method for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp
  • 19/30358625 DC BS ISO 22186. Milk and milk products. Determination of nitrofurazone
  • PD ISO/TS 22113:2012 Milk and milk products. Determination of the titratable acidity of milk fat
  • DD ISO/TS 11059:2009 Milk and milk products. Method for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp.
  • BS DD ISO/TS 27105:2010 Milk and milk products - Determination of hen's egg white lysozyme by HPLC
  • BS ISO 21543:2020 Milk and milk products. Guidelines for the application of near infrared spectrometry
  • BS ISO 9231:2008 Milk and milk products - Determination of the benzoic and sorbic acid contents
  • BS DD ISO/TS 26844:2006 Milk and milk products - Determination of antimicrobial residues - Tube diffusion test
  • BS 7037-2:1989 Sampling plans for milk and milk products. Inspection by variables
  • BS ISO 22935-2:2010 Milk and milk products. Sensory analysis. Recommended methods for sensory evaluation
  • BS ISO 22935-2:2009 Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis - Recommended methods for sensory evaluation
  • DD ISO/TS 26844:2006 Milk and milk products. Determination of antimicrobial residues. Tube diffusion test
  • 22/30449666 DC BS EN ISO 4214. Milk and milk products. Determination of amino acids in infant formula and other dairy products
  • 20/30394058 DC BS ISO 21543. Milk and milk products. Guidelines for the application of near infrared spectrometry
  • BS ISO 22935-2:2023 Tracked Changes. Milk and milk products. Sensory analysis. Methods for sensory evaluation
  • BS ISO 13082:2011 Milk and milk products. Determination of the lipase activity of pregastric lipase preparation
  • BS ISO 14156:2001+A1:2007 Milk and milk products - Extraction methods for lipids and liposoluble compounds
  • DD ISO/TS 27105:2009 Milk and milk products. Determination of hen's egg white lysozyme by HPLC
  • BS ISO 23291:2020 Milk and milk products. Guidelines for the application of in-line and on-line infrared spectrometry
  • 19/30379298 DC BS ISO 23291. Milk and milk products. Guidelines for the application of in-line infrared spectrometry
  • BS EN ISO 13969:2004 Milk and milk products - Guidelines for a standardized description of microbial inhibitor tests
  • BS ISO 27205:2010 Fermented milk products - Bacterial starter cultures - Standard of identity
  • BS ISO 22662:2007 Milk and milk products. Determination of lactose content by high-performance liquid chromatography (Reference method)
  • DD ISO/TS 17837:2008 Milk and milk products. Determination of nitrogen content and crude protein calculation. Kjeldahl method
  • DD ISO/TS 6733:2006 Milk and milk products. Determination of lead content. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • PD ISO/TS 4985:2023 Milk and milk products. Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity. Fluorimetric microplate method
  • BS ISO 21422:2018 Milk, milk products, infant formula and adult nutritionals. Determination of chloride. Potentiometric titration method
  • BS 696-2:1989 Determination of fat content of milk and milk products (Gerber method) - Methods
  • BS PD CEN ISO/TS 23758:2021 Guidelines for the validation of qualitative screening methods for the detection of residues of veterinary drugs in milk and milk products
  • BS DD ISO/TS 6733:2006 Milk and milk products - Determination of lead content - Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • BS EN ISO 11816-1:2013 Milk and milk products. Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity. Fluorimetric method for milk and milk-based drinks
  • BS EN ISO 11816-1:2006 Milk and milk products. Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Fluorimetric method for milk and milk-based drinks
  • BS EN ISO 11816-2:2016 Tracked Changes. Milk and milk products. Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity. Fluorimetric method for cheese
  • BS ISO 29981:2010 Milk products - Enumeration of presumptive bifidobacteria - Colony count technique at 37 °C
  • BS 1743:1968 Methods for analysis of dried milk and dried milk products
  • BS 696-1:1989 Determination of fat content of milk and milk products (Gerber method) - Specification for apparatus
  • BS ISO 8070:2007 Milk and milk products - Determination of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium contents - Atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • 23/30457690 DC BS EN ISO 22662. Milk and milk products. Determination of lactose content by high-performance liquid chromatography (Reference method)
  • BS ISO 23318:2022 Milk, dried milk products and cream. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method
  • DD ISO/TS 15495:2010 Milk, milk products and infant formulae. Guidelines for the quantitative determination of melamine and cyanuric acid by LC-MS/MS
  • BS ISO 4214:2022 Milk and milk products. Determination of amino acids in infant and adult/paediatric nutritional formulas and dairy products
  • BS ISO 23065:2009 Milk fat from enriched dairy products - Determination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid content by gas-liquid chromatography
  • BS ISO 8262-3:2005 Milk products and milk-based foods. Determination of fat content by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method (Reference method) - Special cases
  • BS ISO 19344:2015 Milk and milk products. Starter cultures, probiotics and fermented products. Quantification of lactic acid bacteria by flow cytometry
  • BS ISO 14461-1:2005 Milk and milk products - Quality control in microbiological laboratories - Analyst performance assessment for colony counts
  • BS ISO 8262-1:2005 Milk products and milk-based foods. Determination of fat content by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method (reference method) - Infant foods
  • BS EN ISO 17678:2019 Tracked Changes. Milk and milk products. Determination of milk fat purity by gas chromatographic analysis of triglycerides
  • 22/30451111 DC BS EN ISO 22935-2. Milk and milk products. Sensory analysis. Part 2. Recommended methods for sensory evaluation
  • BS EN ISO 16958:2020 Milk, milk products, infant formula and adult nutritionals. Determination of fatty acids composition. Capillary gas chromatographic method
  • BS ISO 22935-1:2010 Milk and milk products. Sensory analysis. General guidance for the recruitment, selection, training and monitoring of assessors
  • BS ISO 22935-1:2009 Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis - General guidance for the recruitment, selection, training and monitoring of assessors
  • 19/30358622 DC BS EN ISO 22184. Milk and milk products. Determination of the sugar contents. High performance anion exchange chromatographic method (HPAEC-PAD)
  • BS ISO 8967:2006 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of bulk density
  • BS ISO 8967:2005 Dried milk and dried milk products. Determination of bulk density
  • 22/30464203 DC BS EN ISO 11816-2. Milk and milk products. Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Part 2. Fluorimetric method for cheese
  • BS ISO 11866-2:2005 Milk and milk products. Enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli - Colony-count technique at 44°C using membranes
  • 21/30376372 DC BS ISO 23318. Milk, dried milk products and cream. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method
  • BS ISO 8262-2:2005 Milk products and milk-based foods. Determination of fat content by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method (reference method) - Edible ices and ice-mixes
  • BS ISO 22935-3:2010 Milk and milk products. Sensory analysis. Guidance on a method for evaluation of compliance with product specifications for sensory properties by scoring
  • BS ISO 22935-3:2009 Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis - Guidance on a method for evaluation of compliance with product specifications for sensory properties by scoring
  • BS ISO 23970:2021 Milk, milk products and infant formula. Determination of melamine and cyanuric acid by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
  • BS ISO 8156:2006 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of insolubility index

IN-BIS, dairy products

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), dairy products

  • EN ISO 707:1997 Milk and Milk Products - Guidance on Sampling ISO 707: 1997
  • EN ISO 707:2008 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling (ISO 707:2008)
  • EN ISO 6785:2007 Milk and milk products - Detection of Salmonella spp. (ISO 6785:2001)
  • EN 14891:2012 Liquid-applied water impermeable products for use beneath ceramic tiling bonded with adhesives - Requirements, test methods, evaluation of conformity, classification and designation (Incorporating Corrigendum November 2012)
  • EN ISO 8381:2008 Milk-based infant foods - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method) (ISO 8381:2008)
  • EN ISO 11816-2:2016 Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Part 2: Fluorimetric method for cheese
  • EN ISO 16958:2020 Milk, milk products, infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of fatty acids composition - Capillary gas chromatographic method (ISO 16958:2015)
  • EN ISO 17678:2010 Milk and milk products - Determination of milk fat purity by gas chromatographic analysis of triglycerides (Reference method) (ISO 17678:2010)

German Institute for Standardization, dairy products

  • DIN EN ISO 707:2009 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling (ISO 707:2008); German version EN ISO 707:2008
  • DIN EN ISO 707:2009-01 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling (ISO 707:2008); German version EN ISO 707:2008
  • DIN 10486:2017 Milk and milk products - Determination of lactose content of lactose-reduced milk and milk products in the presence of glucose - Enzymatic method
  • DIN EN ISO 6785:2007 Milk and milk products - Detection of Salmonella spp. (ISO 6785:2001); English version of DIN EN ISO 6785:2007-09
  • DIN 11489:1988 Dairy installations; level of automation
  • DIN 11482:1987 Dairy machinery; storage tanks for milk and liquid dairy products
  • DIN 10468:1995 Determination of the phosphatide value of milk and milk products
  • DIN 10457:1988 Apparatus for dairy analysis; sample bottles of plastic for milk
  • DIN 10325:2010 Milk and milk products - Determination of the citric acid content - Enzymatic method
  • DIN ISO 9622:2017 Milk and liquid milk products - Guidelines for the application of mid-infrared spectrometry (ISO 9622:2013)
  • DIN EN ISO 14891:2002 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content - Routine method using combustion according to the Dumas principle (ISO 14891:2002); German version EN ISO 14891:2002
  • DIN ISO 9622:2017-04 Milk and liquid milk products - Guidelines for the application of mid-infrared spectrometry (ISO 9622:2013)
  • DIN 10469:1995-11 Detection of the animal species in milk and milk products with isoelectrical focusing
  • DIN EN ISO 13969:2004 Milk and milk products - Guidelines for a standardized description of microbial inhibitor tests (ISO 13969:2003); German version EN ISO 13969:2004
  • DIN 10342:1992 Determination of fat content of milk and milk products by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method
  • DIN 10316:2000-08 Acidity test of milk and liquid milk products according to Soxhlet-Henkel
  • DIN 10466:2001 Determination of whey protein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Polarographic method
  • DIN 10326:2007 Milk products and ice cream - Determination of sucrose and glucose content - Enzymatic method
  • DIN 10479-2:2001 Butyrometric determination of fat content of milk and milk products - Part 2: Requirements specific to products
  • DIN ISO 22935-2:2012 Milk and milk products - Sensory analysis - Part 2: Recommended methods for sensory evaluation (ISO 22935-2:2009)
  • DIN 10476:2001 Determination of nitrite and nitrate content of milk products - Enzymatic method (color test)
  • DIN 10326:1986 Determination of sucrose and glucose content in milk products and ice cream; enzymatic method
  • DIN ISO 21422:2020 Milk, milk products, infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of chloride - Potentiometric titration method (ISO 21422:2018); Text in German and English

International Dairy Federation (IDF), dairy products

  • IDF 50-2008 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling
  • IDF 93-2001 Milk and milk products - Detection of Salmonella spp.
  • IDF/RM 210-2006 Milk and milk products - Detection of Enterobacter sakazakii
  • IDF/RM 225-2009 Milk and milk products - Method for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp.
  • IDF 139-2008 Milk and milk products - Determination of the benzoic and sorbic acid contents
  • IDF 198-2007 Milk and milk products -- Determination of lactose content by high-performance liquid chromatography (Reference method)
  • IDF/RM 216-2009 Milk and milk products - Determination of hen's egg white lysozyme by HPLC
  • IDF/RM 215-2006 Milk and milk products. Determination of antimicrobial residues.Tube diffusion test
  • IDF 119-2007 Milk and milk products -- Determination of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium contents -- Atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • IDF/RM 25-2008 Milk and milk products - Determination of nitrogen content and crude protein calculation - Kjeldahl method
  • IDF 199-2006 Milk and milk products.Ovine and caprine rennets. determination of total milk-clotting activity
  • IDF/RM 133-2006 Milk and milk products. Determination of lead content. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • IDF 60-2001 Milk and milk-based products - Detection of coagulase-positive staphylococci - Most probable number technique
  • IDF 209-2007 Milk and milk-based drinks -- Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity -- Enzymatic photo-activated system (EPAS) method
  • IDF 152-2009 Milk and milk products - Determination of fat content - General guidance on the use of butyrometric methods
  • IDF 83-2006 Milk and milk-based products - Detection of thermonuclease produced by coagulase-positive staphylococci
  • IDF 134-2005 Dried milk and dried milk products - Determination of bulk density
  • IDF 75-1-2009 Milk and milk products - Determination of residues of organochlorine compounds (pesticides) - Part 1: General considerations and extraction methods

Danish Standards Foundation, dairy products

BELST, dairy products

  • STB 2206-2017 The sour-milk products. General specification
  • STB 1051-2012 Radiation control. Sampling of milk and milk products. General requirements

KR-KS, dairy products

  • KS H ISO 707-2021 Milk and milk products — Guidance on sampling
  • KS H ISO 1736-2018 Dried milk and dried milk products — Determination of fat content — Gravimetric method(Reference method)
  • KS H ISO 8070-2018 Milk and milk products — Determination of calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium contents — Atomic absorption spectrometric method
  • KS H ISO 8967-2021 Dried milk and dried milk products — Determination of bulk density
  • KS H ISO 8156-2021 Dried milk and dried milk products — Determination of insolubility index

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, dairy products

  • T/XLTDA 002-2021 Mongolian traditional milk products Dairy snack
  • T/AFFI 017-2021 Milk date products
  • T/TDSTIA 001-2021 Determination of lactoperoxidase in milk and milk products
  • T/TDSTIA 006-2019 Determination of lactoferrin in milk and milk products by liquid chromatography
  • T/XLTDA 001-2021 Mongolian traditional milk products Mongolia Butter
  • T/XLTDA 001-2023 Mongolian traditional milk products Mongolia Butter
  • T/TDSTIA 007-2019 Determination of β-lactoglobulin in milk and milk products by liquid chromatography
  • T/TDSTIA 002-2021 Determination of α-lactalbumin in milk and milk products by high performance liquid chromatography
  • T/TDSTIA 003-2021 High performance liquid chromatography for the determination of immunoglobulin IgG in milk and milk products

Inner Mongolia Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, dairy products

  • DB15/T 1983-2020 Mongolian Traditional Dairy Terms
  • DB15/T 1990-2020 Specifications for the production process of Mongolian traditional dairy product Cege (sour kumiss)
  • DB15/T 1984-2020 Specifications for the production process of Mongolian traditional dairy product Haorude (milk tofu)
  • DB15/T 1989-2020 Specifications for the production process of Mongolian traditional dairy product Wurumu (naipizi)
  • DB15/T 1986-2020 Specifications for the production process of Chula, a Mongolian traditional dairy product
  • DB15/T 1988-2020 Specifications for the production process of traditional Mongolian dairy products
  • DB15/T 1985-2020 Specifications for the production process of Mongolian traditional dairy product Bixirag
  • DB15/T 1987-2020 Specifications for the production process of Alqinhao Rude (yogurt egg), a traditional Mongolian dairy product

SG-SPRING SG, dairy products

  • TR 2-2000 COLD CHAIN MANAGEMENT Milk and dairy products

IX-FAO, dairy products

AENOR, dairy products

  • UNE-EN ISO 707:2009 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling (ISO 707:2008)
  • UNE-EN ISO 13969:2005 Milk and milk products. Guidelines for a standardized description of microbial inhibitor tests (ISO 13969:2003)

IL-SII, dairy products


Lithuanian Standards Office , dairy products

  • LST EN ISO 707:2008 Milk and milk products - Guidance on sampling (ISO 707:2008)
  • LST ISO 8197:1997 Milk and milk products. Sampling. Inspection by variables
  • LST ISO 5538:2004 Milk and milk products. Sampling. Inspection by attributes (idt ISO 5538:2004)
  • LST EN ISO 6785:2007 Milk and milk products - Detection of Salmonella spp. (ISO 6785:2001)
  • LST ISO 5738:2004 Milk and milk products. Determination of copper content. Photometric method (Reference method) (idt ISO 5738:2004)
  • LST EN ISO 13969:2005 Milk and milk products - Guidelines for a standardized description of microbial inhibitor tests (ISO 13969:2003)
  • LST ISO 15174:2005 Milk and milk products. Microbial coagulants. Determination of total milk-clotting activity (idt ISO 15174:2002)

GOSTR, dairy products

  • GOST ISO/TS 22964-2013 Milk and milk products. Detection of Enterobacter sakazakii
  • GOST 9225-1984 Milk and milk products. Methods of microbiological analysis
  • GOST 34536-2019 Milk and milk products. Determination of mass fraction of whey proteins by Kjeldahl method
  • GOST R 58340-2019 Milk and milk products. Method of sampling from trade and delivery of samples to the laboratory
  • GOST ISO 17678-2015 Milk and milk products. Determination of milk fat purity by gas chromatographic analysis of triglycerides (reference method)
  • GOST ISO 16958-2018 Milk, milk products, infant formula and adult nutritionals. Determination of fatty acids composition. Capillary gas chromatographic method
  • GOST R 54760-2011 Мilk products and infant milk products. Method for determination of mass concentration of mono- and disugar using high performance liquid chromatography

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), dairy products

  • AS 1162:2000 Cleaning and sanitizing dairy factory equipment
  • AS 2148:2004 Milk and liquid milk products - Density hyrometers for use in products with a surface tension of approximately 45 mN/m
  • AS 2300.9:1990 Methods of chemical and physical testing for the dairying industry - Analysis of ice-cream and frozen milk products

ES-AENOR, dairy products

VE-FONDONORMA, dairy products

BE-NBN, dairy products

  • NBN V 21-016-1989 Milk products - Enumeration of coliforms - Most probable number technique
  • NBN V 21-017-1978 ?Milk and milk products - Determination of the organochlorine pecticide re-sidues content

IX-EU/EC, dairy products

  • NO 167/2003-2003 COMMISSION REGULATION fixing the export refunds on milk and milk products
  • EEC/735/79-1979 Commission Regulation Fixing the Import Levies on Milk and Milk Products
  • (EC) NO 1312/97-1997 Commission Regulation Amending Regulation (EC) No 3582/93 on Detailed Rules for the Application of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2073/92 on Promoting Consumption in the Community and Expanding the Markets for Milk and Milk Products

KE-KEBS, dairy products


ZA-SANS, dairy products

  • SANS 479:2006 Milk and milk products - Determination of copper content - Photometric method (Reference method)
  • SANS 11870:2005 Milk and milk products - Determination of fat content - General guidance on the use of butyrometric methods

US-3-A, dairy products

  • 3-A 32-03-2013 3-A Sanitary Standards for Uninsulated Tanks for Milk and Milk Products, Number 32-03

US-FCR, dairy products

AT-ON, dairy products

  • ONORM DIN 10312-2-1992 Gravimetric method for the determination of fat content of milk and milk products - Method for cream
  • ONORM N 2503-1994 Microbiological analysis of milk and milk products - Enumeration of yeasts and moulds
  • ONORM DIN 10312-1-1992 Gravimetrie method for the determination of fat content of milk and milk produets - Method for milk
  • ONORM DIN 10312-3-1994 Gravimetric method for the determination of fat content of milk and milk products. Method for edible ices
  • ONORM N 2502-1994 Microbiological analysis of milk and milk products - Enumeration of colrforms (Colony count technique at 30 °C)
  • ONORM DIN 10335-1992 Determination of L- and D-Iactic acid (L- and D-Iactate) content of milk and milk products - Enzymatic method
  • ONORM DIN 10342-1994 Determination of fat content of milk and milk products by the Weibull-Berntrop gravimetric method

CEN - European Committee for Standardization, dairy products

  • EN ISO 11816-2:2003 Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Part 2: Fluorometric method for cheese
  • EN ISO 8968-1:2001 Milk - Determination of Nitrogen Content - Part 1: Kjeldahl Method
  • EN ISO 17678:2019 Milk and milk products - Determination of milk fat purity by gas chromatographic analysis of triglycerides

ES-UNE, dairy products

  • UNE-EN ISO 16958:2021 Milk, milk products, infant formula and adult nutritionals - Determination of fatty acids composition - Capillary gas chromatographic method (ISO 16958:2015)

VN-TCVN, dairy products

  • TCVN 6842-2007 Dried milk and dried milk products.Determination of bulk density
  • TCVN 6511-2007 Dried milk and dried milk products.Determination of insolubility index

未注明发布机构, dairy products

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